Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
February 05 1909/2009
Susquehanna - Friday evening came the end of the Van Fleet tragedy, when Mrs. Van Fleet breathed her last, after lying for nearly four weeks in a semi-unconscious condition at the Simon H. Barnes hospital here, as the result of wounds inflicted by her husband while in a drunken rage.
Clifford - On Saturday evening of last week the ladies of the Methodist church will serve their annual fish supper in Finn's hall. There will be more fish than you ever caught in your life. There will be fish as large as the ones you lost last summer. You can get all you can eat for five and twenty cents.
Great Bend - The farm house of Wm. Reynolds near here was burned Tuesday evening. The fire originated from an over-heated wood stove, the night being extremely cold and a rousing fire burning. Mr. Reynolds discovered the building in flames when returning from the barn where he was doing chores. Neighbors attempted to subdue the fire, but it was too far advanced, and it required hard work to keep a barn, lying in the direction the wind was blowing, from catching fire. He carried some insurance in the Grange, but not sufficient to cover the loss.
South Gibson - George Pickering, a former South Gibson boy, who went west several years ago after the death of his father, Alden Pickering, and had not been heard from for some years, surprised his relatives and old friends by coming into town. He in turn was surprised to find that his only sister, Mrs. Will Tobias, and Uncle Wm. Pickering, and others of his near relatives were in California. Mr. Pickering claims he had just come from South America, where he owns valuable mining property.
South Montrose - Misses Lena and Madge Lake, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Lake, left on Monday for New York City, where they will enter the Babies' Nurse Training School.
Auburn Four Corners - The sun came out on Candlemas day, so the bear went back to winter quarters. Look out for more zero weather. In Montrose it don't make much difference whether he did or not. They are always sure of at least six more weeks of winter. If the season opens up along in middle May so they can get early planting done they are content. But when it comes to shoveling snow in June, you can hardly blame them for growling a little.
Forest Lake - Following a brief illness, Edwin W. Taylor died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. L. Drappo, in Reno, Nevada, on Jan. 23, '09, aged 77 years. It was just a year ago the same month that his wife died in that city. Mr. Taylor was a native of Forest Lake, Pa., and in 1861 he went to California. For the past 26 years most of his life has been spent in Nevada.
Silver Lake - A beautiful monument to the memory of the late Chief Justice White has been unveiled in Los Angeles, Cal. He was of the same family of Griffins and Whites who settled in Silver Lake and Forest Lake townships long years ago, when the hills were indeed "wooded hills."
Montrose - Among the young people of Montrose skeeing is about as popular as any winter sport. We are up here where there is plenty of snow and it is no uncommon sight to see a party of youngsters and often girls hiking across the fields with the long narrow Norwegian snowshoes fastened to their feet. It is one of the most healthful and exhilarating exercises there is, and less dangerous under ordinary circumstances than coasting. The writer was amused the other morning at seeing several pairs of skees on a porch of a child of 6 or 7 up to those intended for one of 20 or 25, one for every member of the family excepting the parents--and it is safe to say they have tried them. Experts can "go some" on them, and the champion jump for the country and the world is nearly 140 ft.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - Clarence Overfield, who has been operating our creamery the past year, has resigned his position and will go to Hopbottom the first of March to work in a creamery. His successor is Fay Wilcox, of Jersey Hill. AND In South Auburn, Charlie Overfield, from Idaho, is visiting relatives.
Lynn, Springville Twp. - W. P. Sheldon is clerking in H. Fish's store. Welton is the boy that can sling out the goods to you in jig time. Call on him and see for yourself.
Franklin Forks - We hear that another one of our boys expects to join the U. S. Navy. We hope that Dan and Glen may meet as they are from the same school at Upsonville.
Ararat - One of our farmer boys of this place started for South Ararat the other night to call on his lady friend. When he got three quarters of the way his horse got stuck in a snow bank; after calling "help" the horse was gotten out and taken to a nearby barn, but Charles did not feel like giving up his visit, which he had planned so much for, so he started on foot and called for his horse Monday morning.
Laurel Lake - Lincoln Bramfitt and sister, Miss Daisy, entertained a party of friends Friday evening, dancing was indulged in until wee hours. AND Hello! Clarence Hill has a telephone placed in his residence.
Brooklyn - The young peoples union of the Universalist church have planned for a Lincoln birthday social on Friday evening, Feb. 12th. If the sleighing is good the social will be held out of town, either at M. W. Palmer's or at some other home in order to give the young people the benefit of the sleigh ride, particulars later.
Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. - Mark Reynolds has traded his heavy sleigh to Frank LaSure for a cow.
Forest City - A team, attached to a wagon full of hay and belonging to E. A. Bloxham, caused considerable excitement on Grand avenue, Friday night. The hill was so slippery that the driver could not keep the wagon in the middle of the road and half way down it toppled completely over and into a deep ditch. Fortunately the driver escaped injury, as did the horses, but the wagon was somewhat damaged.
News Brief: Cure for Creaky Shoes - There is one certain and simple remedy for this annoyance, says the Woman's Home Companion for February. It is to drive little wooden pegs into the soles. The pegs prevent the friction of the shoe soles. Any cobbler will do it for you cheaply and it restores your peace of mind quite wonderfully.
Compiled By: Betty Smith