Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 10 1900/2000
Forest City - In Forest City coal is from $1.25 to $2.50 per ton. In Susquehanna, about 35 miles distant, it is from $3.80 to $4.70 per ton.
Uniondale - Stephen Bronson has loaded and shipped for Gladden and O'Brien, to their different creameries, 125 cars of ice.
South New Milford - Burt Lindsley exhibited his graphaphone to a small audience at Moxley church.
Little Meadows - LaFayette Minkler met with a most unfortunate accident the other day. He went from his home to Owego and put his horse, a spirited one, in a barn. When, wishing to return and while preparing to hitch his horse to the wagon, it became frightened and kicked, striking Mr. Minkler with both feet, breaking two or three ribs and otherwise injuring him. He was unable to be removed to his home for several days.
Elk Lake - The death of Mrs. Finley Green occurred on Feb. 8. The funeral was held at the house on Monday. The deceased was about 75 years old. She is survived by an aged husband and eight children.
Chestnut Ridge - Mrs. J. E. Cronk, the Larkin Soap dealer, is on the road a great deal of the time. (Does anyone know the exact location of Chestnut Ridge? Family names, such as Cronk, Warner, and Burrows, appear in the column).
Welsh Hill - Some of our dairymen talk of sending their milk to the Crystal Springs Cheese Co., at Tirzah, during the coming season.
Springville - Friday evening, Feb. 16th, is the date for the fourth number in our entertainment course. This will be one of the best numbers in the course, being the appearance of the Keystone Concert Trio composed of Saidee Estelle Kaiser, prima donna soprano; Elizabeth Parker, reader and reciter; and Nellie G. Albright, pianist. While in England Miss Kaiser appeared before the Prince and Princess of Wales and daughters and Prince Charles of Denmark, of which appearance the Sunday Times says - The party greatly enjoyed the programme set before them. Special mention must be made of Miss Kaiser's charmingly sung songs." Such an elegant course of entertainments should receive the patronage of every person interested in the welfare of our town.
Silver Lake - Miss Lena M. Caswell, a graduate of Montrose High School, has gone to Wilkes-Barre to attend the Atlantic School of Osteopathy.
Gibson - Mrs. G. R. Resseguie, a former musical instructor at the Soldiers' Orphans' school at Harford, is giving lessons in vocal culture to a large class here.
New Milford - Philip Harding, aged 82 years, who lives alone in his house which is situated on the new Montrose road, about two miles from New Milford, was robbed last Friday night of $275, which he had secreted in the house. The robbers broke into Mr. Harding's place with a piece of fence rail, forced the old man to divulge the whereabouts of his money, and securing this, they left the old man bound and gagged and escaped. When the alarm was given officers visited the scene of the crime and the thieves were tracked to the home of William Church, who was recently in the Montrose jail, but who was out on bail. Church, and Henry White, whose criminal career is well known to Montrose people, and a young man of 17 or 18, who has no criminal record, were arrested and charged with the robbery.
Susquehanna - The successful series of revival meetings in the Presbyterian church have closed and Evangelist Sheldon has attacked Satan's fortifications in Forest City.
Herrick Centre - The following is the report of the Herrick Centre School, Margaret Bowell, teacher. Those that averaged 90 or above in their studies were - Tessie R. Kiernan, 96; Rosa Kiernan, 95; Nettie Thompson, 95; Inez Lyden, 94; Myrtle Curtis, 91. Perfect in attendance, Nettie Thompson. Those missing no days but were tardy - John Cawley, Joseph Cawley and Leo Cawley.
Glenwood - L. B. Mott, while skating on Glen Hill lake, one night this week, lost a valuable cuff button; anyone finding it will confer a favor by returning same to him.
Montrose - On the evening of Feb. 27, the last evening before Lent, Rescue Hook and Ladder Co. will give an old-fashioned New England supper together with a charming and unique entertainment in Village Hall. The supper will be served in the basement of the Hall, and will be furnished and served by the wives, sisters and sweethearts of "Hooks" exclusively. The menu will be rich with appetizing dishes, such as our grandmothers used to make, and they will be served in the good old style of long ago.
Lawsville Centre - The Baptist Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. D. W. Bailey, Feb 1st. The ladies have made a very pretty worsted crazy quilt which will be drawn at the supper, given by the Aid on Thursday evening, Feb. 22d, by the one giving the most money towards the purchase of a church bell. The money should be put in an envelope, sealed and addressed with the giver's name.
Compiled By: Betty Smith