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February 10 1922/2022

Kingsley – One of the worst fires in the county, for many years, was that of the Moore-Tyler farm near this place. The bright red glow that was reflected in the sky was no false indication. The cause was due to an explosion in the boiler room and estimated at nearly $50,000, but nearly all covered by insurance. In all nine buildings were burned—the cow barn, four large silos, the dairy house, ice house, garage and tool shed. The farm was one of the most up-to-date farms in this section of the state, and was a marvel and model of present day efficiency. Fortunately, the 120 head of cattle were all saved. Fred Tyler, who runs a garage at Kingsley and brother of the owner, George Tyler, rushed to the farm, where he took charge and ably directed the fire fighting. Due to the willing workers, who poured in from all sides, the house was saved. It is estimated that over 200 people from a radius of ten miles were at the scene of the disaster.

Montrose – What may be termed the most fortunate fire in local history was the one at the Rogers-Warner block, located on the southwest corner of Church and South Main Streets. For though in the end the amount of damage done was not large, the start of the fire gave great promise of wiping out this valuable block in its entirety, housing the Carney millinery shop, F.B. Smith’s jewelry store and Wm. Flindt’s tailoring shop. On the South Main Street side, reading from north to south, the shoe shop of Harry Gersowitz, Paul Wood’s barber shop, the express office and Rogers’ meat market. It was in the rear of the express office that the fire started. Paul Wood, on opening the door leading into the backroom of the shop, found that part of the building was filled with smoke. He turned in the alarm at the local telephone office to Miss Leola Inman, chief operator, who immediately turned on the switch releasing the new fire alarm siren. The shrill blasts of the alarm soon attracted the largest number of people that has been assembled in Montrose for many a day. Several young men were at No. 2’s chemical engine room and ready for action. It was only due to the early and efficient application of the chemicals from below and of water from above that the flames were checked. Losses were not large but the Carney millinery shop experienced the greatest inconvenience. The entire contents of the shop was moved into the street and much of the perishable stock was badly soiled. It is said that two men carried the shop’s large mirror all the way to Harrington’s alley, and then, in setting it down, broke it into a thousand (?) pieces.

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – Silas Jagger, the United States weather bureau man, reports that the weather for the month of January was the coldest, on an average, for the last ten years. The maximum average was 30 degrees above and the minimum average 9 above. There were ten days in the month that the thermometer registered from 5 to 16 below. The official month’s snowfall was only ten inches.

Jackson – H. M. Benson, one of the county’s oldest and most successful merchants, has written regarding his long term of service, occasioned by the mention of the 48thanniversary of McCain’s store at Rush. Mr. Benson, for 57 years, has held the fort as a merchant in the same location, the first three years 1866 to 1869 with Henry F. Manzer as his clerk. At the end of three years the partnership with Henry ‘s father dissolved. The railroad was commenced and he saw that the business would be cut fully or more than one-half, so he bought out his uncle, Thomas Jefferson Manzer. The postoffice, which has been in the store for over 35 years, is here yet.

Brooklyn – A sleighload from Dimock attended the minstrel show here on Friday evening. ALSO A sleighload of young people, chaperoned by Miss Daisy Fish, drove to Montrose on Saturday evening. ALSO In Lindaville, while returning home from church, Charles Verguson had the misfortune to have his cutter overturned, injuring his knee quite badly.

Birchardville – Olin Devine, of Iowa, is visiting friends and relatives in this place for a short time.

Springville – Misses Alice Snover and Luella Thomas, graduate nurses from the Scranton State Hospital, are spending a short vacation with relatives here before leaving to accept positions in St. Luke’s hospital, New York city.

Susquehanna – The curfew ordinance will be rigidly enforced. Burgess Condon has told the police to pick up all children on the streets after 9 o’clock in the evening. The parents, in case of arrest, will pay a fine of $1 or be imprisoned. It is said that this is the only way to keep the youngsters in their places. ALSO Soon every repair plant along the Erie railroad, formerly operated by the Erie Company, will have passed into the hands of contracting firms. The Hornell shops were leased some time ago. Other shops followed, and on January 16 the Susquehanna shops were transferred to the Susquehanna Shops Company. Gallion, Marion, Kent, Salamanca, Dunmore, Port Jervis, Meadville, Jersey City and the Buffalo shops will all be under contract soon. The contracts are being closed as fast as possible.

Herrick Center – The Golden Rule Class of the M. E. church met at the home of their teacher, Mrs. A. L. Craft, to elect officers for the coming year. At the close of the meeting dainty refreshments were served.

200 Years Ago from the Susquehanna County Herald, February 9, 1822.

Married, by Elder Davis Dimock, on the 3rd inst., Mr. Ira Gage to Miss Eunice Turrel, both of Bridgewater.

A party of hunters at Roxbury, VT, has killed a Catamount, which weighed 116 lbs, and 7 feet in length, and 3 feet in height.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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