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February 04 1916/2016

Franklin Forks – The ladies of this place and vicinity will hold a church rally at the Alliance hall, Feb. 9th. Dinner will be served and a free-will offering received. Proceeds to apply on pastor’s salary. All come and have a good time and help a good cause along.  (Signed) Mrs. Chas. Palmer, Sec’y.

Dimock – A. H. Button, who has been sick a long time with stomach trouble, is now better and drives the milk wagon from Parkvale to the Dimock milk station daily, as in times of the past. ALSO The roads are in a bad shape for travel, as the frost is coming out of the ground, which makes the mud deep and heavy hauling of lumber and logs is suspended for the present.

Forest City – The burning of a note of $600, the last evidence of debt against the Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone company, marked the morning session of the fifteenth annual meeting of the stockholders.

Auburn Corners – It is persistently rumored that Clark Voss, of this place, will succeed to the interest of the late J. L. Kent in the coal, express and dray business in Montrose. He will become associated with his son-in-law, Frank Pepper, the deceased’s partner, although this report cannot be confirmed.  Mr. Voss has until recently conducted a general store at Auburn Corners.

East Rush – We sure have been having some great weather the past week. It makes one think that spring is about here.

Uniondale – The store room and garage being built by Douglas & Yale, Ford agents, is nearly completed and will afford more room in which to conduct their automobile business. They are hustlers. ALSO  The Erie Flyer and the passenger train coming north were held up Thursday morning between here and Forest City. A freight train was wrecked causing a delay of several hours. W. T. Churchill, Leon H. Reynolds, W. E. Gibson and L. A. Smith were aboard the Flyer. They walked from the wreck to Forest City and boarded the street car for Scranton, where they attended the automobile show.

Silver Lake – “The Don’t Worry Club” was pleasantly entertained at Jeremiah Mahoney’s on Tuesday evening. ALSO William Donovan had a large wood-bee on Wednesday. They cut and piled fifty cords of wood. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ward celebrated the 60th year of their marriage on January 26th, 1916.  Mr. Ward, who is 85 years old and Mrs. Ward, who is 82, were both born in the locality in which they now reside.  They are both members of St. Augustine’s church.

Middletown Twp. – William Edward Fitzgerald, 14 years of age, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald, died at the home of his parents on Tuesday night, Jan. 25. Anna Fitzgerald 9 years of age, sister of the above, died Friday evening, Jan. 28. Death in both cases was due to spinal meningitis.  Both were buried within a day of their death, with a private funeral, in St. Francis Xavier’s cemetery.

Great Bend – The general store of Charles M. Hamlin was entered by thieves on Friday evening late, and robbed of twelve suits of clothes. The burglars entered through a rear window, and, finding no money or articles of much value, contented themselves by taking the clothing, leaving behind them articles of much larger value.  This is the second time Mr. Hamlin’s store has been robbed.

Montrose – The Daughters of Veterans are already making great preparations for their annual Lincoln Tea, which will be held in Village Hall on Saturday evening, Feb. 12th. Go and help the Daughters, who named their Tent in memory of that remarkable missionary, Dr. Ellen E. Mitchell, a native of Montrose. [Before becoming a doctor, Ellen Mitchell was a nurse during the Civil War.]

Susquehanna – Harry G. Pride was serving as juror in the county courts this week. Mr. Pride has, for some years, been in the Erie job printing plant and is a printer of exceptional ability. He was at one time employed in the government printing office at Washington.

Springville – The new milk station is a sure thing. The new company opened for business on Tuesday, getting 129 cans of milk. For the present, or until a new building can be completed, they will receive milk in a box car located near the depot. It will be a decided advantage to the farmers here if the two companies can be retained, as it will tend to balance things.

Harford – A goodly number of men turned out last Tuesday and assisted in putting the [horse] sheds back of the Methodist Episcopal church in good repair.

Dimock – W. J. Cronk has had new lights placed in his store and postoffice, which are far ahead of the old gas lamps which have been in use there for several years.

New Milford – The O. C. Whitney crate factory opened for business on Feb. 2, with a force of 25 men, this number to be doubled soon. Mr. Whitney has a contract with the government to furnish crates for the shipment of 200,000 bushels of potatoes to South America. Until this last year, the South American countries have been getting their potatoes from England, Ireland and Germany. Owing to war conditions in those countries, they are now buying from the United States. ALSO Rev. I. D. Mallery has resigned his pastorate of the Baptist church here and will take charge of a church at Washington, NJ. It is with much regret the people of New Milford see Rev. Mallery leave, regardless of denomination. He commenced preaching here in 1886, was ordained in the Moxley church and was the first pastor of the church at New Milford. Before the building of the church, Rev. Mallery was holding services in the A. B. Smith store in what was known as the Post rooms. Friday evening, Jan. 28, the people of New Milford held a reception for Rev. Mallery and family at the Baptist church.

News Briefs: Figures announced by the health department of New York city, of the number of persons arrested for spitting on sidewalks and in public places last week, show that members of the health department, police and sanitary squads served 1,097 summonses. Of this number 976 were convicted and $1,631 was paid in fines. One man served a day in prison in default of payment. ALSO In a sermon in which he said not enough young men are being married and that it is not the fault of most “old maids” that they are single, Rev. P. J. Murphy, pastor of St. Patrick’s church, at Olyphant, also came out in favor of a financial as well as physical examination for all prospective bridegrooms. He said that “it was almost as important that a young man about to be wed should be financially able to support a wife and family as it was that he should be in good physical condition. Both are essential elements to a happy married life.” He is a brother of Mrs. McCabe, of Franklin Forks, this county.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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