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February 17 1905/2005

Forest City - The temporary structure of St. Stanislaus' church was burned to the ground early Saturday morning. About a month ago the members of the church contributed a bell and organ and other additions were completed and they were beginning to feel a sense of contentment while awaiting the erection of their new structure, which is to be started about the middle of April. The new church is to be built of brick and stone and in size will be 105x52 ft. The loss is placed at $1,500 with an insurance of $800.

Clifford - It is strange, but true, nevertheless, that at the present time we only have in Clifford three single young men, says a writer from that place. Is it any wonder that our young ladies look elsewhere for husbands? AND Last week, several of our nearby farmers were busy filling a car at Carbondale with apples. They had to draw them from 8 to 10 miles through the snow and blizzard, with the thermometer near zero. W. H. Hasbrouck broke down in a snow drift with a load and T. S. Morgan went to his assistance with his horses and sleigh and took his load through, leaving Royal after 3 p.m. He had the load of apples at the car in Carbondale before 6 p.m. Tommy is a hustler.

Springville - S. O. Culver is selling nursery stock for the Stark Bros. N. & O. Co., and is offering four and five-foot apple trees for 13 cents each, and the other fruits at half the usual prices of other nurserymen.

Kingsley - Mercury registered the lowest here on Tuesday morning--20 degrees below zero.

Uniondale - The Carpenter Bros, Edwin and George, are prospecting for coal on the mountains east of our borough. They have their steam drill in operation and hope to find a good paying vein sooner or later. This is on the tract of land controlled by Judge G. S. Purdy and others of Honesdale. Should coal be found on this tract our town would be "right in it," so to speak. There is not much doubt that it exists somewhere in the strata of this mountain. AND J. J. Walker, of Tirzah, and Miss Pearl M. Wells, of Elkdale, were united in marriage on Wed., Feb. 9, 1905, at the M. E. parsonage, Uniondale, by Rev. W. E. Davis.

Silver Lake - Mr. Foster, the stage driver, is the only one who makes out to get through drifts in all kinds of weather. He has missed only one trip this winter.

Brooklyn - The Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church has made arrangements for a concert to be given on the evening of Washington's birthday, Feb. 22. The program will be rendered entirely by Welsh singers, members of the famous choir which won the $5,000 prize at St. Louis. We congratulate the people of Brooklyn and surrounding villages upon having this opportunity to hear the best singers in the best choir in the whole land. General admission 25 cents.

Montrose - Frank Davies went to Hopbottom Monday. He started off in great style with two horses prancing; in the air, that is. One didn't want to go at all, but when Frank had turned out Church St., they went "a flying," and Frank holding the ribbons like a Jehu of old. AND The banquet tendered by the members of the bar of Susquehanna County to Wm. M. Post, Esq., on his 80th birthday anniversary, took place at the Montrose House, [Church Street], on Feb. 10. A beautiful silver pitcher, said to be valued at $75, was presented to Mr. Post as a testimony of the high regard in which he is held by his brother lawyers. It is very fitting that Mr. Post's 80th anniversary day should be thus celebrated and he is deserving of all the good things that come to him--an able lawyer, a courteous gentleman, a loyal, affable, and genial son of Susquehanna County.

Susquehanna - John J. McGinty has succeeded Wm. F. Moran as proprietor of the Central House.

Little Meadows - Fred Zimmers is hired to run Iron Bridge creamery this summer.

Harford - The death of Mrs. Fowler Peck, of Kearney, Neb., occurred at the home of her son at Amherst, where she was spending the winter, Jan 29. Former residents of Susquehanna County, Mr. Peck was one of the first to inaugurate the county fairs--first at Montrose and afterward gave part of his farm for the location of the Harford fair grounds. The pupils of the Orphan school at Harford will remember Mrs. Peck for her many generous acts of kindness and for her interest in their behalf.

Glenwood - Our popular stage driver, Silas Aldrich, has secured the mail route for another four years. He proposes to give better service, if such a thing can be, and all comers and goers will find Mr. Aldrich a courteous gentleman in every sense of the word.

Highlands, New Milford Twp. - Our school teacher, Miss Bertice Carpenter, received word that her mother was sick, so there was no school Friday afternoon.

Fairdale - Bone-setter Sweet is expected here this week to remove the bandages from Robert Strange's hip, which was broken a short time ago.

Lawton - The writer was through Lawton recently. There is a force of men working on the new railroad at that place and it now looks as though they mean business. They are now surveying at St. Joseph.

Alford - Alford now has two stores, Archie G. Betts having built a new one on the west side of Montrose street, and stocked it with groceries, &c., and is busy waiting on his friends.

Jackson - Chas. Lee, a veteran circus man, died at Canton, Bradford County, recently, of paralysis. Many years ago he traveled with Dan Rice, acting as strong man, or "giant," and later was proprietor of the old "Gerry House" at Jackson.

Friendsville - Michael Foran, of Cincinnati, whose health is quite impaired, returned with his brother, Richard, to this place.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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