Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 1 1890/1990
Franklin Forks - Franklin Rullison has made an important discovery. He finds that wearing overalls made of grain bags is a sure preventative of the grip.
Jessup - William Quick and Jennie Roberts went to Bro. Lewis, at Kirkwood, N.Y., on Thursday last and were joined in the bonds of wedlock. Owing to the delicate inconvenience of getting a license, William thought it best to take the fair one and flee from the land of bondage. On Wednesday evening Feb. 5th there will be an oyster supper at the Fairdale Church and like all Methodist affairs, everybody is invited.
Middletown - Dennis Lane died aged 103 years and 8 months. He came here from Ireland in 1832 and lived in Middletown about 51 years. His death was due to old age and a general wearing out of the system. He reared nine children.
Motts Mills [North Bridgewater] - [photo appearing with article] Merritt Mort came to Bridgewater Twp. in 1832 and purchased a carding mill from Spencer Watrous. He started fulling, coloring and cloth dressing, and finally introduced weaving. Judson W. Mott succeeded his father in 1863. In 1867 the factory was destroyed by fire but rebuilt the same year. Mr. Mott employed four or five hands and principally manufactured miners flannel and stocking yarn. He made about 11,000 yards of cloth and a ton of yarn, and used from 7-9,000 pounds of wool per year, most of which was purchased from county farmers. The mill closed about 1910. It was located on Rt. 29 [Snake Creek Road] about 2 miles from Montrose.
Rush - C.W. Hibbard had a fall of about 15 ft. from the top of a haystack, which he was about to carve up for stock. He landed on his head and shoulders and the shock laid him up for 10 days. Charley says he thinks, "If he had not been a good Republican it might have killed him."
News Brief - Miscellaneous: The goose bone will now take a rear scat, along with DeVoe and other false prophets. According to the goose bone, we should be having biting winter weather this week. [It was warm.] An Elmira woman hung her best dress out on a line the other day to get the wrinkles out, and in less than an hour the wrinkles had entirely disappeared. So had the dress.
Union Dale - Mrs. E. Tice has moved her millinery and fancy store to the home of Mrs. Lydia Barragar.
Compiled By: Betty Smith