Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 09 1923/2023
Dimock – Many people around this vicinity will greatly miss “Old Bill,” the faithful town horse, used by nearly everyone in Dimock, and owned by W. J. Cronk. The good and faithful servant of thirty years, left this life one day recently not accidentally, nor through sickness, but painlessly and mercifully by the act of a friend who did not want to see the poor animal ever suffer any of the ills that ordinarily befalls horses of that age. No one would have dreamed that this slick, sprightly, old pet could have been over 15 years of age unless they were expects at age guessing.
Hallstead – In renewing his subscription to The Democrat, S. F. Barnes makes the following interesting comment: Comrade Stockholm has gone. We were both in Co. C., 151st Regiment (instead of 141st, as published). As far as I know I am the only one living today who belonged to that company. I, too, am getting near the end of my journey, as I shall be eighty at my next birthday.” ALSO The following tribute was published in the newspaper: With the death of Geo. P. Stockholm, at his home near Franklin Forks, taps were sounded for the last, and the youngest of three brothers, Aaron, John and George Stockholm, who have set a remarkable and enviable record in that all three served throughout the greater part of our Civil War and participated in many of its hardest fought battles. Mr. Stockholm’s father, with two sons already in the service, had refused to let him join the army because he could ill-afford to spare him from the farm, was so eager to serve his country that he ran away from home in September, 1862, at the age of eighteen, and mustered in at Montrose as a private of Co. G., 151st Regiment. With the 151sthe fought through the engagements of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. At Gettysburg his regiment lost 75% of its men, killed or wounded or missing. George was finally taken prisoner during this engagement, paroled and re-enlisted in Troop B, First New York Mounted Riders. With this regiment he took part in the siege at Petersburg and some 125 engagements during its term of service. The untiring spirit with which he worked for the welfare of his fellow soldiers, from the days of the war until his death, should be an inspiration to all who follow in later wars.
Montrose – “The Man Without a Country” is not a war picture, but a romantic drama of historic characters in events of vital importance that hark back from the present day to the very infancy of the American Republic. The picture is played against a chain of historical scenes, including the duel of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. The duel and other thrilling scenes in the picture are produced with the greatest accuracy. The duel is fought with the same pistols used by Hamilton and Burr on the exact spot on Weehawken Heights. The old frigate, “Constitution,” a relic of the war of 1812, is used in the production. Now playing at the Ideal Theatre.
Susquehanna – Clemon & Plummer have nine cars of coal on the way here, which is welcome news. Many homes here are hoping for the chance to get more coal and others burning wood and trying mixed coal, which is most unsatisfactory.
Brooklyn – There will be no school in the first four grades next week, owing to some exposure of measles. It is hoped that an epidemic may be prevented.
Harford – “Abraham Lincoln, Honest Man,” will be the theme of an illustrated address on Sunday evening at the Congregational Church. Many beautiful pictures will be shown of scenes from the life of the great emancipator.
Thompson – Mrs. E. E. Gelatt spent the latter part of last week in Scranton, where she is taking u a course in embalming. She will become assistant to Crosier & Gelatt, undertakers. ALSO Old Bruin had a fine view of his shadow, Friday. ALSO Icy side-walks and empty coal bins are all the rage at present
Ararat – Those who have installed radios are” L. W. Potter, Samuel Entrot, George Cobb and Wm. Silver.
Lawsville Grange – It was decided to hold a social Saturday evening, Feb. 10, proceeds to apply on the Victrola fund. Worthy Master appointed Sister Ethel Smith, Brothers L. F. Smith and Kenneth Stone to arrange for it. Sisters, please bring cake.
Fairdale – The ladies of the M. E. church will hold a Valentine social Friday evening, Feb. 16. Everyone welcome. Come and get your Valentine.
Forest City – Paul Warhola, of New York, returned home after a visit with his father, Andrew Warhola. He is in a moving picture studio and has charge of the printing department, The Erbograph Company, with whom he is connected, is one of the largest of its kind in America. ALSO One thousand employees of the Delaware and Hudson railroad were placed on furlough, February 1st, as part of the general retrenchment program, officials of the company have announced. Office forces, station and trackmen principally are affected. Furloughed men will resume their seniority rights when they return to work, probably next May. The reason for the furloughs was decided upon only as a last resort to recoup losses caused by coal and railroad strikes
West Lenox – Our school is closed on account of the teacher, Miss Margaret Maher, being ill with measles.
News Brief: Following suggestions that a cow and a pig be placed in the municipal zoo, because many St. Louis children have never seen either, Superintendent of Instruction Maddox instituted a poll of sixth grade pupils. Today he announced that 5,376 children questioned, 40 per cent had never seen a sheep and 17 percent had never looked upon a pig. Twelve children out of every hundred had never seen a cow. ALSO Review of Book in Library: “The House of Five Swords,” by Tristran Tupper, a war story, involving a bright, happy child, youth and age, love and hate, bitterness and misery. But it ends well, and the mystery feature holds one’s interest to the final page.
Compiled By: Betty Smith