Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 11 1910/2010
Forest City - Three double dwellings, in which twenty families lived, were destroyed here Monday night. The houses were located on Lackawanna street and were owned by Frank Niebsydowski. The loss is $12,000. The fire plugs were frozen and the firemen could do nothing.
Susquehanna - Shortly after returning from St. John's Catholic church, where she attended mass, Mrs. Robert Keenan, a highly and estimable resident, died suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Martin J. Kendrick. Mrs. Keenan was in apparently good health early Friday morning. She arose at the usual hour and at eight o'clock went to mass and received Holy Communion. She returned to her home and while eating breakfast expired. Dr. W. J. Condon was summoned and pronounced her death due to heart failure. She is survived by three sons and three daughters.
Heart Lake - The Mountain Ice Co. finished filling their large ice house at this place, Saturday. F. I. Hillis and family have moved back to their farm, after running the boarding house during the ice job.
Harford - Henry Jones has gone to Massachusetts, where he will enter some college and finish the term.
Montrose - Jos. M. Bush, trainmaster of the Wyoming Division of the Lehigh Valley, was engaged here Friday. When a mere boy he drove the stage between Montrose and Rush, carrying the mails and passengers for about two years.
Hop Bottom - There will be a Washington's Birthday hop at the Valley View House, Hop Bottom, of which H. C. Carpenter is proprietor, Feb. 22. Mahon's orchestra, of Montrose, which gives such general satisfaction, will go down to furnish music for Mr. Carpenter. Arrangements have been made to afford the guests at this hop an excellent time as usual.
Hallstead - G. M. Decker, Hallstead's bustling laundryman, last week purchased the Susquehanna laundry and he is moving the same to Hallstead, where the various machines and implements will be incorporated as a part of the laundry here. These additions will make Mr. Decker's laundry one of the most complete plants in Northern Pennsylvania.
St. Joseph - M. J. O'Reilly is doing a hustling business as proprietor of the store here.
Forest Lake - John Reilly saw his shadow candlemas day. Six weeks more winter weather, John.
Fairdale - There is no school this week, Miss Browning, the teacher, being absent on account of drifted roads.
Ararat - Twenty-eight below zero Monday morning at this place. How's that for fresh air?
Dundaff - Mrs. Ada White, who has been house keeper at the hotel for the past month, has accepted a position at the Forest House, at Forest City. Mrs. Pengelly, of Wilkes-Barre, fills the place made vacant by her.
Brookdale - The old school Baptists of this vicinity, held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Laura Bailey.
Burnwood - George and James Wademan were courting at Montrose last week.
Alford - William L. Stone, flagman on the Montrose branch of the Lackawanna, met with a sad and sudden death on Monday morning. The Montrose train was being made up near the water tank on a siding alongside the main tracks, Mr. Stone, being at work between the tender and car, uncoupling the air hose. A train was going up on the track furthest from him and as he stepped back from between the cars on the rails of the adjoining eastbound track, the noise of the train going up prevented him from hearing the down coming freight. The pilot of the engine struck him on the side of the head, hurling him some feet and causing almost instant death. Conductor E. F. Wilmot telephoned his wife to impart the heart rending news, which was done as gently as the dread circumstance permitted and bravely borne by the widow. Mr. Stone was nearly 48 years of age and was a native of Franklin township. His parents were Stanley and Ruth (Darrow) Stone, both natives of Montrose. The father resides in New Milford and one sister, Mrs. N. O. Roach, at Tiffany and two sons and two daughters survive.
Crystal Lake - Robert Wood Johnson died suddenly at his home in New Brunswick, N.J., on Tuesday. He was the head of the large firm of Johnson & Johnson, makers of surgical dressings and appliances. In 1874 he organized the firm of Seabury & Johnson for the manufacture of medicated plasters and dressing, and in 1887 the present firm was organized. He was born in Carbondale and was well known in the eastern part of the county. Sylvester Johnson, of Crystal Lake, is a brother.
Uniondale - John Smith is moving to the Forest City poor farm, where he will work during the coming season. ALSO Rev. William Usher braved the snowstorm Sunday and walked to Pleasant Mount, where he preached in the Presbyterian church.
Herrick Center - Peter Stanton died last Wednesday after a long illness of typhoid fever. The funeral was held Saturday morning at the home. The deceased is survived by a wife and fourteen children. Much sympathy is felt for the family.
Compiled By: Betty Smith