Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 13 1903/2003
Susquehanna - Joseph, the 15-year-old son of Engineer Michael Kane, met with a severe accident on Monday evening. He is employed on a steam hammer in the Erie blacksmith shop, and while putting on his coat to quit work his left hand was caught in the cogs of a machine and crushed so badly that amputation was necessary. AND In the Erie shops the work is the heaviest in years. Many of the men are working 14 hours a day and about 30 locomotives are handled monthly.
Lawsville - D. W. Bailey recently had a desperate encounter with a gray squirrel. Armed only with a large club he made a gallant attack and the victory was soon his. AND Prof. Thayer will hold singing school here and at Franklin Forks-four nights each week, two nights at each place.
Jackson - A Valentine Social will be held in Roberts' Hall on Friday evening, Feb'y 18th, under the auspices of the North Jackson Ladies' Aid: supper 10 and 20 cents.
Friendsville - Friends and neighbors of Michael Fitzgerald met at his home last Tuesday and cut him a nice lot of wood, for which he returns many thanks.
Upsonville/Forest Lake - The Peoples' Mutual Independent Telephone Co., running from Upsonville to Forest Lake, has made connection with the Bell Telephone Exchange in Montrose, so that patrons of either can have the benefit of the service of both.
Brooklyn - The Ladies' Aid Society of the Brooklyn M.E. church will hold an Apron Bazaar and a Martha Washington Tea in the Odd Fellows' Hall at that place on Friday afternoon and evening, Feb. 20. Tea will be served from 5 to 7:30 P.M. In the evening a musical and literary entertainment will be given. Supper and entertainment, 15 cents; entertainment alone, 10 cents.
Jackson Valley - F. M. Thompson, of Juaniata [?], Neb., is visiting in this vicinity; he formerly lived at Neath and Jackson Valley. He was a soldier in Co. I, 6th Regt., PA Reserves in 1861. Samuel Jessup was Chaplain. Mr. Thompson left Montrose in 1873 and went to Nebraska.
Montrose - M. H. VanScoten left on Tuesday morning for Harrisburg and will return tomorrow. Mr. VanScoten is the originator of the monument bill recently introduced in the Legislature by Rep. Rose, providing for the erection of monuments at Antietam for the Fourth, Sixth and Seventh Regt's, Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer Corps.
Great Bend - Great Bend and Susquehanna are already beginning to talk baseball, and the sooner the Montrose Athletic Association takes up the matter of organizing a team the better. In the past few months some of our best players have removed, among whom are "Dick" Conners, Arthur Smith, "Shorty" Hollister and "Pete" and Bliss Lott, but there is still plenty of good material for forming an excellent team, and this will be strengthened by students from the colleges. The work should be taken up as soon as possible in organizing the club, and making plans for the coming season. Last year's team was well supported and so will it be this year.
South Montrose - While E. W. Sloate was drawing logs last week and when passing through a lot full of stone, his dog caught and killed two snakes, one a large milk snake that lay on the ground in the sun. That was pretty early for snakes and no mistake. We are told it is a sure sign of an early spring. (Most people would make an "early spring," to see the ground covered with snakes.)
North Branch [Middletown Twp., etc.] - The dance at Randall Owens' was largely attended and a good time enjoyed. AND There is to be a pie social at Neath, Wednesday evening.
Rush - There will be a Washington Birthday party at Haire's Hotel, Rush, on Monday evening, Feb. 23.
Fairdale - Fairdale is booming. Adelbert Allen, of South Montrose, has rented a lot from Mrs. James Robinson and built a feed store thereon, so we have now three stores in good running order.
Thomson - Prof. Compton is ill with the grip and no school was held in his room last week. AND Frank Hall Post No. 505, of this place, has sent a vigorous protest to our representatives at Harrisburg against the erection of the proposed monument to the memory of Robert E. Lee, on the Gettysburg battlefield.
Hopbottom - The high school has formed into two literary societies, with Leon Cool and Miss Ethel Titus as leaders. One of the societies give an entertainment every two weeks, the first one being given by Miss Titus in the school building. Considerable talent was shown by the members and all conceded it a pleasant entertainment.
News Brief - The Oldest Member: An Elaborate Sketch of Hon. Galusha A. Grow. The following extracts are from an article, which appeared in the Washington Post on Jan. 24, 1903. "In the winter of 1851, at the age of 27, he took his place in the 32nd Congress, the youngest member of that body. The days were pregnant with peril. The most 'startling drama of all national life' was just beginning. The fight over the repeal of the Missouri Compromise was near at hand. The south was boldly asserting that 'slavery must live and increase.' The north was resolutely muttering that 'slavery must be restricted or die.' The irrepressible conflict was approaching with a swiftness that made the nation quake. Wise men were trying to keep folded the 'wings of human strife.' Patriot hearts were making for harmony, but the waves of war broke over the dikes of peace and drenched a land with blood.
With sublime determination to save the Union President Lincoln called the 32nd congress together in extra session on the 85th anniversary of our nation's birth. It was a notable assemblage of men and of them all, only one, Galusha A. Grow, who shared the gloom and glory of that session, is still a member of the house. There was Elihu Wash-
Burn, afterward the 'Father of Congress,' who received Lincoln upon his entry into the capitol of the nation he had come to serve. There was the courtly Morrill, of Vermont, the memory of whose chivalrous spirit still pervades the capitol. There was the gallant Logan, whose memory is dear to every man who wore the blue. There was Thaddeus Stevens, the great commoner of Pennsylvania, and Roscoe Conklin, the brilliant son of the Empire state, and Blair, the bold trapper of the Rockies. There was Cox, the promoter of our life-saving system, and Pendleton, the earnest reformer of the civil service, and Holman, the 'burglar proof safe' of the national treasury. Among them all were five subsequent vice-presidents, four governors, seven senators and other distinguished men."
To be continued.......
Compiled By: Betty Smith