Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
February 11 1921/2021
Montrose – Hon. George A. Post, a former editor of the Montrose Democrat, has resigned as president of the Standard Coupler Company of New York, to accept the presidency of the Hudson Bridge Corp., of New York. The company will construct a bridge across the Hudson river from 5th St. to the high ground of New Jersey, west of Weehawken. It will be remembered that Mr. Post was elected to represent the 14th District in Congress, while a resident of this county, being one of the few Democrats ever elected to the National Legislature from this district. ALSO Morris Baker, bookkeeper in the First National Bank, is quite seriously ill with measles at his home on Grow Avenue.
Harford – The North Harford Book Club held its annual banquet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Titus. The men served the dinner and the menu consisted of oysters, coffee, doughnuts, olives, cookies, rolls and brick ice cream. About 40 were present and the ladies had a day of rest, as the men prepared the dinner and washed all the dishes. ALSO C. C. Darrow, of North Harford, seems to be the busy man here, driving the school wagon to Harford.
Dimock – Our correspondent says: “A young man, in an open car, raced through here on Sunday afternoon way over the speed limit, never slacking up the least bit when he saw a flock of hens in the road ahead of him. The machine ran over and killed three nice laying pullets and injured two more. The driver just barely missed colliding with a locust tree in rounding the corner towards Montrose. The owner of the poultry at once explained the matter over the telephone to a state trooper at the Tarbell House, who met the young men as soon as he drove into Montrose, causing him to make settlement for the damage wrought by his reckless driving.”
Brooklyn – The Universalist S. S. will hold a social next Saturday evening, Lincoln’s birthday. Everyone is requested to bring a saying or an anecdote of Lincoln’s.
Middletown Twp. – A public sale of more than ordinary proportions will be made by P. F. Degnan on February 24, as per detailed announcement in the advertising columns. Mr. Degnan lost his wife about a year ago, and finding it difficult to find help, finds it necessary to retire from the farm, and will sell or rent his farm. Thirty head of cattle are offered for sale, as well as other stock, farm machinery, grain, hay, shingles, lumber, etc.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – W. H. Valentine is Lynn’s wide-awake blacksmith and wagon maker. While horse-shoeing is Mr. Valentine’s specialty, he is doing wagon work as an accommodation to his patrons, but says he still has difficulty in getting needed supplies, particularly rims, spokes, etc. No young men seem to be learning the blacksmith and wagon repairing business now and we often wonder what the farmers are going to do in a few years.
Oakland – Stanley H. Brush and Floyd E. Brush have purchased of Stack & Bryant the hardware store conducted in connection with the Stack & Bryant grocery business on the Oakland side. Brush Brothers conducted both the grocery store and the hardware store on the Oakland side for many years. They sold their grocery business to Joseph Stack, who later sold a half interest to L. T. Bryant. Stack & Bryant also purchased the hardware store, and conducted it in connection with the grocery business. Brush Brothers will give their entire time to the hardware store. They expect to enlarge by adding another floor. Floyd E. Brush, who has been residing in Binghamton for the past year, has sold his property in the Parlor City and has returned to Susquehanna.
Thompson – The Susquehanna County Free Library Association is asking voluntary contributions for the purpose of adding more traveling libraries. Contributions in this place may be handed to Prof. Walter or to E. S. Potter.
Gelatt – Earl Whitter, of Susquehanna, expects to make two trips a week through here with bakery goods from Getter’s Bakery.
New Milford – Lawrence Shelp, of Rochester, NY, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Shelp, of this place, over the weekend. Of him the New Milford Advertiser says: “Lawrence is a former New Milford boy who is making good. He enlisted in the U.S. cavalry during the late war, and was stationed in Oklahoma. Later he was transferred to the field artillery and sent to France, arriving in that country only two days before the armistice was signed. He says he was sorry not to get into action after getting over there, but was mighty glad to get back to the good, old U.S.A. Of late he has been making good as a ball player during the summer season. He made an enviable record last year in the Industrial League of Rochester, having a batting average of over 500 and a fielding average of 991(?), having only three errors in fourteen games played.”
Forest City – Much as been said of late concerning the “woman in black” whose mysterious ways are unfathomable. Several persons claim to have been held up by this incognito, but no serious results are announced. Mike Burdick says the woman in black is a man. Who knows? ALSO A patient died at the Farview State Hospital for Criminal Insane the first of the week. A Simpson undertaker secured the body and took it to his morgue to prepare it for burial. A Forest City undertaker later appeared and demanded the body, claiming he had authority to care for it. The Simpson undertaker refused to give it up, and during the night, the Forest City undertaker is alleged to have quietly entered the Simpson rooms and spirited the body away. The Simpson undertaker’s ire can better be imagined than expressed in print.
Uniondale – Lasco Lenox is now the oldest section hand in point of service in the employ of the Erie here. By faithful work he has become an assistant foreman. Lasco is happy at all times but more especially at home with his wife and eight children.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. – About 30 men, neighbors and friends, attended the wood bee held for John Conrad and the Davis sisters. The men put up a fine pile of wood, which they appreciate very much. Surely good will and helpfulness abound in this neighborhood.
Hopbottom – On Thursday of last week the Hopbottom Book club met with Mrs. Bisbee. The hostess served sherbet and two kinds of cake. On the same afternoon the Foster Book club met with Mrs. Learn. Charming selections were rendered on the victrola. The hostess served sandwiches, chocolate cake and cocoa with whipped cream.
Compiled By: Betty Smith