Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 19 1915/2015
Harford – On Wednesday afternoon Representative E. E. Jones, of Harford, Representative Gibson, of Lycoming and “Farmer” Creasy, conferred with Gov. Brumbaugh on road construction and maintenance. The governor is very much interested in improving Pennsylvania’s highways and is in frequent conferences with the well informed men of the State on this subject. Mr. Jones, by the way, has introduced a bill authorizing county commissioners to appropriate $1000 to organize associations for the promotion of agriculture. He has also introduced a bill asking the State to take over the road from Laceyville to Skinner’s Eddy to Elk Lake to South Montrose and from Susquehanna to New Milford, making them State highways. ALSO A sleigh load of young folks, of this place, consisting of the senior class and their friends, spent a very enjoyable evening at the Aqua Inn, in Kingsley, last Friday night.
South Ararat – The farmers are busy putting up their supply of ice. It is being cut from Fiddle Lake.
Uniondale – C. M. Buckingham has been writing articles on cheese making for a New York journal, the past year. Out of thirteen prizes he has won 11 firsts, 1 second and 1 third. The contest was open to all cheese-makers in the United States. Mr. B. feels proud of pulling in a good bunch of cash. ALSO The Presbyterian church will have gas lights installed in the church in the near future.
Flynn – James Conboy is about to trade his motorcycle for an automobile.
Elk Lake – Mrs. Katie Lathrop Gorr, whose girlhood home was here, was visiting relatives in the county with her husband recently. They came from their home in Des Moines, Iowa, to attend the funeral of Mr. Gorr’s mother, whose death occurred recently in New Milford.
Brooklyn – B. A. Oakley has the agency for the popular Saxon automobile, his territory being the southern half of Susquehanna County. Mr. Oakley has just completed a spacious, up-to-date garage, at Brooklyn. He will have Saxon cars in stock and will also be prepared for auto repairing.
Montrose – Susquehanna county people who visit the Panama-Pacific exposition at San Francisco will have a most commendable feeling of pride in inspecting the exhibit in “Block 42” as it contains seven sawing machines made by the Beach Manufacturing Co., of this place, which represents the acme in mechanical construction and finish. Mr. McKeage is to be warmly commended for his efforts to make an imposing display, at such a great distance. “Made in Montrose!” Sounds euphonious, eh?
Lynn – Blue Birds were seen on our streets, Monday, as a gentle reminder that spring is drawing near. We are glad to welcome them.
Jackson - The Lake View graded school held a valentine social at the Baptist parsonage Friday evening. ALSO In the township, a dwelling house on the Gibson stage road, built in 1813, is in a good state of preservation and is still occupied by a farmer and his family.
Birchardville – The young people of this place will give a drama in three acts, “Mr. Tompkin’s Hired Man,” also songs and recitations at the Grange Hall on Friday evening, Feb. 26. Everybody come. Admission 20 cents for adults and 10 cents for children.
Auburn Four Corners – M. L. Lake and P. M. Harris have the gas lights in their homes and they are fine.
Dundaff – Will Sprague was severely shaken up and received several deep gashes on the face, when his wagon was struck by a passing auto. The horse broke loose and speeded for home, while Mr. Stipp, the owner of the auto, hurried with Mr. Sprague to Emergency Hospital, where his wounds were dressed, afterward bringing him to his home. The accident occurred on the Fall Brook road, and during the severe storm on the evening of Feb. 1st. ALSO Dundaff hotel, which has no license this year, is not a hotel now but a private residence.
Susquehanna – Joseph A. Kent, proprietor of the Central house, has opened an up-to-date restaurant.
Forest City – Word has been received that President Wilson nominated Thomas P. McCormick as postmaster here. Mr. McCormick has been in the mercantile business for a number of years, is a director in the First National Bank, as well as a member of the school board.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – George Brands opened his school on Wednesday, having closed it for a few weeks on account of whooping cough.
Hop Bottom – A large sleigh load of visitors from Brooklyn attended the Ladies’ Aid dinner at the Universalist church, last Wednesday, considerably augmenting the receipts.
Springville – What might have been a fatal accident occurred at about 6 p.m. Friday. Earl Sherman, who had some work done at Gesford’s blacksmith shop, started for home, when the sled took the ditch owing to the ice and the speed at which the team was started, striking the bridge and throwing Dan Cokely and Lawrence Palmer out. By having the lines to help him, Sherman was saved from any injury, but Cokely was thrown head foremost in the creek and sustained a badly lacerated scalp, besides other bruises. He was assisted to Lee Bros. store and Dr. Lathrop was called and dressed his wounds, after which he was taken to his home. That he escaped instant death is almost a miracle. He will soon be at work again.
Fairdale – Seventy-eight loads of ice are securely packed for the Fairdale creamery.
Rush – Bruce Barnes, of this place, son of the late Deputy Register Nelson Barnes, has been visiting friends here this week. The young man intends to soon enter the Odd Fellows Orphanage near Sunbury, Pa.
Hopbottom – Some of our readers might like to know that the oldest house in town was built by Orson Case before the D.L.&W. Railroad was [built] in 1851. [Orson Case was the first permanent settler in Hop Bottom. Until the building of the railroad Hopbottom and the surrounding area was a comparative wilderness].
Compiled By: Betty Smith