Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
February 08 1924/2024
Death of Woodrow Wilson – Woodrow Wilson died at his home on Feb. 3rd, 1924. He was born in Staunton, VA in 1856 and elected President from 1913 to 1921. Wilson tried to keep the United States neutral during World War 1 but ultimately called on Congress to declare war on Germany in 1917. After the war, he helped negotiate a peace treaty that included a plan for the League of Nations. Although the Senate rejected U. S. membership in the League, Wilson received the Nobel Prize for his peacemaking efforts. He graduated from Princeton in 1879 and became its president from 1902 to 1910. He was in office when American women gained the right to vote. Woodrow Wilson was buried in the Washington National Cathedral, the only president to be interred in the nation’s capital. (History.com)
Montrose – Benjamin F. McKeage passed away at his home, Feb. 5, 1924. He was born in Clarksville, Tennessee in 1834 and was only a few days of being 90. Mr. McKeage was a fine type of man and had a wide circle of friends. He was a “gentleman of the old school,” courteous in his bearing, and was an exemplary man in every way. He was a personal friend of the late ex-president Woodrow Wilson, and it seems singular that their lives should ebb out so close together. Owing to the intimacy between the two men, the fact of Wilson’s death was kept from him. Mr. McKeage came to Montrose in 1904 and with his sons purchased the sawing machinery business, established in Montrose by H. L. Beach, and incorporated the Beach Manufacturing Co., the leading industry of Montrose.
Dimock – Little Marjorie Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Green, is ill with scarlet fever. As the house is under quarantine, the men of the family are boarding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Greenwood.
Hop Bottom – A notice in the newspaper announces an examination for the position of postmaster of this place. The present postmaster, Stanley M. Williams, was one of the first postmasters in the county to secure the appointment by examination. He is an ex-service man and has many friends who are hopeful that he will be retained.
South Ararat – Percy and Clifford Walker are getting ice from Fiddle Lake.
Uniondale – Twenty-four ladies met at the home of Mrs. Frank Rounds and enjoyed an old-fashioned rag bee. A dainty luncheon was served. ALSO Scarletina has broken out in our school. The buildings were thoroughly disinfected by health officer Dimmick. Every possible precaution is being put forth to prevent the spread of the disease.
Harford – Miss Clarinda Harding fell and received some bruises, but fortunately no bones were broken. Miss Harding is vey active, although she is past 90 years of age.
Brooklyn – L. D. Bertholf’s family is out of quarantine. Little Marion has completely recovered from diphtheria. ALSO Leon Lindsey and Maurice Birtch are cutting ice on Ely Lake. ALSO The next meeting of the Literary Society will be held on Feb. 8th. There will be a debate—“Resolved, that the United States should cancel its war debt.”
Susquehanna – While playing hockey on the river, Sunday afternoon, three boys followed a tin can they were striking with hockey sticks too close to a hole and fell into the water. One of the number, Amare Marchetti, age 14, was carried under the ice and drowned. His two companions, Patrick Parillo and Joseph Pingerilli, were rescued. The bravery and presence of mind of Fred Wolfe, who was skating, saved the Parillo boy. Marchetti tried to reach Wolfe’s hand but failed and he went under the ice to his death. Pingerilli was near solid ice and with the help of other boys was able to reach a place of safety. The unfortunate lad was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Marchetti and was the oldest of eight children. The family and community are grief stricken by the boy’s tragic end.
Forest City – Dominick Franceski, John P. Murray, John Lynch and John Cassimer, members of the Forest City Council, met with the county commissioners to present their claims for the construction of a pavement on the state highway leading from here to Clifford. This road leads to Carbondale and Honesdale and is a much-traveled thoroughfare. No definite action was taken, but it is hoped that this road may be built in the near future.
New Milford – The Hallstead basket ball team will play with the New Milford Radio Five, in the town Hall, on the night of Feb. 7.
Gibson – A Leap Year box social will be held at the Grange Hall, Friday evening, Feb. 8, for the benefit of the church. All men and boys are cordially invited to come and bring boxes, which the ladies will purchase.
Thompson – The Oskenonton Company, who gave a concert in Keystone Hall, was exceptionally interesting and was well attended despite the bad weather. This company consists of Oskenonton, a Mohawk Indian from Canada, and two unusually fine assisting artists—Miss Margaret Wilder, violinist and Miss Ella Flanders, piano soloist and accompanist. The program was novel and interesting. Oskenonton has a deep baritone voice and presented the songs of his people in Mohawk tongue, dressed in Indian costume and accompanying himself on the original water tom-tom. Explanations in English before the different numbers made the songs particularly fascinating. Oskenonton did not confine his work wholly to Indian music, but presented in evening clothes Standard American concert groups.
Lawsville – Bert L. Bailey is interested in the planting of seedling trees on his farm. He was asked if he intended planting any this spring and he said that it was his intention to set out 3,000 Norway spruce and 3,000 red pine. He had planned to set them last spring, but was unable to secure the trees. There is a campaign in the county to plant a million seedlings in the spring of 1925.
Jail News: Sheriff W. J. McLaughlin and Register and Recorder Fred W, Barrett took Charles Schmidt to the Eastern Penitentiary, Philadelphia. Schmidt was given a sentence of from one to two years. He was convicted of stealing a cow and calf, watch and other valuables from Morris Tingley, of Lenox township. Schmidt appeared anxious to go to the penitentiary. He said he knew a good many who were serving sentences there. Local officials felt he would be among his friends.
Compiled By: Betty Smith