Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 20 1902/2002
Bridgewater Twp. - What promises to be a very interesting occasion, will be the flag raising at the Capp school near Williams' Pond, on Friday, March 7, under the direction of the school's popular and efficient instructor, Miss Nora VanScoten, daughter of Justice and Mrs. M. H. VanScoten.
Oakland - Frank Reese, a 12 year-old lad, of the Oakland Side, Susquehanna, was run over Wednesday afternoon by a switch engine in the Susquehanna yard of the Erie railroad, and instantly killed. His head was severed from his body. AND In Susquehanna, the Common Council has given the Board of Health authority to secure a pest house for use if there should be a case of smallpox.
Montrose - Capt. H. F. Beardsley Camp, Sons of Veterans [Civil War] commemorated the anniversaries of Washington and Lincoln at the G.A.R. Hall on Saturday evening, Feb. 22. A cordial invitation to comrades of Four Brothers Post was accepted by a goodly number. After a bountiful repast, Comrades Halsey and Lott responded to the call to say something about Lincoln, and Comrade C. N. Warner followed with a soul stirring recitation from the London "Punch" on Lincoln. C. W. Brodhead read a paper on Washington, and Comrade F. I. Lott spoke upon the same theme. The beautiful Post flag was waved by Comrade Lott and most heartily cheered. Comrades H. F. Beardsley, R. S. Searle and M. H. VanScoten had each something to say bout Lincoln and Commander Dennis is entitled to much credit for the pleasure and profit connected with this celebration.
Lanesboro - The house occupied by a family named Crandall, near the Germantown Crossing, in Lanesboro, has been quarantined on account of the presence there of a woman named Lena Clark, who had been exposed to smallpox in a house in Conklin Forks, near Binghamton. The health board's physician, Dr. Miller, examined the woman, who says she went from Conklin Forks to Binghamton and reported to the city poor authorities that she had been exposed and they told her she had better go to her relatives. She then left for Lanesboro. She carried with her an addressed envelope directed to the officers in Binghamton, in which she was to enclose a letter notifying them where she landed. The house is guarded and all the occupants have been vaccinated.
Brooklyn - At a recent meeting of the Telephone Association, Limited, of Brooklyn, L. S. Ely, George H. Terry and C. F. Watrous were elected committee to construct the line to Montrose. They have bought poles and are arranging to erect and equip it as soon as possible. The Association, which is composed of ten citizens of Brooklyn, was organized but a short time ago for the purpose of building this line. The people of Brooklyn and along the route have greatly encouraged the project by subscribing for phones.
Franklin Forks - The congregation of the Methodist church were startled about midway in the sermon on Sunday morning, the 6th, by the alarm being given that Nelson Green's house was on fire. The pastor at once dismissed the congregation and pastor and people at once hastened to the burning building, but too late to save it, and it was soon a heap of coals and ashes. They [Green family]lost about all their goods in the upper story but saved most of the furniture on the ground floor, except the cook stove and nothing from the cellar. Their friends and neighbors showed sympathy by works and helping them to get started again. They moved in John Harsh's house, which had just been vacated.
Thompson - The Erie Railroad Co. has commenced filling the trestle in Aldrich District, one mile from Thompson. AND L. M. Gillett has opened a feed store in the Tallman building.
Springville - The remains of Halton Stone were brought up on the train Feburary 12, for interment in Newton cemetery, making ten children that Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stone, of Stull, have laid to rest in the old family burying ground of the Newtons: two brothers and one sister are left to mourn his loss. Deceased was about 26 years old and died in Kansas City, Missouri. AND The "Dewey" St. Bernard dog has put in his appearance again. It was thought by many he had been killed at the time of the smallpox scare in Tunkhannock. He is a fine dog and a knowing dog, and his master, Ward B. Dewey, would be sorry to lose him. It is quite evident that he was coaxed away by some person.
Hallstead - Chas. M. Kistler, of Brandt, is agitating the question of establishing a national bank at this place.
Lenox - The heaviest snowfall in many years came to us Friday and Saturday. The wind, for once, was conspicuous by its absence, but even so, a good many of our highways had to be shoveled and some are still impassable.
Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - The month of February, 1902, will long be remembered. Blizzards Nos. 1, 2 & 3 blocked the road from all points of the compass.
Forest Lake - Miss Amy Seiber lost a valuable cow last week.
News Briefs: The Anti-Saloon League, headed by the Rev. J. J. Fletcher, has won a big victory in the fight against the saloons in Pittston and Luzerne boroughs. The Court, Monday morning, refused 23 of the 25 places in Pittston against which objections were made, and 15 of the 20 opposed in Luzerne borough. In Luzerne county 82 retail applicants and 12 wholesale applicants have been refused licenses. AND Owing to the heavy fall of snow we have had this winter, warnings have been given by the weather bureaus throughout the country to the people on the low lying lands to be in readiness for a thaw and consequently a most disastrous flood. Weatherman Clarke, of the Scranton Weather Bureau, has sent out over 800 postal cards throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania giving warning of a flood and notifying train dispatchers of all the railroads to look out for washouts. AND An exchange says that a gang of swindlers have been operating in Susquehanna and Wayne counties. Approaching a farmer, they appointed him agent for a patent hayfork and agree to give him a fork if he will show it to his neighbors and devote one day of the month in taking orders. The farmer signs a contract, agreeing to the above. When the contract is cut in two, the signature end is a judgment note, which the farmer is forced to pay at a bank. Scores of farmers have been forced to pay from $75 to $450 each.
Compiled By: Betty Smith