Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 16 1917/2017
Lanesboro – The Starrucca Viaduct is being guarded as a result of the critical relations between the United States and Germany. The Erie Railroad company, whose main line runs over this structure, has placed four men nights and four men days to guard the great stone bridge which spans the valley.
Friendsville – Miss Kathryn Ryan was hostess to the members of St. Francis’ choir, at her home here, last Sunday evening. The regular choir practice occupied the early part of the evening, after which a dainty luncheon was served. A social hour followed and the evening closed with the singing of several favorite Irish melodies.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – Charles Steiger has purchased a new horse. He has resolved to walk over the hills no more.
Montrose – Two Montrose hotels, the Montrose House and Tarbell House, recently refused [liquor] license are now closed to the traveling public. When the proprietors find out that the world will move just the same whether they are open or not, they will probably be ready to entertain travelers again—license or no license. They are depreciating their property and give absolute evidence by their action that the bar was what the hotel was conducted for. – From the Meshoppen Enterprise. ALSO The second annual meeting of the Susquehanna County Suffrage Association is being held to-day at the county seat. A large number of delegates from various parts of the county are here, bringing splendid accounts of work done during the year. The meeting is at the home of the Misses Riley, on Church St., the members serving a luncheon at noon.
Harford – The Odd Fellows of Harford feel the inconvenience caused by the burning of their hall three weeks ago. The lodge has already planned the erection of a new hall and the work of clearing away the ruins of the old hall is under way. The lodge had $2,500 insurance on the building and $700 on the equipment, and also had several hundred dollars in cash on hand. The building that was burned came down to them from the fathers of Odd Fellowship in that vicinity and the present membership will see to it that the trust was not given in vain. It goes without saying that the new building will be constructed on modern lines and that it will not be an upstairs death-trap construction.
Lathrop Twp. – The school directors of this place, at a recent meeting, put in motion the necessary legal machinery for procuring a modern school building, “to provide for better gradation and classification and for economic and other reasons.” The proposed location is at Hillsdale Four Corners. ALSO We hear that Lowell Smith has bought his father’s farm and is going to turn farmer. We are glad to hear it as so many of our young men are going to the city.
Brooklyn – Lincoln’s birthday was observed by appropriate exercises at the High School. Five of the Civil War veterans were guests of honor, each making a short address. Other numbers on the program were a Class Song, “The Vacant Chair,” Life of Lincoln, by Susan Sterling; “Gettysburg Address,” by Lytton Dowson; “Captain My Captain,” by Rena Terry; “Old Glory,” by Delbert Nash, and several school songs.
Thompson – Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arthur, a son, Thomas Henry, on February 6th.
Liberty Township – A large force of men are harvesting a large crop of ice from White Lake Farm for the New Keystone Dairy Creamery in Summersville.
South Ararat - One of the severest storms of the New Year reached us on Monday and so very cold. The wind blew terribly; milk teams were unable to reach the station and the mail man failed to put in his appearance until Tuesday afternoon. ALSO And the old bear could see himself in the sunshine as nice as you please, so fill up coal bins and enlarge the wood piles.
Dimock – The old school house which has stood by the road side many years and where the young boys and girls were tutored and enjoyed riding down hill on the large meadow of W.L. Stilwell, is now vacated, the new graded school building taking its place.
Hallstead – J.S. Jacobus, an old and highly respected resident, died at his home February 7, 1917, after a long illness. Deceased had a shock several years ago and had been an invalid since, and a constant care of his faithful wife. Mr. Jacobus was a veteran of the Civil War, being a member of Company A, 151 Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry.
Forest City – Two men were hauled before Squire Dutchman Friday evening charged with soliciting alms. One had his arm bandaged and the other wore goggles and claimed to be blind. When the bandaged arm was bared and the goggles removed by Constable Decker, the men began to beg for mercy. They were given thirty minutes to leave town and they vamoosed for other fields. ALSO Fannie, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skubic, of Susquehanna street, died Monday after a short illness. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon with interment in St. Agnes cemetery.
News Briefs: Take this tip from us. If there is any clothing that you really will need within a year buy it now. If war should come, our government will require nearly the entire output of all American woolen mills for uniforms. The government must be served first. This will send the prices of woolen goods to the sky. War may not come. We hope it won’t, but if it doesn’t prices will not be any lower than they are now for a year or more, at least. This is not an advertisement. It is a bit of good advice. ALSO The name “Sullivan Trail” does not seem to be dignified enough for the name of an improved macadam or paved road leading from Easton to Elmira, via Wilkes-Barre, Meshoppen and Towanda. Why not be right out and out and call it “Sullivan’s Highway?” Trail is not a fitting name for a highway that Pennsylvanians propose to build as a memorial to General Sullivan, and too trivial for a matter of such importance. Let it be “Sullivan’s Highway.”
200 Years Ago from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa., February 15, 1817.
*A few bushels of OATS will be received in payment of debts at this [Centinel’s] Office.
*John M’Nally, Has commenced the business of Boot & Shoe Making, in one of the upper rooms of the Montrose Hotel, and solicits the patronage of the public. He does his work in a style that cannot fail to please.
*Bang! Bang! Bang! Found by and now in the possession of the subscriber, (in the village of Montrose, Susquehanna Co. Pa) a new Pocket Pistol. The owner by proving property and paying for this advertisement may receive it. CHAPMAN CARR.
*NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That no bounty is allowed by law for Fox Scalps. Justices will give no certificates hereafter. By order of the Commissioners of Susquehanna County.
*CAUTION. ALL persons who have been in the habit of cutting timber on lots near the village of Montrose, belonging to Col. Pickering and the heirs of Gen. Hamilton, will do well to call on the subscriber without delay and make compensation for what they have done, and desist from further trespassing; as legal steps will in future be taken against such trespassers. PUTNAM CATLIN, Att’y to the aforesaid owners.
Compiled By: Betty Smith