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February 12 1904/2004

New Milford - While E. J. Lindsey and wife were returning from Hallstead, Feb. 5th, they saw a large ball of great brightness pass through the air in range of A. Geer's residence, and seemingly dropping down in the woods beyond, and out of sight. It looked as large as a bushel basket.

Rush - Wm. Hendershot has rented the Watson Dayton farm.

Susquehanna - There is a solid field of ice in the river, averaging 2 feet in thickness, between Lanesboro and the headwaters near Cooperstown. Should this ice go down with a freshet, the damage on the lowlands will be very great. AND John Tooley, an old resident and veteran of the Civil War, has sustained a stroke of paralysis.

Brooklyn - A. S. Waldie and F. B. Jewett have made arrangements to have electric lights put into their residence from the condensery and a proposition to light the whole town from that plant has been made, and if the people would interest themselves the company will furnish light for the whole town. For a town its size, there are few that get ahead of Brooklyn in progress and enterprise.

Ararat - Pastor Crane filled his place at the Presbyterian church last Sunday. There have been no services for 2 months owing to the illness of the pastor.

Franklin Forks - Wm. Bridger, of Iowa, was a guest of S. Stillwell last week. Will was brought up and educated by Mr. Stillwell of this place and is doing honor to him. He is doing a flourishing business in egg packing in different portions of the west and is associated with a Mr. Hathaway, of Binghamton. He is cordially welcomed on a visit to his old home.

Lawton - The Lawton Grange has the honor of being the banner grange of the county, having 196 members enrolled and 17 applications on hand. AND Lumber is being drawn for the creamery to be erected here; parties from Allentown are to put up the plant.

Springville - Maple Lodge had its banquet at Kelly's hotel, recently. There were nearly 90 present, and the occasion was greatly enjoyed. The supper proved that Mrs. Kelly and her assistants know how to cook and serve for such gatherings. AND A. D. Shoemaker, having sold his farm to Frank Dodge, will go to Kansas soon. His family will remain for the present.

Montrose - A "pan-cake toss" was given by the ladies of Zion church, last evening. AND At the prize waltz contest in Village Hall, the couple awarded the first prize, a gold medal, H. E. Walton and Miss Mae Porter; the second prize $2.50, went to Charles Sprout and Miss Lillian Thompson.

Harford - The annual meeting of the Harford Agricultural Society was held in Odd Fellows' Hall, Monday evening, Feb. 1. Total receipts for the Fair (with last year's balance) were, $2,036.22

Hallstead - A few years ago the late N. T. Mitchell had a tame bear chained to a post near his barn. In the fall bruin dug a hole beneath the barn and to the length of his chain, undermined a hay mow. On the succeeding Feb. 2, some people watched to see if the superstition about the bear coming out of his hole on that date would be verified, and sure enough about noon out came the bear and to this day you cannot make Hallstead people believe that bears do not regulate the weather.

Elkdale - Joel Stevens is 98 years of age and has always lived in Elkdale.

Great Bend - Levi Banker's team was tied to the metal post in front of the Kistler block in Great Bend when they became frightened and as they were tied with considerable length of rope they wound around the post and almost instantly both horses were thrown down, breaking the tongue of the sleigh and portions of the harness as well. AND Pete Rinehart, who lived for many years in the Egypt tract of the county, in Great Bend Twp, about 3/4 mile from the main Susquehanna road, was found dead in the shanty he called his home on Monday, his death having occurred on Friday, and his wife, who was ill, having remained alone with the body of her husband for four long days, with scarcely any food or fuel excepting that which the neighbors had provided. W. A. Kenyon, on Monday, found Rinehart and his wife suffering from cold and hunger and both of them ill. He informed the poor authorities of Great Bend township of their condition, but nothing seems to have been done for them only what their neighbors did. Pete was given Christian burial on Tuesday and his wife was taken care of by her neighbors.

Auburn Township - C. A. Dean has been engaged as butter maker at the Jersey Hill creamery, which is undergoing some repairs and which will be ready for business in the near future.

North Branch - The people of Middletown were greatly shocked on Thursday of last week to learn of the death of Miss Anna Curley of Flynn, which occurred at her home. The funeral was held from St. Patrick's church, Rush, on Sunday, Rev. B. V. Driscoll officiating.

Heart Lake - The big ice house at this place is more than half full. This has been a very hard winter to gather ice on account of so much snow. Several teams have been kept busy scraping the snow since before new years. About 80 men are employed.

Hopbottom - On April 1st, Dr. E. E. Tower and family will move to their hold home at Loomis Lake near Hopbottom, to spend the summer. His work for the State Live Stock Sanitary Board will continue the same as heretofore. A telephone will be placed at his residence as soon as possible which will connect with Brooklyn, Montrose and other points, and all cases reported will receive the same prompt attention as before.

News Briefs - The lower parts of Wilkes-Barre were inundated by the backing up of the Susquehanna river Tuesday and from that city to Sunbury many towns have been flooded and thousands of dollars of damage done. An even more disastrous flood is anticipated, as the ice is gorged in many places in a manner which defies all artificial means of removing it. AND The following persons are drawn as jurors for the term of United States court beginning in Scranton, Feb. 29: Grand jurors--Frederick Terboss, Hallstead; W. H. Wilmot, Gibson. Petit jurors--W. H. Foote, New Milford; Wm. Kendrick and H. C. Miller, Susquehanna; John West, Auburn Four Corners; Charles Moses, Brackney.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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