Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 20 1902/2002
Great Bend - The Chapot Chamois factory has been closed by the creditors. After settlement it is thought that the stockholders will realize 50 cents on the dollar on their stock. It is said that the business has not been carried on entirely to the satisfaction of the stockholder. The Chabots will probably resign as manager and secretary of the firm. A well known politician of Great Bend is reported to have said that he would give $30,000 to start the factory, providing that he was sure that the money would be applied to that purpose. The factory puts out a very high grade of chamois skin, and as there are few competitors in the field, there is not reason why it should not be a paying industry.
Montrose - Thimble Tea, given by the Epworth League at the home of Hon. D. C. Titman, next Tuesday afternoon, commencing at 4 P.M. Gentleman unable to manipulate thimbles are invited to supper at 6 o'clock. Adm. 15 cents. AND The special exercises in commemoration of Lincoln's and Washington's Birthdays will be held at G.A.R. Hall, Saturday, Feb. 22. All veterans and Sons of Veterans are requested to bring something for the mess chest and to report promptly for the enjoyment of the occasion, inviting their families and lady friends to accompany them.
Hallstead - A man came to this place the first of the week and attempted to bribe Rev. M. J. Watkins and had an experience that he will remember for some time. The reverend gentleman is little, but Oh, my! The man approached Mr. Watkins with the proposition to present him with $75 if he would fix it so that he could get possession of the slot machines. The man soon found that he had tackled the wrong man for the reverend gentleman went for him hammer and tongs, and by the time he had finished the lecture the fellow felt like thirty cents. The man evidently did not care to receive another such lecture, as he did not call on the other minister, but shook the dust of Hallstead from his feet and left for parts unknown. The popular theory is that the man was either acting on his own responsibility or acting as agent for outside parties. The slot machines that were seized are owned by parties residing out of town.
Harford - Mrs. Luther Burdick had a rag bee last Saturday, when twelve ladies and one gentleman sewed 45 pounds of rags.
Dundaff - Mr. Trollis, of Carbondale, the noted fisherman, was trying his luck on the ise at Crystal Lake last week and while doing so he pulled out two lake trout; one weighing 8 pounds, the other 7 1/2 pounds. These two fish are the largest ever caught in this lake. Mr. Trollis is a man of his word and never tells fish stories, so we can vouch that the above is absolutely true.
Susquehanna - What was formerly Masonic Hall, on Church Hill, is being remodeled, to be used, hereafter, as dwelling rooms AND Mrs. L. F. Bailey, of Staten Island, a National Organizer of the W.C.T.U., will speak in the Baptist Church on Thursday and Friday evening. Subject: "Home or Saloon?"
Brooklyn - Edwin A. Weston died at his home in Brooklyn, on February 11, 1902, age 76 years. With the exception of two years of his life, Mr. Weston lived on the old Homestead where he was born and which he had helped clear. A history of the township of Brooklyn with its early settlers and present inhabitants, testifies to the careful and painstaking work of several of his later years. [Reprints of E. A. Weston's A History of Brooklyn, Penna., can be purchased from the Brooklyn Historical Society.]
Thompson - The Erie Railroad Co. have commenced filling the trestle in Aldrich District, one mile from Thompson. AND Thompson is to be congratulated on the efficient work of their temperance workers. May the good work go on and reach the nearby towns.
Silver Lake - We advise a friend of ours to take a bobsleigh instead of a cutter in case there would be deep snow on the crossroad. Better be on the safe side, Tim!
Lawsville Centre - A. G. Southworth has a cow that is averaging 40 lbs. of milk per day - very good for cold weather.
Fairdale - There will be a New England supper and Japanese wedding at Fairdale M.E. church on Friday evening, Feb 21. Wedding 10 cents; supper 15 cents. Two quilts will also be sold. Proceeds to apply on quaterage. Everybody cordially invited to attend.
Bridgewater Twp - On Saturday night a horse ran away on the hill this side of the Poor Farm, throwing the two occupants of the sleigh (a man and his wife) into the snowdrifts. The man started in pusuit of the horse, which he soon captured, repaired the injured sleigh and again started. All went well until they wre nearly opposite the poor asylum, when the horse began to use his heels with telling force upon the cutter and soon had it past usefulness. The couple had to be driven to their destination, a short distance below South Montrose, by a nearby Good Samaritan. Upon their inquiry it was found that they reside in Binghamton, the death of the woman's sister having caused them to hurridly start on this unpleasant journey. The names of the unfortunate parties could not be ascertained.
Lathrop - Two sleigh loads from Glenwood Switch were pleasantly entertained at John Wilbur's on Saturday evening.
News Brief - A certain section of Scranton has been terrorized by a "hugger," during the past few weeks. The man grasps the women around the waist and gives them a squeeze. No further violence has been offered. The police think the fellow is crazy. Crazy or not, the police should be able to catch him. AND The following persons have announced themselves as candidates for Commissioner and will appear before the Republican County Nominating Convention: L. T. Birchard, Birchardville; J. T. Bennett, Lenox; Andrew Carter, Auburn. AND The woeful ditty of Jack and Jill, whom Mother Goose, as we all recollect, left at the bottom of a declivity, with at least one broken head between them, is now supplemented with one more cheerful: Jack and Jill now climb the hill, Not as in days of old; But on a tandem, front and rear, Up hill and down they safely steer. Through meadows, wood and dell they glide. And by the millpond quickly slide. And now they're happy as can be, For they are up to date you see.
Compiled By: Betty Smith