Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
February 11 1916/2016
Franklin Forks – Alliance 131 will hold a contest, “graham bread, potato salad, cucumber pickles and currant jelly,” in connection with their regular meeting, in Alliance hall, Feb. 16. Suitable prizes will be given. Judges to be the tallest woman and the shortest man. This, with the regular program, will insure an interesting time.
South Montrose – Cleatus Kiefer is the new proprietor of the pool room.
Montrose – E. L. Estus, of Dimock, and Frank Hill, of Rush, have purchased new Chevrolet touring cars of L. H. Sprout and Sons. Another carload of Chevrolets is expected by this firm in a short time, nearly all of which have been sold. ALSO One of the largest thermometers in the world is being placed in front of Burns’ drug store. The instrument is nine feet tall and guaranteed accurate. Valentine & Co., the Valspar people, had 1,000 of these thermometers made at a cost of $22,000. Montrose is very fortunate to get one of the thousand. It runs from 80 below to 120 above zero. ALSO A great treat is in store for all who attend the Lincoln Tea at Colonial Hall, Saturday evening, it being a fine Victrola concert from one of Mrs. Gamble’s Victrolas.
Forest City – The first golden wedding to take place in the history of this place occurred last Saturday when Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zaller observed the event. They were married in Austria, but for many years have been residents of Forest City.
New Milford – Monday was a very busy day for the landlords of the two hotels here. W. E. Carpenter moved from the upper hotel to the Walker House and Hallie Lewis, who has been conducting the Walker House for some months, moved to the upper hotel, which will hereafter be called the Lewis House.
Dimock – Thomas Donahoe, of Binghamton, who fell under the ice wagon he was driving on Feb. 3rd, died on Wednesday night of his injuries in the City Hospital. He is survived by his wife and three brothers—John, Patrick and James Donahoe, of Dimock.
Elk Lake – James Bishop, who has the contract for filling the Auburn creamery ice house, has a number of teams drawing ice from the lake this week. Green Brothers are handling the ice saws.
Rush – Frank Everett, who was kicked by a horse and had his leg broken about two weeks ago, is doing nicely at the home of his brother, D. J. Everett, of Jersey Hill. Mr. Everett was riding on a market wagon, where the seat was at the extreme front, and in going over a knoll, the horse kicked, and being sharp shod, mangled his leg fearfully. He realized what had happened and managed to crawl over the seat before he fainted. When he revived he drove to his brother’s farm, where he was cared for. Dr. Fry, of Rush, reduced the fracture. ALSO Mrs. Russell Very is moving from her place, at Rush Center, to her son’s, Walter, near Montrose. Clark Larue purchased her farm.
South Harford – The excitements of last week were as follows: Book Club, Wed.; surprise party for Mrs. Robert Hudson, Thursday evening; ball at Fred Anderson’s Fri. evening; and a birthday party for Casper Cary, Saturday.
Transue (Auburn Twp.) – Miss Ethel Barnes, of this place and William Place, of Edinger Hill, were united in marriage, Wednesday evening, Feb. 2, 1916, at Rev. W. B. Arnold’s, of Skinner’s Eddy. From there the newly married couple left for his sister’s, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Robinson, of Schottsville, where they spent the week-end. On Saturday evening the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Place made them a party. Many nice presents were given to them.
East Kingsley – Simon Button, while working on the railroad section Tuesday morning, was hit by a train. Just how the accident occurred is not known, as no one was with him at the time and his lifeless body was found by his companions sometime after he was hit. The funeral was held Thursday with burial at Wilmarth cemetery. He is survived by his widow and three small children.
Ararat – Plenty of mud. The roads are getting real bad. Some of the milk teams that draw milk from Gelatt to Orson can’t make the trip and return the same day and consequently they stay over and return the next day. We hope the old bear will see his shadow and snow would be welcome in place of rain and mud.
Bridgewater Twp. – Charles J. Post [of Post’s Pond] is busy these days harvesting ice, having a contract with the Knickerbocker Ice Co., of New York, the company agreeing to take all he can furnish. He is working 30 men and 9 horses. The ice he is loading is of a clear, crystal quality from 9 to 12½ inches thick. Mr. Post informs us that he has facilities for loading 40 cars in 10 hours, but is handicapped by the fact that it is impossible for the Lehigh Valley to place cars on the switch as rapidly as he can fill them.
Friendsville – Mrs. Ellen Nora O’Donnell Donnelly, aged 81 years, died at her home near this place on January 29, 1916. She is survived by ten children: James, Miles, Frank and Ellen of Friendsville; Margaret, of Binghamton; Martha and Frances, of Portland Oregon; Mrs. John Connor, of Smethport, Pa; Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Waterbury, Conn.; and Julia A. Donnelly, of New York city. She is also survived by one brother, Thomas J. O’Donnell, of St. Joseph, Pa. and two sisters, Mrs. Michael Sorter, of Adrian, Michigan and Mrs. Mary Johnson, of Waterbury, Conn. The funeral was held from St. Francis Xavier’s church; Rev. J. P. Dunne celebrated mass. The pallbearers were: Daniel O’Connell, Edward O’Connell, Lawrence Coleman, Christopher Coleman, Daniel Fitzgerald and James Lynch.
Roads – We understand a movement is on foot and a petition numerously signed, asking the state to take over the road from New Milford to Jackson. And why should not this be done? It is certainly one of the most traveled roads in the county, and one of the main lines of highway leading from the eastern part of the county to the County Seat. It would especially accommodate Jackson, Gibson, Thompson, Ararat, Herrick, New Milford, Harmony, Oakland, Susquehanna and Lanesboro. A fine county bridge has lately been built at Lakeside, the grade is good, with no heavy hills, and the traffic from Gibson and Jackson to the railroad station at New Milford is large. Perhaps few, if any, roads in the county have more business. The distance is less than eight miles. At Jackson it intersects the old Tunkhannock valley state route, which at some not distant day may be a trolley line from Nicholson through Glenwood, South Gibson, Smiley, Gelatt, Jackson, North Jackson, and through to Susquehanna. An investigation of the map will show the many advantages and importance of the section of the road between New Milford and Jackson, connecting as it would, with the state road leading from Montrose to New Milford, and forming a main and very desirable highway across the county from West to East.
Compiled By: Betty Smith