Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 1 1895/1995
Hallstead – Johnny Douglass earned $4 in 5 days selling popcorn for the purpose of helping to build the new Baptist church. If all the little ones would do that it would help swell the fund.
Springville – On Friday evening, Jan. 25, a goodly number of te members of Vesta Lodge, No. 187, D of R. visited Miss Isa Mills, at Dimock. They treated themselves to oysters, and had a very nice supper and a pleasant visit, but the coming home at midnight through a blizzard is not the most pleasant thing to do. The people at Ed Burdick’s, the same evening had to break roads ahead of their horses or stay all night, and they choose to come home. A bad storm to be out in surely.
Uniondale – While two of our highly respected young ladies Misses Arlette Bronson and Kitty Aitkin were out sleigh-ridding the other day, they had quite a mishap, caused by the horse being hitched too close to the cutter, so the horse’s heels kept pounding against the runners at a fearful rate, and the horse not liking the situation, concluded to go a little faster than the girls cared to ride, so they got out as they were rounding a curve in the road, and they were piled up something like cord wood. But somehow young ladies are always lucky, for a friend of theirs soon came along with a nice rig, and stopped in front of a snow drift, which he thought moved, and pretty soon he saw something peeping out, and after considerable snow was brushed off saw it was two human beings standing there with faces all smiling and rosie cheeks, and saying they weren’t hurt a bit, so their friend kindly took them in his cutter, and went in the direction their horse started and the horse was found in a worse predicament than the girls, for it took longer to untangle the tangle. It had formed a larger snowdrift than the girls, but as nothing was broken we soon got the horse hitched up in proper shape, so their friend thought best to change rings for a time to see if their horse moved off in movable shape, but the girls soon got sick of their trade – seeing their horse go so nicely, so their friend traded back and the girls drove off with their horse after thanking their friend for his assistance.
Compiled By: Betty Smith