Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 14 1898/1998
Dimock - The condition of the roads in Dimock Make it quite evident that the supervisors have all drifted under.
Auburn - Virgie Birch Lost a nice horse not long since. About a year ago he lost the mate to it. He has the sympathy of all.
New Milford - The Pythian Minstrels gave a very pleasant entertainment at the Opera House.
Franklin Forks - Dimock Turrell and wife are taking care of old Mrs. Colter. She has lived alone in her little old house for years, but she is getting so feeble that she consented to come and live at Mr Turrell's she is well up[ in her eighties.
Susquehanna - At St. Rose's Convent , Carbondale, this week , eight ladies took the white veil , and were received into the Religious Order of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as Novices. Two from this place were: Miss Celia O'Connell , in religion Sr. M. Martina and Miss Mary Kinsley, in religion Sr. M. Servula.
Gibson - The Kingley Orchestra furnished a very fine entertainment on Tuesday evening. The playing of Mr. Adams on the violin and piccolo called for repeated encores.
North Jackson - The anual campfire of Myron French Post, G. A. R. , was given Friday evening. it was one of the best entertainments given by the Society. The selections rendered by the New Milford Banjo and Mandolin Club were new and up to date. The vocal solos of Master Leon Bryant and recitation of Miss Mate Curtis were of high order of merit, Receipts $20.00.
Hallstead - Hallstead is afflicted with measles, burglars, and a toll bridge. The latter only is chronic.
Lanesboro - Some wicked wretches have been stealing hides from the tannery.
Ainey - Parties interested are preparing to build sheds for teams at the church. AND There will be an oyster supper at the home of Fred Kittle, near Lindaville, For benefit of the Pastor of Union church, on Friday evening, Feb 11th.
Rush - Continued from last week: (Arrested For Murder: James Eagan and Cornelius Shew Now in Jail Charged With Killing Jackson Pepper). Next, attention was called more particularly to the so called tramps. Their steps from the time they left Rosencrantz' store in Fairdale to the time they stopped at Sylvester Powers', and later reached Skinner's Eddy, were carefully traced and the conclusion was reached that if tramps they were so only by disguise. J. H. Rosencrantz, the merchant at Fairdale and Wellington Harvey, who passed them on the road, were enabled to give a very complete description of them, which with a briar pipe tobacco coupon issued by D. M. Scotten & Co., a white handkerchief covered with blood, and the ropes with which Jackson Pepper was tied, furnished the only clues. No rope of the kind used was to be found at any store within a radius of 20 miles of Rush, neither was tobacco, contain-ing the peculiar kind of coupon mentioned, to be found in any store in that vicinity. It was conceded that the prospects of a solution of the mystery were dark, and the detective ventured the opinion that it was one of those cases wherein the evidence outside the knowledge of two or three, including the perpetrators of the crime, was of trivial character and that its ultimate solution would depend on some chance word dropped by the guilty parties or their friends. On the first day of January the detective was withdrawn from the case,and the District Atty. was left to his own resources in carrying on further investigation. On Wednesday of last week, W. S. Mersels, of Binghamton, formerly of Susquehanna county, and uncle of Susie Graham, communicated with the District Atty. that he had reason to suspect that James Smith and another person, whose name he did not know, were the guilty parties, and that his information was derived from statements made to him by Susie Graham. On Thursday, Susie Graham was prevailed upon to visit Montrose, where she told the District Attorney that shortly after the Pepper murder, she had heard Cornelius Shew and James Smith discuss the matter. Her description of Shew tallied exactly with that one of the two so-called tramps, and her story agreed with the evidence already in the hands of the officers. The Mystery Solved. The story of the murder of Jackson Pepper, as the District Atty. expects to prove at the trial, is certainly startling, and, if true, would seem to leave nothing lacking in the web of evidence, which envelops Smith [Eagan] and Shew, who are now in jail charged with murder. The story is as follows: Some time in the spring of 1896, James Smith, or as he now calls himself, James Eagan, met Susie Graham, daughter of George Graham, of Rush township, this county; they were both residing in Binghamton, where Smith was employed on the D&H R.R. Smith lived with the Graham woman for about a year and a half, she taking his name being known as Nell Smith, although they were not married. In March, 1897, they went to George Graham's in Rush, remaianing there until June or July, when they left for Susquehanna, where they continued together until November or December, when they separated. While in Susquehanna, for the greater part of the time, they occupied a portion of Mrs. Janet Witbrook's house. While there Smith became acquainted with Cornelius Shew, and Shew subsequently took his meals at Smith's. It was in this house that the plans were made between Smith and Shew to go to Rush, overpower Pepper and his stepmother, "Aunt Sally," and secure the large amount money which they were supposed to have secreted about the house and which smith had heard about while living in Rush. [To be continued next week...]
Compiled By: Betty Smith