Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 16 1923/2023
Susquehanna – William Hines, aged 45 years, a well known resident, lost his life in a fire which ruined E. W. Jackson’s coal office at that place, Tuesday evening of last week. Hines died from suffocation, it is believed, although for at least ten minutes he was in a veritable furnace completely surrounded by flames. According to the Transcript, L. C. Hanson, milk dealer, who discovered the fire and heard Hines call for help, was frustrated by the fierce flames which converted the interior of the coal office into an inferno. Thrice did Hanson try to reach Hines through the smoke and each time was driven back by the fierce flames and stumbled from the doorway blinded and strangled from the flames and smoke. Special officer, Steinbreaker, one of the first on the scene, as Hanson stumbled from the front doorway, rushed around back of the fence and kicked in a door by which the officer and others succeeded in getting Hines out of the doorway, Hines was hurried to the Barnes hospital. He was dead within a few minutes after being taken out of the office.
Montrose – Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Smith leave today for Binghamton, where they will make their home, Mr. Smith, having taken a position with Lowell, Bailey & Co., prominent jewelers in that city. Mr. Smith came to Montrose over twenty years ago and started a jewelry store, conducting it until a short time since when he sold it to Leonard Stone. He and his wife and daughter, Minnie Smith, a student at Cornell, will be missed by many friends here. ALSO Earl J. Smith, president of the Base Ball League of Susquehanna county for 1922, has called a meeting of the managers and captains of each team and their friends for Feb. 24th, at the library, at 2 p. m. At this time the election of officers for 1923 and other important business will be transacted. All interested are invited to attend.
Little Meadows – N. G. Barnum conducts an up-to-date garage here.
Springville – B. E. White and H. C. Wells will open a factory in the township on what is known as the Byron Tyler place, near Elk Lake, about April 1st, for the manufacture of fancy grass baskets, reed furniture and corn brooms, They have been doing some basket work in Montrose the past few months, their products attracting attention where placed on display and sale. Mr. White is a native of Montrose, where he spent many years. Mr. Wells is his step-son. May success crown their efforts.
Birchardville – Everybody come to Grange next Saturday, Feb. 17th, and enjoy a good time. There will be a discussion during lecture’s hour, “Are we satisfied with our schools?”
South Montrose – Ernest Horton was in Montrose Monday with the pelts of thirteen red foxes and six woods grey foxes, which he and Glen Roberts had shot during the winter. The red fox skins were generally large and very attractive, and will make up into fine furs. Mr. Horton has long had a reputation as an expert fox hunter, and Mr. Roberts is also fast becoming a crack shot.
Forest Lake – Miss Ethel Booth had a party Saturday, Feb. 3rd, it being her 13th birthday. Fifteen children sat down to a nice birthday dinner, after which games were enjoyed. All had a lovely time and departed wishing Miss Ethel many more happy birthdays. Those present were: Donald Frazier, Thomas and Toney Zimme, Herbert Tyler, Carl Taylor, Sheridan and Arlene James, Wesley Griffis, Bessie Stone, Pearl Houghtalyn, Alice Booth, Mrs. Charles Steiger.
Lawsville Center – The meeting of the Drum Corps on Monday night was well attended, but the boys agreed to disagree.
Gelatt – Geo. Barnes, who is ill, was very thankful to his many friends who attended the wood-bee for him on Wednesday. Several attended the wood-bee held for Harley Williams on Friday. ALSO On Saturday, Feb. 10, at the Grange Hall in this place, occurred the scene of rather an unusual gathering, for in comparatively few instances is the tender tie which binds two hears in connubial love allowed to remain unbroken for half a century. About 140 friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whitmarsh met to commemorate the happy event. There were four children, all of whom are living in homes of their own—Fred, at Pittston; William, at Lansing; Frank, at Endicott, and Mrs. F. W. Sparks, of this place.
Hallstead – Mrs. Ida Banker, aged 55 years, passed away suddenly, Feb. 8, at the home of L. T. Travis. Owing to the illness of Mr. Travis’ daughter, Mrs. Banker had been keeping house for them for several months. When death came she was engaged in sewing and had made no complaint of not feeling as well as usual. Mr. Travis noticed her sitting motionless in her chair holding a towel in one hand with needle poised in the other, and as she did not change her position he investigated and was startled to discover her dead. Neighbors were quickly called and it was apparent she had been dead some minutes before he was aware of it. One son, Robert Banker, of Hallstead and one daughter, Mrs. Henry DuBois, of Binghamton, survive.
Thompson – We cannot speak for other places, but it looks as if we might have sleighing for the 4th of July in Thompson. Automobiles have resigned in favor of the old fashioned sleigh, and well they might.
Lenoxville – Merl Hallstead has returned after spending four years in the navy. He was attached to the Pacific fleet.
Uniondale – The Florida tourists have been heard from. They wrote of their stopping at Charleston and later word was received from them to the effect that they had reached Jacksonville, but failed to state whether they had continued the journey by boat, rail or had hiked the remainder of the trip. Geo. Reynolds was a sick man almost as soon as the boat struck the surging waves. The voyage was tempestuous, and George declares that Pennsylvania will never see him again if he is compelled to return by water. ALSO Lincoln’s birthday was fitting observed by the Uniondale schools. Short talks were made by Theron Dimmick, R. R. Davis and W. E. Gibson, Civil War veterans. The talks were historical in their nature and proved interesting as well as instructive. The messages from those who took part in the busy struggle gave a better insight of the days when the Great Emancipator led the Union than all the school histories of the present.
Forest City – Miss Angeline Skubic, a basketball player, is a member of the Stroudsburg Normal girls’ team. She recently was in a game with a team from Temple University, at Philadelphia. She was the highest point getter of the high school girls’ team and was given a place on the varsity of Stroudsburg.
Compiled By: Betty Smith