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February 12 1909/2009

Uniondale - The Uniondale ice industry which in former years has given many people employment was practically abandoned this winter, the ice men claiming that the railroad's rate is prohibitive.

Brookdale - Patrick Quigley is preparing to leave for Ireland to visit his brother at Balley William, County Wexford. AND The State surveyors are again at work surveying for a macadam road between Conklin and Franklin Forks.

Montrose - Fred E. Lewis left for his new home in Kansas last week, taking about eight horses and colts in a car. Mrs. Lewis goes soon. AND The first year of the Montrose Free Library closed Wednesday. During this time 24,000 books were issued.

Forest City - A number of Forest City people coming in a sleigh load, took supper at the Ararat House about midnight Saturday evening.

Jackson - The old bear saw his shadow so we will have six weeks more winter, but who ever saw February and March without six weeks of cold weather in Susquehanna County? If there is one let him speak.

Dimock - Owing to the sickness of the teacher's mother there was no school part of last week.

Glenwood - Glenwood was put to its tension to find barn room to accommodate the Grange horses during Wednesday and Thursday of last week, there being the largest crowd that ever gathered in the hall at one time. Over 500 and standing room was at a premium.

Hallstead - Simon Quailey, a popular and well known employee in the Lackawanna roundhouse, recently returned from a ten days' leave of absence from his duties, during which time he surprised his many friends by taking unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Anna Lynch, a popular and highly esteemed young lady of Athens, Pa. The ceremony was performed in the Catholic church at Sayre, Pa., in the presence of a large number of the personal friends of the contracting parties. After a brief wedding trip they returned to Hallstead to take up housekeeping.

Kingsley - The ladies of the W.C.T.U. will hold an apron sale in the basement of the Universalist church, Feb. 17th. The date is in honor of the birthday of Miss Frances Willard, who was the founder of the organization of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. A supper will be served of substantial eatables, including warm biscuits, honey and maple syrup. There will be aprons and other articles for sale, also homemade candy. Supper 10 cents, all welcome.

Lynn - The big oyster supper at Ernest France's will occur this Friday evening. A large crowd is looked for from the surrounding neighborhood--Springville, Auburn, Lymanville, Lemon and West Nicholson. Let us make this the banner oyster supper of the season. Proceeds for the benefit of the M. E. church.

Susquehanna - Sheriff H. S. Conklin went to Glenn Mills, PA, Wednesday, taking Loren Swingle to the reformatory. Swingle is the young fellow who "borrowed" an Erie engine to go to Binghamton. The boy is considered incorrigible.

Brooklyn - The stage on the star route from Brooklyn to Foster [Hobottom], which makes three round trips each day, was driven on runners each trip, from Dec. 11 until Feb. 6, and the sleighing was good most of the time.

Harford - W. S. Sophia is winning wherever he takes his Rosecomb Rhode Island Reds. He won ten prizes at the late poultry shows at Binghamton and New Berlin, NY, including two firsts, three seconds and one special. He just bought one Cockerel last season for $25, which is now bringing in eggs by the hundred. Commences before daylight and works until dark. What would he have done if he had bought a pullet?

Herrick Center - The lecture in the high school room on Japan by means of the magic lantern and slides, on Friday evening last, was a success, as was also the social which followed in the basement of the schoolhouse.

County News - The commissioners started yesterday morning on their overland trip about the county, delivering ballots for the spring election, which is to occur next Tuesday. Coming at this time of the year this is usually one of the unpleasant duties connected with holding a position on the board of commissioners. The keen, blustery weather yesterday morning was not conducive to making a pleasure trip of it, but the commissioners declare they can stand the cold if they do not get stalled in a snowstorm and be obliged to go on foot, which has been known to occur. Generally speaking, the ballots for the western districts will be delivered by Commissioner J. E. Hawley; eastern, Commissioner A. J. Cosgriff, while the middle section is covered by Commissioner W. H. Tingley. Owing to the bulkiness of the ballots and the fact that only a portion of the county is traversed by railroad, all the delivering is done by wagon and each package handed personally to the election officer in the district qualified to receive it.

News Brief - The penalty for burying a body without a permit is a fine of not less than $20 or more than $100, while for failure to report the birth of a child the fine is not less than $5, nor more than $50. The question has been raised as to whose duty it is to report births, and for pubic information the law is here given. The Act of 1905 says that in a case where a physician is employed, it is his duty to report; where a licensed midwife is employed it is her duty to report; if neither midwife nor physicians, then it is the father or mother. Even the owner of the premises on which a birth takes place is liable to arrest and fine as well as doctor or midwife.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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