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February 07 1919/2019

Silver Lake – The following young people enjoyed the skating on Laurel Lake, Sunday afternoon: Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Brigham and son, George; Miss Katherine Mahoney, Ruth Buckley, Doris Hill, Agnes Mahoney, Anna and Louise Buckley, Messrs. Paul Mahoney, Ambrose Mahoney, Anthony Hawley, James and Walter Buckley. ALSO Thomas Kanane just sold his farm to his son, who will move from Poughkeepsie, NY to take over the operation of the farm. It was cleared in the primeval forest by the grandfather of the new owner, who recognized the value of timber even in that day when “burning the fallow” was the annual custom, and today there is one of the finest tracts of timber on it to be found in the county. Thomas Kanane was born on the farm 76 years ago, and well recalls the log cabin in which his parents made their first home.

New Milford – Havens Lewis, the “man with the axe,” has been cutting wood for the South Harford folks. He cut a fine pile of buzz wood for Mrs. Anna Adams and he is known the world over as the greatest wood cutter anywhere around. His home is at East New Milford, or Lake Side. He owns a fine house and lot there. He also is a famous poet and vocalist. If you want a big wood pile in a hurry, do not fail to get Mr. Lewis to do the work. You never will regret it.

Beach Grove, Auburn Twp. – The robins have made their appearance, which makes us think of Spring out of season. It seems odd to see farmers plowing in February. A number around here are turning both sod and stubble. ALSO It was with sadness that the people of Auburn Center learned of the death of Lorenzo Reimel. He was born in 1842 at Mt. Bethel, Pa. and was one of eleven children of Jacob and Mary Ackerman Reimel. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in Co. F, 129th Regiment and was assigned to Humphrey’s division, Third Corps. In 1863 he was made corporal and participated in the second battle of Bull Run, South Mountain, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and others, and was honorably discharged with his regiment on May 18, 1863. In 1873 he married Alice Hyde, of Auburn Twp., where they have since resided, the parents of four children. He was at the time of his death commander of Titman Post, No 93, G.A.R., of Auburn Corners and also a member of the Auburn Center Grange.

Jackson – The Jackson Library Assn. has added eighty new books to the already large list of good reading matter. We need to increase our membership to make a success of this year. As the new year is just beginning, it is a good time to join.

Hop Bottom – The M.E. church is being wired for electric lights and we expect to have them installed before Sunday, which is Roosevelt Sunday, and a special program is being prepared.

South Ararat – Emerett and Franklin Burman are assisting in filling the ice house of the Ararat milk station. ALSO As the old bear could see his shadow very plainly today, we must expect six weeks of different weather than we have had, according to the old saying, but we trust the sign may fall.

Brooklyn – The drama given by the senior class was greatly enjoyed by a large audience, including about 25 girls from the Montrose High School. The members of the class and their instructor are to be congratulated upon the pleasing manner in which the play was presented. Proceeds were about $60 and the Domestic Science girls, who served refreshments, cleared about $8.

Elk Lake – L.M. McDermott was called to Scranton by the dealt of his father. Mr. McDermott was at one time a blacksmith at Auburn Corners, and was well-known here. He was a veteran of the Civil War and respected by all who knew him.

Susquehanna – Andy Anderson, day janitor at the Railroad YMCA, was struck and instantly killed by a train on the Jefferson Division, near Stevens Point. He was returning from a meeting of the Free Methodist church and stepped from one track to avoid a train, being struck by a north bound Erie, travelling at a rapid rate. His Bible, held fast in his hand, was found when his lifeless body was picked up. ALSO Congressman McFadden has introduced a bill in the lower House of Congress for a German cannon for Susquehanna, together with a suitable number of shells (duds).

Choconut Valley – The “flu” which kept away from this place for some time, finally visited it and called upon nearly every family along the Valley.

Springville – Elias Titman, aged 82 years, died at his home Jan. 28. He fell from an apple tree the previous Saturday, which he was pruning, and was picked up unconscious and remained so until his death. He was a veteran of the Civil War [Co. A. 151st Regiment; fought at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg] and a man extremely active for his years.

Montrose – Jeremiah McCabe, Montrose’s new ice dealer, has been filling his large ice house at Lake Mont Rose this week with fine-quality, 12 inch ice. By the middle of next week he expects to again be in a position to cut ice for dairymen and individuals who wish to fill their ice houses. ALSO The A.M.E. Zion church has been undergoing extensive renovation and repairs and is now in a greatly improved condition. Considerable expense has been entailed in making these improvements and the members of the congregation and the pastor, Rev. David Johnson, will appreciate any assistance which may be given them. A committee has been appointed to solicit contributions.

Uniondale –Walley Whitman died on Monday morning, Feb. 3. Death was due to pneumonia. He leaves a wife and five small children.

Forest City – Shortly before noon Monday morning, Michael McKernon, our oldest and most highly respected citizen, passed to that land where no traveler can return. The deceased was born in Ireland over ninety years ago and came to Forest City thirty years ago and had resided here ever since. He was a devout member of St. Agnes church. Michael was a familiar figure and known by all. Interment was made in St. Agnes’ cemetery.

News Brief: Heavy impure blood makes a muddy, pimply complexion; headaches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale and sickly. For pure blood, sound digestion, use Burdock Blood Bitters, $1.25 in all stores. ALSO In a little more than three months deaths from influenza and pneumonia reached 500,000 in this country. This is several times the mortality from all causes among our soldiers in service. ALSO A captured German officer observed that “You Yankees are devil dogs. You fight all the time.” To which his captor replied, “You don’t suppose we came 3000 miles to get licked, do you?”

200 Years Ago will continue next week.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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