Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 13 1914/2014
Silver Lake – John C. Mahoney, for many years a resident of Silver Lake, has been missing since Dec. 16th, and his friends are much worried about him. He had lived alone on his farm for many years but, as he was 70 years of age, a son in Buffalo prevailed upon him to come and live with him. The aged man went to Buffalo last fall, but in a letter to a friend it was seen that he greatly missed the old familiar scenes of the country, and the familiar faces, and was inclined to be melancholy and was very home sick. When his son’s family was away he left, with his trunk and personal belongings. It was found that on that day, Dec. 16, he checked a trunk and purchased a railroad ticket for Binghamton. The trunk was never called for. From that day, not a word has been heard from nor have the relatives been able to trace his movements. [Independent Republican, March 20, 1914 – John Mahoney, a Silver Lake man who disappeared from the home of his son at Buffalo, aged 72 years, was found imbedded in a huge cake of ice floating near the center of Erie Basin by the crew of a fire tug. Funeral and interment at St. Nicholas Catholic church in Buffalo.]
South Montrose – The South Montrose Mill Co., among their many large orders, have just filled an order of $1000 worth of their celebrated trunk slats to Sears, Roebuck & Co., being a whole car load.
Heart Lake/Fairdale – Samuel McKeeby died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Ward, at Heart Lake, Feb. 11, 1914, aged 67 years. He was an old soldier, being a member of Co. D., PA Cavalry. The funeral will be held Friday at 10 a.m. at Heart Lake, and burial in McKeeby cemetery, near Fairdale. ALSO The Mountain Ice Co. began running ice again. They have their large ice house two-thirds full.
Forest City – The Borough Council refused to meet Monday night. The Republicans are sparring for wind. They, the Council, stand three and three and our Republican friends want all the plums and the Democrats want their share. I, as a citizen, feel as they ought to come together and compromise and go on in business and cast their personal feelings aside and work for the benefit of the public in general. If they stand and look over the platform they put up before the citizens last November, and ask themselves if they are going to give it to the citizens at Forest City, or are they going to lay down on the job, or are they going to fool the public?
West Jackson – Skating is now in rage. A skating party nearly ever evening on some of the lakes or ponds is enjoyed by the young people.
Laurel Lake – The Snow Hollow school is progressing nicely under the supervision of Miss Florence McEnaney.
Little Meadows – Rev. J. R. Lynch has announced a dance in the hall on February 20th. ALSO Frances Foster has gone to Union, NY, to work in a millinery store.
Montrose – While a sheriff’s sale of Gordon Depue’s personal property was in progress some things happened that were not down on Sheriff Reynold’s program, in which a rather savage looking revolver figured. It seems that Thos. F. Kelly had taken out an execution on Mr. Depue’s loose property. When the Sheriff appeared to dispose of the property Mr. Depue’s mother claimed the property as hers and was being told how the sale might be stayed when Gordon locked the door of the building. However the sale progressed and [when] some cement was sold to Kelly, Gordon drew a revolver and told Mr. Kelly to drop it or he would shoot. Kelly dropped the cement, hastily arriving at the conclusion, evidently, that good men were scarce. However, he later swore out a warrant for Mr. Depue’s arrest. The affair is most regrettable as Mr. Depue has been struggling under financial difficulties for some time. He has always been regarded as a very peaceful, law abiding citizen and a hard worker. ALSO Fred Risley, formerly of this place, is now proprietor of the Ten-Mile Tavern at Dickson City.
Springville – C. H. Young was in Montrose on Tuesday, coming up in a new Maxwell. Mr. Young says the Maxwell is a “12 months in the year car.” ALSO This is the 4th week that the school has been closed; they hope to be able to begin again a week from Monday, Feb. 16th. Measles have made a wide sweep; over 100 cases are under quarantine. It has nearly run its course for want of material. Miss Hazel Johnson, daughter of Lonie Johnson, has recovered and returned to her home at Union. Her mother is seriously ill, with little or no hope, of measles and pneumonia. The father and five small children have never had the disease. He has the sympathy of all.
Rush – L. W. Terry bought a very large tract of timber and also a 35 horse power boiler, style “L”. With new boiler he will be able to complete the work of marketing this large tract of timber. Ward Smith is the sawyer in charge. No hardwood lumber has been cut yet. Mr. Terry plans to shut down the mill during haying this summer. They offer $3 per thousand to haul to Montrose.
New Milford – Bert Crossley has built a large shed in connection with his mill for storing lumber. We understand he intends to put in another mill at this place. We hope the report is correct.
Elk Lake – The team of W. D. Titman was frightened while standing at Robinson’s feed store at South Montrose last Monday and ran away, being caught near Byron Robinson’s. None were injured but the wagon was badly damaged.
Franklin Forks – Ward Smith, who has operated a cut-glass works here for several years, has made plans to conduct a business on a larger scale in Syracuse, to which city he will soon remove. The many friends of the enterprising young man regret the removal
of both himself and wife.
McKinney Mills – Because a cat had formed the bad habit of sucking eggs, it caused the loss of a hand to Miles Bennett. Mr. Bennett made the discovery that the feline was sucking eggs in the poultry house and hastened to his house for the shotgun, determined to end the cat’s life and the loss of eggs. Returning with the loaded gun, he slipped, and in falling threw his left hand over the muzzle of the weapon, the gun discharging and tearing the hand in a terrible manner. Drs. Merrill and Blair were hastily called and decided at once to amputate the injured member. For some years Bennett was a switchman in the Lackawanna yards at Hallstead and had been unfortunate in having both hands more or less crippled, having them caught between car bumpers at various times.
Compiled By: Betty Smith