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February 13 1920/2020

Montrose and County Wide Snowstorm & Influenza – The snow-storms of last week, beginning with the flurry of last Wednesday night, have caused one of the worst tie-ups on the railroads and trolleys in years, and practically all the country roads, too, have been piled high with drifts, causing great hardship to those with milk to haul to creameries, the rural mail carriers and others. The trolley has encountered more trouble the past week than in all the time it had been running to Montrose. The last trolley last week to reach Montrose carrying passengers, was Wednesday night. Thursday many futile attempts were made to get through to Montrose. Several cars were off the track at different points on the line. Workmen were engaged several hours Friday, getting a car back on the rails near Finn’s Crossing, about two miles east of Montrose. The bad condition of the roads seems to be general all over the county. Doctors are unable to get to their patients, and as there is much sickness, the condition of affairs in many cases has been pathetic. The rural mail carriers have had trying experiences and many patrons have received no mail for days at a time. The influenza peak in Montrose has been passed—at least this seems to be the belief of the doctors, who report a marked falling-off in new cases for the past three days. The schools have been sadly depleted, some of the rooms having fewer than half the usual number of pupils present. The matter of closing the schools was brought before the Board of Health, but this body refused to take the initiative in closing the school as the peak of the epidemic had been passed.

Uniondale – Eighteen hundred dollars was subscribed at a public meeting, held in Uniondale Borough recently, for a new lighting plant for this progressive town. ALSO There were no services in the Presbyterian church Sunday, the snow being piled so high that people could not get to the church. Not a single vehicle was seen on our streets from Saturday until Monday when an effort was made to break the roads. Milkmen could not get out and so kept their milk at home.

Hop Bottom – To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose, on February 4, 1920, a daughter, Marion Gladys. The young lady is Hop Bottom’s youngest bank depositor, already having a bank account of her own.

St. Joseph – Mr. Flaherty is kept busy trying to keep the roads passable. On account of the roads being drifted so badly, a large number walked across fields to church on Sunday.

Heart Lake – Frank T. Mack took the Lackawanna to this place on Tuesday and returned overland on snowshoes. He says he never saw bigger snow banks than in the woods and fields between Montrose and Heart Lake. “Franz” is an expert snowshoer and is anxious to organize a club here.

Susquehanna – The residence of James F. Lannon caught fire underneath the roof on Sunday evening and it required two hours of hard work by the local firemen to put out the flames. The public library is located in the basement of the building and volunteers carried the books to a safe place. The loss by fire and water is considerable, although the structure was saved. ALSO Susquehanna is to enforce the curfew law, and all children must be off the streets at 9 pm. At present many youngsters may be seen on the streets as late as 11 o’clock.

Brooklyn – Owing to the depth of the snow drifts, the trolley cars were unable to make their regular trips on Thursday. Only two passenger cars got through.

Lynn – The blizzard is one long to be remembered by some of our people, especially Messrs. C. O. and W. E. Button and some others, who shoveled through to get the doctor for H. P. Florey and wife last Friday.

Kingsley – School having been closed in Dimock because of the “flu” and the Lehigh Valley trains stalled in the snow, Marian Stearns and Miss Leach walked on snowshoes from Dimock to Kingsley, a distance of nine miles, on Saturday.

Forest City – Frank, the 16 year old son of Mrs. Anton Prudish, of Lackawanna street, lost his life Monday morning in an attempt to board a south bound D&H freight train. He and three other boys had gone to the Stillwater breaker just north of town to seek employment. On returning the boys tried to mount the train for a ride to the depot. Prudish failed in his attempt to get on the train and later made the second attempt which cost him his life. He was thrown to the bank and rolled beneath the train, and carried nearly to the Erie depot, when he was discovered by the trainmen. His lifeless form was removed to Bell’s undertaking rooms where it was prepared for burial and later taken to his mother’s home. Dr. C.R. Knapp, county coroner, was called and decided that an inquest was unnecessary. His father died seven months ago. He is survived by a younger brother and three sisters to whom the sympathy of the community is extended. The funeral will be held from St. Joseph’s church and burial in St. Agnes’ Cemetery.

News Brief: By one of those queer arrangements of the calendar which has happened only eleven times in 300 years and occurs three times in this century, more of an opportunity will be afforded people of going to church this month than at any time since 1880. There are five Sundays in the month of February, which everyone will agree is better than five Fridays. Make the most of the five Sundays, for it will not happen again until 1948, and it is too long to wait to be good until then. For those who are curious to know when this thing has happened before, here is the record of five Sundays in February years: 1604, 1632, 1688, 1728, 1756, 1784, 1824, 1852, 1880, and 1920. ALSO William Jessup, grandfather of Miss S. Louise Jessup, of Montrose, was the delegate to the national convention from this district. I believe that he was accorded the honor of making the speech seconding the nomination of Lincoln for the presidency. The Pennsylvania delegation was strong for Lincoln for president and had it not been for this state’s hearty endorsement of the “rail-splitter,” in all probability he would have been defeated for the nomination. ALSO The assertion is made on good authority that 300,000 American Indians want to become citizens. Whether they are fitted for it or not, 30,000 of their children are without school facilities. During the world war they subscribed $20,000,000 for Liberty bonds and 10,000 volunteered for the army.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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