Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 12 1897/1997
Montrose – M.S. Dessauer advertises $12 suits for $5 today, and wants you to come a runnin'. AND There is a small commotion in town" between the water company and D.T. Brewster, Esq. The company says Mr. B's contract doesn't call for as much water as he is using in his house [that he is entitled to less faucets] while he says he is plainly entitled to all. The Company threatened to shut off the water from his house, and he told them not to. They sent a man in the night to dig up the frozen earth, find the cock, and turn off the water. Mr. B. caught him at it, went after Policeman White to have him arrested, and the digger gave up his job. The question is an interesting one and as Mr. B. is a lawyer, he ought to know what he is about. While on the other hand, the company ought to know just what their rights are—and if they don't it’s a good time to have the question of faucets settled. We shall see what we shall see. In the meantime it's hard on Truman to have to spend his time watching that hole in the frozen street these winter nights.
Thompson – The firm of Crosier & Wilmarth has dissolved and Pickering & Wilmarth have succeeded them. Also at the Corner Store, Gelatt & Clark are succeeded by dark and Hubbard.
Hop Bottom – G.W. Struppler has sheds behind his store, which for 14 years the public has used. He now gives notice that they are for his customers only, and that people who do not trade at his store are expected to stable their horses where they do their trading.
South Montrose – Aaron Reynolds and L. Eastman are engaged in manufacturing violins.
Dundaff – Great preparations are being made at Crystal Lake for the coming summer. Mr. Whitmore intends building a dozen cottages; Mr. Johnson three or four and a number of other individuals intend erecting summer homes. Teams are now busy bringing lumber and when spring opens work will be rushed, that tenants may occupy the cottages ere the summer closes.
St. Joseph – Our rushing stage driver Willis Treadwell has purchased a Canadian sleigh, which will be quite an accommodation to passengers along the route.
Lawsville – Mr. Rakestraw, of Upsonville, will give a graphophone entertainment in the Baptist church at Lawsville, on Thursday evening, for the benefit of the Y.P.S.C.E. of that place. Come all.
Hallstead – The solemn services of reception and profession at St. Rose convent at Carbondale, yesterday afternoon, were attended by a large number of people from this place. Among the young ladies who received the holy habit of religion was Miss Margaret Tierney.
Flynn – There was a family reunion at Mr. Edward Kelly's Sunday evening. Games and innocent amusements were indulged in until the wee hours of the morning. Music was furnished by Lawrence Whalen.
Springville – The pupils of the Springville Graded School will give an entertainment in Academy Hall, Feb. 16. The program will consist of solos, glees, and recitations. The farce, "Two Ghosts in White" and also the down east farce, "Arabella's Poor Relation" will be given. The minstrel club will be in attendance. Adm. 10 cts.
Susquehanna – Henry F. Manzer, of this place, will be a candidate for the Prothonotary at the coming fall election. He is in every way qualified for the position. ANDSneak thieves on Monday evening stole the entire washing of Mrs. Martin Carmody, of W. Main.
Birchardville – On Feb. 2, Myron Strange was very much surprised by the arrival of several teams, 16 in number, with their owners, to help him get his saw logs to mill, while the sleighing lasted, which was a great help to Myron, no doubt. Dinner was served on time and partaken of by the helpers. This certainly was a day well spent, all the logs being hauled to Bradshaw's mill before nightfall.
West Lenox – Our town is small but it can boast of a store, blacksmith shop, saw mill, gristmill, dressmaker and watch tinker.
Lynn – The wood bee for the M.E. church was well attended and now the sexton can warm the church as in days of yore.
New Milford – The Shakespeare Club met at the home of Miss Wilson Monday evening.
Great Bend – The Misses Wilmot have sold their wagon house to Mr. Sackett and he has moved the same onto his premises to be used for storing his harnesses.
Compiled By: Betty Smith