Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
February 05 1912/2012
Lee Murder Trial - The jury in the Lee murder trial acquitted Minnie Lee of the charge of poisoning her husband and made her a free woman. The jury filed into the court room, Tuesday afternoon, shortly after court convened at 2 pm and in response to the query by Prothonotary Foster, A. J. McKeeby, the foreman, announced the verdict as “not guilty.” Mrs. Lee, who was sitting beside her attorney, W. D. B. Ainey, did not seem to hear the welcome words, but when the question was put “What say all of you,” and the twelve men responded as one voice: “not guilty,” she straightened up and a transfiguring light flooded her face, in strong contrast to the masked countenance that concealed her emotions during the weary eight days’ trial. Other than the grasping of her attorney’s hand in mute thanks, there was no demonstration in the court room, but a short time afterward in the sheriff’s office, when congratulated by men and women and in her joy she appeared a changed woman. The daughter, Mrs. Flossie Butts, who had remained at the jail with her mother since the preceding Saturday, when told that a verdict had been reached, was overcome with emotion and could not accompany her mother to the court room. When Dep. Sheriff, H. E. Taylor telephoned the verdict to the jail, the young woman alternately and simultaneously laughed, cried and danced in a hysteria of joy. When they later appeared on the streets together, you could not have found in the whole country a pair who showed their happiness more than they. They left on the 5:25 train for Great Bend, where Mrs. Lee intends to remain some time with a brother named Van Vleck.
Bridgewater Twp. - We hear of a groundhog in Bridgewater that got the dates mixed and came out of his hole Thursday, but discovering his mistake, scampered in again.
South Montrose - It is believed that the recent derailment of a Lehigh Valley passenger train near here was caused by some party placing a fish-plate on the rails in such a position as to derail the train. A fish-plate was found embedded in the snow as though hurled by a force and Engineer Geisinger felt a jar as though the locomotive hit an obstruction before the engine left the track. An investigation is being made. Thoughtless youths sometimes fail to recognize such pranks as one of the most serious they can commit and upon conviction will land them in the penitentiary.
Brooklyn - T. B. Morgan, of Dixon, Ill, writes of the great storm of 1836. I was there in person and took part in the fight to keep stock alive. Deacon Gidding was browsing cattle and met with an accident, breaking his arm. Our folks sent me to take his place. One cow determined to commit suicide by going where a tree fell across the road. Kill her? No. I scraped away the snow and chopped her out—76 years ago. This will not be found in the Register, but I have it in my head O. K. I was born in 1824. Now, if you have any old settlers living in Brooklyn who had experience in the big snowstorm, trot them out. Rodney Jewett, who lived a little north of David Kent, had a little child crippled by being run over by a load of potatoes. I think F. B. is a son of Rodney, and is a member of the M. E. church in Brooklyn. Well, I married a wife from that church and never regretted it. Over 60 years ago we turned our backs on Brooklyn and the Lord has been good to us all these years. I guess by this time you need no introduction, but will say that Capt. David Morgan was my father and Jezreel DeWitt, my father-in-law. [The brick Morgan home is located on 167, south of Tall Pines Farm.]
Richardson’s Mills, Harford Twp. - Don’t forget the box social at the schoolhouse this Friday eve. Come and see the black bear—he will be out—and all will have a good time.
Hopbottom - A merchant’s telephone has been installed in the National bank here.
Thompson - Nearly every cottage at Coxton Lake has been burglarized recently. Mrs. Ellen Messenger and Mrs. Carrie Clark visited their cottage and found everything ransacked from cellar to garret.
Choconut - We have a scarlet fever scare in this neighborhood. If persons will take the following prescription they will have a sure preventative: Extract of belladonna, 2 grains; cindamon [cinnamon?] water, 1 oz.; alcohol, 10 drops. Dose, one drop for each year of the age of the child, two or three times a day. Ten drops maximum.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - Who said “no winter?” This has been the coldest winter so far in years, accompanied by severe biting frosts. A number of our men have even lost their mustaches.
Montrose - Susanna Bush Beebe was born in a log cabin near her late home, Jan. 29, 1820, and died Jan. 24, 1912. She was a daughter of Adrian and Amy (Kellum) Bush, pioneer settlers here, both her father’s and mother’s families coming from Connecticut. She was married Jan. 8, 1846, to Wm. L. Beebe, to whom were born four children. Mrs. Beebe had lived in her late home for more than 50 years. Her husband died 18 years ago, leaving her alone in the old home, but her daughter and family were near and came often to attend to her wants and cheer her loneliness, that her wish to remain in the old home so dear to her might be gratified.
South Gibson - Cyrus Tanner, an old veteran of the Civil War, died at the home of Carl Peck on Sunday morning last. Interment in the Tower Cemetery.
Dimock - Rev. Parker J. Gates, of Prohibition Park, S. I., died Jan. 10, in his 78th year. He was born in Dimock and upon the formation of the 141st. Penna. Volunteers, enlisted in Co. H. serving until the close of the war. He was seriously wounded at both Gettysburg and Poplar Spring Church. In every respect he was a brave and faithful soldier and for meritorious conduct was promoted from private to first sergeant. After the war he entered the ministry of the M. E. church in the Wyoming Conference.
Jackson - Jackson has an industry that few towns of its size can boast of—“an automobile factory.”
Hallstead - Glen Lane, a lumberman, had a severe accident on Wednesday. He was drawing a load of lumber to the chair factory and when about to turn down the roadway to the factory the wagon slid around on the ice and went over the retaining wall, falling about eight feet, carrying with it team and driver. Mr. Lane jumped and saved himself from the falling mass of lumber, but was seriously bruised about the legs. The horses escaped with slight cuts and the wagon was wrecked.
Compiled By: Betty Smith