Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 10 1893/1993
Clifford - The golden wedding of Thomas R. and Jane P. Davies, of Clifford, will be celebrated Feb. 16. They are the parents of T.J. Davies.
Montrose - W.B. Whitney has accepted a position as butter maker in the New Milford Mills Company creamery, and will begin work the first of March. AND Chas. L. Thomas, who has lived on A. Lathrop's farm, south of the boro for several years, has purchased a farm in Franklin, and will go there in the spring. AND Jeweler E.H. True has just received a very fine bicycle, Cleveland No. 4. The machine is a model of beauty, and weighs only thirty pounds. Mr. True purchased it of the agent in this place, Mr. O.A. Gilbert.
New Milford - F.A. Noteware has sold his restaurant property in New Milford, to Fara Beebe who will take possession the first of April. Mr. Noteware will go to Marathon, N.Y. to live.
Elk Lake - The new store building at Elk Lake, being erected by Jos. Hoag, will have a good hall in the second story. The building is being built by S.A. Young, who is doing a splendid job in the carpenter work. The hall would not be a bad place for the P. of I. meetings.
North Jackson - Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Larrabee, of North Jackson, gave a reception at his handsomely Furnished home, Thursday evening of last week, the like of which was never known in this locality, fully 200 people gathered at the Larrabee mansion, and were each and all royally entertained by "Han" and his estimable wife.
Forest City - Miss Watrous of Harford is visiting Mrs. W.B. Blakeslee.
Silver Lake - Parties have been quite numerous in this vicinity of late, there having been one at the houses of J. McDonald, J. Lannon, T. Clone, and others.
Friendsville - B. Matthews had the misfortune to get a kick from one of E. Moran's oxen and broke his wrist.
Hallstead - W.S. Barnes has contracted to build three or four houses for W.D. Lusk this spring. A great many men are taking advantage of the easy terms Mr. Lusk is giving them to secure houses of their own.
Harford - Mr. and Mrs. Owen Tiffany of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Peter Roles of Peckville were in town last week to attend the funeral of their grandmother, Mrs. Polly Cowles.
Rush - C.H. Davis has purchased the Mott house of Robert Bunnell. It is occupied by Leander Otis
Jersey Hill -Mrs. C. White of S. Montrose is visiting at the home other parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Emmons. AND We understand the mail route from Rush to Skinner's Eddy will take effect June 1st. By this route we get New York mail the same day
North Bridgewater - Mrs. Norton Scott and Mrs. C. Fancher were guests of Mrs. Augusta Rush, of Montrose, on Thursday.
South Gibson - J.J. Manning is finishing the hall over his store, which is occupied by the band and Grange.
Lawsville Centre - Thank goodness the proverbial old grizzly Tailed to see his shadow on Candlemas day.
Auburn Corners - A 42 inch Bailey Reflector has been hung in the Methodist Church, which gives a very brilliant light. Two six-lamp chandeliers are now offered for sale cheap.
Compiled By: Betty Smith