Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
February 07 1902/2002
Forest Lake - Dr. Henry Corson, who died at the home of James Arthur, in Forest City, on the 6th inst. and who was buried from the home of his son, Dr. Frank Corson at Waymart, was perhaps the oldest person living in the State at the time of his death. He was born near Camden, NJ, March 15, 1794, which would give him the distinction of reaching his 108th year. Dr. Corson spent most of his time as a practitioner in Susquehanna, Montrose and Harford several years ago. A family survives, two sons being physicians.
Montrose - The Narrow Gauge, which has not been able to reach Montrose on account of the heavy snow for about a week, got as far as Coon's Crossing this morning and the passengers walked the remaining distance to town. There are about 100 men at work shoveling and the train will soon be able to make regular trips. AND Nearly every boy in this place has a pair of skees (long narrow boards curved and pointed at one end) which he uses with as much skill as a Swede or Norwegian. The boys should combine and form a club. They could secure much pleasure by making jaunts through the surrounding country. The sport is not a dangerous one, although very exciting, and accidents very seldom result. You can't be a boy but once, so get all the enjoyment out of good healthful sports that you can, but do not let them conflict with your studies.
Susquehanna - Slot machines have suddenly disappeared from Susquehanna. From his pulpit on Sunday morning Rev. E. E. Riley, pastor of the Presbyterian church, denied the current rumor that he had something to do with the sudden disappearance of slot machines from Susquehanna. "I am hired by this people to preach, and not to act as a policeman or detective," said he. AND George Perry, an old resident and a veteran of the Civil War, died on Tuesday.
Brooklyn - The Epworth League held a warm sugar social at the home of L. S. Ely on Friday evening. AND On Monday, Feb. 4th, the house of Mrs. Reuben Reynolds in West Brooklyn was destroyed by fire, but with the help of her neighbors some of the contents were saved. A Mr. Salsbury and family who lived in part of the house are only recovering from diphtheria and the son was carried out on a bed to Mr. Dean's home until he could be cared for some where else. The house was wholly destroyed, also most of the goods of both Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. Salsbury.
Lawsville Centre - The creamery is running full blast under the management of Charles Southworth, J. P. Downs, and C. J. Peck, directors. Butter maker, Scott Drake, is counted one of the best in the county. AND We are sorry for the young man who came all the way from Montrose to see his best girl and found that she had gone or was going away with a handsome man. It is bad enough to take such a walk, and then when you lose such a lump of sweetness, is enough to kill corn. AND Bert Bailey was out with his big sleighs and gathered up a load for the aid society folks last week, Saturday.
East Dimock - Another blizzard visited this place last Saturday. It left the roads in worse condition than the one previous.
Harford - The graded school will give a prize contest of recitations Friday evening, Feb'y 28; admission 10 cents; proceeds to be used to lay a walk to the school house.
Jackson Valley - Scott Shaner's barn was burned to the ground on Friday night, with a quantity of hay and straw and 114 bushels of western oats he had just purchased. The fire was caused by a lantern.
South Gibson - Under the auspices of the Aid Society a Martha Washington Tea will be served on Friday evening, Feb'y 21, in the church in real colonial style. Young people in quaint costumes to represent George and Martha Washington, and others, will furnish a short old time entertainment. Supper and entertainment, 25 cents. AND The telephone office has been taken to the furniture store of H. D. Pickering, who will have charge of the phone.
Silver Lake - Arthur Hayes gave the young people an oyster supper and dance. All report a good time. Herrick Centre It is reported the Carpenter boys, who have been engaged in boring for coal on their farm in Uniondale, struck an eighteen-inch vein last Saturday.
East Rush - C. P. Linaberry is thinking of getting a heater for his tank, to warm water for his stock. T. A. Roberts and G. A. Crisman have each put in one which work successfully, making the water much better for milch cows.
Lynn - F. L. Sherman was the lucky man to win the folding saw at Fish's store, of Al Brown, and is now prepared to do your sawing in the line of cord wood or shingle blocks. Who said smoke?
Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - G. L. Lewis has erected an ice house on his farm here. AND The roads are very much drifted. Again the man with the shovel will be in demand.
Springville - An entertainment for the benefit of the school library will be given by Miss Julie Cruser this Thursday evening.
News Brief - February 11 was the 100th anniversary of the burning of the first anthracite coal and was celebrated at the Old Fell House in Wilkes-Barre. The old fireplace in which the first coal was burned by Jesse Fell, in the year 1802, was shown to the large numbers of people who visited the house during the day and listened to a program of music by an orchestra.
A weather sharp, who for forty years has carefully observed the annual appearance of the ground hog, has usually interpreted its meaning with remarkable foresight, says that ground hog day conditions this year forecasts that there will be mild winter weather for three weeks, followed by the same period of severe cold weather. He predicts a break up early this month, followed by a heavy snowfall. He looks for an early spring. But anybody's guess is just as good.
Compiled By: Betty Smith