Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 12 1915/2015
Upsonville – Our mail carrier, Daniel R. Campbell, was in Montrose serving on a law suit last week. His brother, George, was acting as mail carrier, and down by Barringer’s crossing his team got frightened by an engine on the cut-off and broke his cutter all to pieces. The horse did not get hurt, nor did Mr. Campbell.
Jackson – The Jackson Library will open this week. The membership fee is 50 cents a year. Books can be exchanged Tuesdays and Saturdays and every evening.
Middletown – The Middletown Literary Society held its banquet at the Haire House, Lawton, Friday evening, Jan. 29. The genial host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Curley, served a delicious turkey super, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Dancing was indulged in until the small hours and all the members returned home voting the Literary banquet the most enjoyable affair of the season.
North Bridgewater – Many farmers are busy hauling lime and logs during the fine sleighing.
Lynn - Bruce Williams purchased a fine four-year-old colt of Davis Deubler, a few days ago, and is now having it broken by Clinton Button, the veteran horse trainer.
Susquehanna – Joseph P. McMahon, who has been named to succeed Geo. W. Shaeff as postmaster, is a prominent citizen and businessman of the “city of stairs.” Our first introduction to Mr. McMahon was in July of 1891, when he was associated with the late William Donahue in the conduct of the Canawacta House, on Front Street, of which Martin J. Ryan is the present landlord and proprietor. Subsequently he purchased the Carrington stables, on Drinker St., where he has since successfully conducted a livery. He possesses the requisite qualifications, which will render him an efficient and popular official of Uncle Sam. ALSO The average cost per week for each inmate of the Susquehanna-Oakland poor farm, including clothing, medical care, etc., is $5.13
Tunkhannock – There is now but one legalized bar along the Montrose branch, a distance of 28 miles, and that—the Dolan House at Dimock—will disappear April 1, the temperance people having bought it. If the same conditions prevail in Tunkhannock for another year, that have for the past, Montrose will have to do the irrigating for the whole line, or in other words, it will be a long, long way to Tipperary.
Brooklyn – E. B. Goodrich, son of Eli and Cynthia Tiffany Goodrich, was born March 18, 1835, on the farm where he has always lived and where his death occurred Feb. 9, 1915—thus he was nearly 80 years of age and for the past 60 years has been one of Brooklyn’s most substantial farmers. By hard work and an intelligent devotion to business he succeeded in acquiring a fine fortune, but never engendered those feelings of envy or jealousy that often came with success. His integrity was never questioned. Upon the death of his father he purchased the old homestead and has always lived there. About 50 years ago he married Miss Delia A. Capron, of Harford, who survives him and together they have lived and labored. One son Bruce Goodrich, of Harford, and one daughter, Miss Alma Goodrich, at home, survive.
Forest City – George E. Maxey, of this place, and George W. Maxey, Esq., of Scranton, are opening a mine between Eynon and Archbald, in Lackawanna county. ALSO Cassius M. Harding, of Herrick Center, came to Forest City Tuesday. He walked the entire distance, both coming and going, a feat that few younger men would perform “Cash” is an old lumberman and doesn’t mind a little thing like rough weather.
West Auburn – Emma Thornton was quite seriously injured while coasting on the James hill by striking her head against a telephone pole. Boys and girls, it is a dangerous time to coast. At Auburn Four Corners they are having fine sleighing, the roads are just like a plank road. ALSO Action has been commenced against the school directors of this township by A. M. Maxwell, John F. Kernan, Lewis Lott, G. W. Grow, and others, to secure transportation for their children of school age to the centralized school in that township. They allege in their petition, which is signed by 57 voters of that district, that there is no schoolhouse in their school district, nor within one and one-half miles. The district schools have been closed and the directors have refused to sub-divide the district to accommodate them, they further allege. The directors are G. B. Filkins, Clark Davis, Andrew Mericle, Frank Carter and P. H. Benninger.
Ararat – Rev. G. G. Stanton met with quite a loss, recently, while on his way to Elkdale. At the foot of Arnold Hill his horse was taken sick and died.
Alford – Six carloads of army shoes, from factories at Lestershire [now Johnson City], passed through here Wednesday night, their destination being London, England. Each car contained 7200 pairs, making a total of 42,000 pairs of shoes in the entire shipment.
Montrose – William M. Post observed his ninetieth birthday anniversary on Wednesday and in observance of the culmination of nine decades made a trip to Binghamton. We have grown so accustomed to “Uncle William’s” activities that there seems nothing unusual about a man of his years going about the country on business and pleasure trips, but it is unusual when one pauses to think of it. To all outward appearances he is as active as he was twenty years ago, and this is not stretching the truth for effect. Few men possess his mental and physical faculties even at seventy years. [William was the son of David Post who, with his brother Isaac, and stepfather, Bartlett Hinds, were the first settlers of Montrose].
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – School is closed this week on account of whooping cough, also the school at Forest Lake.
Dimock – The bell for the M. E. church has arrived and will soon be placed in position. ALSO The sale of household goods at the Dolan House was largely attended on Saturday last.
Compiled By: Betty Smith