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February 07 1913/2013

Elkdale - On Sunday morning, while the family of George Snedeker were at breakfast in the basement of their house, one of their neighbors ran in and told theme that their house was on fire. On rushing out they could see the flames already breaking through the roof. Calls for help were sent out on the telephone and soon men came from all directions, but it was seen that it would be impossible to put out the fire, so they began at once to save what they could. At this time Mr. Snedeker must have thought of something which he felt he must save from the upper floor, for he rushed into the house and up the stairs without being seen by anybody. As soon as he was missed some of the men tried to get up the stairs, but the heat and smoke made it impossible. When the fire began to lessen all that remained of the body was taken from the still burning building. The fire, it is supposed, was caused from an overheated stove. The Snedeker family moved here from Wayne county two years ago and have made many friends who are doing everything possible to lighten the terrible blow. Mr. Snedeker was 45 years old and leaves a wife and eight children, the youngest but one year old. Funeral services were held on Thursday, with interment in the Elkdale cemetery. The house, on which there was no insurance, was owned by G. G. Wells, the Snedeker family working the farm on shares. [Jane Burr, whose grandmother was Laura Snedeker, wrote to us that the story told to the family was that her great--grandfather went in to get Laura’s wedding dress.  Laura married Homer Collum on March 12, 1913.]

Harford - At a meeting of the Harford Agricultural Society it was decided to incorporate the Society and 12 directors were elected. A charter will be applied for at once and everyone is requested to become a charter member. ALSO: Dr. A. T. Brundage is very low—a general breaking down from old age.

Birchardville - Mrs. W. D .Gould got 431 eggs from 25 pullets during the month of January.

Springville - Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lake have moved to Friendsville, having purchased the hotel property at that place. ALSO: Rumor says our orchestra will make its appearance at an entertainment in the near future. The boys have practiced faithfully under the leadership of Dana Taylor, and should receive the support of the townspeople. [Dana Taylor was the father of Maurice Taylor, well--know band director and author of band books at Montrose High School, from 1927 to the latter part of the 20th century.

Forest Lake - A number from this place attended a dance at the Choconut Valley Inn on Monday evening and all report a fine time. Music was furnished by E. M. Kane and E. B. Birdsall.

Highlands, New Milford Twp. - About 26 relatives and friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lynch, last Wednesday, to make them a surprise party, as they are soon to leave their farm near East Lake and make their home in Binghamton. A sumptuous dinner was served and a purse of money was given Mr. and Mrs. Lynch as token of esteem and remembrance. They will be greatly missed by all, as they were always ready to lend a helping hand to the needy or sick.

New Milford - Tuesday, the 18th of February next, 1913, will be the 50th anniversary of our marriage. We are in favor of noticing such an event but we have not the health and strength to entertain a company as we would like to, so our relatives and friends, who would like to take dinner with us that day, will be expected to furnish the dinner on the “picnic” plan, and are hereby invited to do so, and those of our relatives and friends who merely wish to make a call without taking dinner will be considered in good form and just as welcome. No presents will be expected or desired unless a large number of relatives and friends are willing to make a small contribution, not over 25 cents in any case, in some cases less, and so purchase one article which may be kept as a memento of the occasion. Amos B. and Mary C. Kent. [Amos died on Dec. 5, 1913 and Mary died Dec. 18, 1913 and are buried in the New Milford Cemetery].

Susquehanna - George Thibault, general foreman of the Erie shops, has been in New York for a few days. ALSO The chemical engine [fire] company is planning to hold a fair in the near future for the purpose of building a permanent home for its engine.

Bridgewater Twp. - The ice on Charles J. Post’s pond [on Post Pond Road] has been purchased by parties in Wilkes-Barre, and the work of cutting will probably be started next Monday. Mr. Post will have charge of the cutting and loading of the ice on their cars at his switch, the Lehigh Valley tracks running almost to his pond. Ice in the Wyoming Valley is scarce and probably all that can be supplied will be rapidly taken.

Montrose - Montrose was visited by a severe colds snap during the week which was greatly appreciated—by the coal and ice men. This is really the first cold weather of the winter. Quite a little snow fell Monday and the sleighing has been much enjoyed. On the last day of January, last Friday, considerable plowing was done in this vicinity, something very much out of the ordinary, for this climate.

Hallstead - At the supper given Thursday at the Presbyterian church parlors by the high school scholars, to purchase supplies for a laboratory in the school, $65.75 was taken in.

Forest City - Enterprise Hose Co., No. 2, held their annual banquet in the parlors, Thursday evening. About 50 members and invited guests were present. Chicken was served. Oliver Coyle, the company’s cook, was chef of the evening. The supper he served decidedly preserved his reputation with the Enterprise boys. The supper was preceded by cards. A very enjoyable time was the evening’s verdict.

Flynn - The month of January has been an unusually fine month as it is seldom that a young couple can hold hands with comfort on the porch, evenings, during this month.

Fairdale - There will be a shadow social at the Grange hall, Friday evening, Feb. 7th. The proceeds are to purchase an organ for the school.

Lynn - The ground hog has brought a change in the weather, at least we are having a little sleighing at last which is much better than mud.

News Brief - Scranton merchants intend publishing a monthly bulletin of “deadbeats.”

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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