Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 09 1917/2017
Forest City – The hotelmen of Forest City are opening their bars now at seven o’clock in the morning instead of six o’clock, the hour recommended by Judge Denny. ALSO Wm. Evans, the milk man, bought a new horse last week. He placed his new purchase on the milk route Tuesday and when on Lackawanna street in this place, the steed became frightened and started at a lively pace. The sleigh containing milk bottles, etc., was overturned and the team pressed on down Dundaff street to Main where it was stopped by E.E. Horton. At the corner of Dundaff and Main streets an aged man narrowly escaped being run over by the team. Will says there is no use of crying over spilled milk.
Susquehanna – John Ray Osborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Osborne, of 511 Church St., Susquehanna, PA, has received through the Hon. L.T. McFadden of the 14th Congressional District of Pennsylvania, an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. Young Mr. Osborne, who is not yet 17 years old, is a junior in the Susquehanna High School. He is a fine young man and was highly recommended for appointment.
Friendsville – The box social held Jan. 24th, for the benefit of Friendsville school, was largely attended and an excellent time is reported. The weather was ideal, sleighing good, and the young people gathered from all points. The teacher, Miss Elizabeth O’Connell, with the cooperation of directors and friends, made elaborate preparations for the entertainment of guests. The young ladies provided tempting lunches and there was keen rivalry among the young men for possession of the biggest and handsomest boxes. J.J. Matthews made a hit as auctioneer, and C.C. Byrne and Wm. T. Moran were efficient and gracious managers.
Franklin Forks – The G.A.R. will observe Lincoln’s birthday at Alliance Hall, assisted by the school of this place on Monday afternoon, commencing at 2 p.m., Feb. 12th. We expect a fine program, as the school is very much interested. We hope that in the near future Lincoln will be taught in the schools of this country. Show your patriotism for one of the greatest men the nation has ever known. ALSO No school at the Forks on Monday on account of the bad drifts. Our teacher, Miss Mae Smith, of Montrose, started out but could not get here.
Dimock Twp. – We guess there is no mistake about the ground hog seeing his shadow this year judging by the weather. ALSO The Dimock Library is now open, as usual, seventy hours a week. Many new books have been added, a list of which will appear in the Democrat nest week.
North Harford – “Old Kit,” a faithful farm horse, that had been with W.S. Sophia for several years, was found dead in the stable one morning recently. ALSO The first genuine blizzard that we have had this winter is with us today.
Silver Lake – Philip Lonergan, Superintendent of the Pueblo Indian Reservation in New Mexico, with headquarters in Albuquerque, is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lonergan at Richmond Hill. On the Pueblo reservation are over 8,000 Indians. There are Indian Schools and various trades are taught necessitating the service of many persons. All of these matters are in charge of Mr. Lonergan. He came home about a month ago, but was summoned to Washington to appear as spokesman for the Pueblos, who are asking that the boundaries of their reservation be extended so as to take in more of the government land in New Mexico.
Fairdale – D.D. Roe, who has conducted a large milk business at West Pittston, has disposed of the same and will return to his native hills near Fairdale to make his future home.
Liberty Township – The old bear came out Friday, saw his shadow and went back into his hole to stay the rest of the winter. It was a good thing for Bruin as we have experienced some quite cold weather since. ALSO On Howard Hill Miss Thea Caswell met with a distressing accident while out coasting Tuesday night. In some manner, the sled on which she was riding with some others, slewed in making a curve on the hill near Joe Luce’s, at Stanfordville, going under a barbed wire fence. It was only one wire, the two on front of the sled dodged the wire, Miss Caswell getting the full force of the wire, cutting her face and tongue quite badly, breaking off one tooth and knocking out one. Dr. Caterson was called and gave immediate attention. She is getting along as well as could be expected.
Little Meadows – Frank Lynch is building fires in the morning at the Graves School house. ALSO We are having very cold weather here. The bear saw his shadow alright.
Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. – Mrs. Mary Ball, of Montrose, who was born and lived here on the Hill until a few years ago when she moved to Montrose, was buried here Monday. Only a few attended the funeral as the weather was so bad. Arthur Riker placed one of his concrete vaults in the grave of Mrs. Ball.
Springville – The Primary and Intermediate rooms of the Springville High School will give a patriotic entertainment Saturday evening, Feb. 24. Admission 20 cents. Proceeds will be used for interior decoration of the two rooms. A play, entitled, “The Boys of Bunker Hill,” will be one of the main features.
200 Years Ago, from the Centinel, Montrose, PA, February 8, 1817.
*Died in this town on Monday last, Mrs. Caroline Shipman, aged 36 years, wife of Nathan Shipman. Mrs. Shipman had for a long time lingered under the worst of all maladies (the Consumption) which terminated her earthly existence. During her long and distressing illness she bore it with Christian fortitude, resting her hope on the merits of her Saviour.
*ALL persons indebted to the estate of Luther Dean, late of Bridgewater, deceased, are requested to make immediate payments and those who have demands against said estate must bring forward their accounts properly attested for settlement. OLIVE DEAN, Administratix, Bridgewater, Feb. 8, 1817.
*In Good Nature, but, IN EARNEST! The subscriber intends to leave this state in about three weeks, and he therefore requests all persons indebted to him to call and settle within that time—By complying with this request, those indebted will oblige the subscriber, and perhaps, save themselves c…….s. WILLIAM COOK, Bridgewater, Feb. 8, 1817.
*An Apprentice Wanted. An apprentice to the House Painting & Chair Making business is wanted by the subscriber. A lad 14 or 15 years old will find good encouragement by calling on ELIHU B. SMITH, living in the township of Waterford [Brooklyn], who has a farm of 70 acres to sell, 16 of which are under improvement. Said farm lies near where he now lives. Waterford, Feb. 8, 1816.
*Public Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of Truman Clinton, late of Gibson township, deceased, must make immediate payment; and those who have demands against said estate must present their accounts properly attested for settlement. FREEMAN PECK, HOSEA TIFFANY, JR. administrators. February, 8, 1817.
Compiled By: Betty Smith