Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 04 1910/2010
Hopbottom - The Foster basket ball team, composed of W. Hoppe, A. Hoppe, Brown, Coil and Bertholf, hopped all around the Montrose team at the skating rink Tuesday night. The score was 25-7. The Montrose players were B. Gardner, Kelly, Zopff, Stroud and Conklin. B. W. Camp refereed. The Foster contingent is a husky bunch and hasn't been defeated this winter. The teams will probably play a return game.
Franklin Forks - The G.A.R. of this place gave a birthday party to J. J. Stockholm, of Hickory Grove, Jan. 29, in the Alliance Hall, it being his 69th birthday. About 45 sat down to a bountiful dinner and all seemed to enjoy themselves very much. John was a member of the old Buttermilk regiment, the 141st, Co. H. It was at the now famous peach orchard that he saved the colors from capture. It was there that our Daniel Searle received a wound that he would never accept a pension for. Mr. Stockholm was the first commander of Post No. 222. ALSO - The outlook now is that between the two rival barber shops, we will all get shaved.
Alford - J. P. Roach, who has leased the Hubbard boarding house, took possession on Monday. Rev. and Mrs. Hubbard, who have successfully conducted the place for several years, have gone to Binghamton to reside and Mr. Hubbard will resume his ministerial duties. Mr. Roach is an affable, energetic businessman and his experience in various enterprises on a large scale should result in the popular boarding house becoming even better known to the traveling public. ALSO Orne Titus and son Jesse, the champion trappers in this section, report a fine winter for their business. The denizens of the woods and creeks have suffered at their hands very much.
Herrick Center/Forest City - Clarence Fives, who has had charge of the Forest City poor farm for the last two years, died suddenly Sunday afternoon. A little over a week ago the house on the poor farm was burned to the ground and Mr. Fives and family lost everything except the clothes they wore. Sunday afternoon Mr. Fives was down town and took his wife and children from the home of his brother-in-law, Ira L. Curtis, to the Barnes house, where they expected to live until spring. After dinner he was taken suddenly ill and died before 6 o'clock. He leaves a wife, two children, father, mother and a number of brothers and sisters to mourn for one who has been called in the springtime of life.
Ararat - The heavy snow storm of Saturday caused the section foremen, along the branch, to call in plenty of help to shovel snow that night and they are still at it. Some of the men at Ararat worked Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday without sleep.
New Milford - A sad fatality occurred at New Milford Sunday morning when Harold Hill, son of Edward Hill, of Gibson, was instantly killed by a Lackawanna train. The young man, with his mother, sister, and brother, went to Binghamton on Saturday and were returning on Sunday on the milk train going west, which is due in New Milford at 12:30. The train stopped at the creamery a short distance from the station, to take out a car of milk. Young Hill got off the train and started to walk to the station and was hit by a west bound milk train which he failed to notice before it was upon him. Death was instantaneous and the body, which was badly mangled, was taken to VanBurkirk's undertaking rooms and prepared for burial, being taken to the Hill home later in the day. He was a bright young man of 17 years and besides his parents and the brother and sister mentioned, he is survived by one other sister.
Montrose - Manager Ernest Caruso, of the Cnic, on Wednesday afternoon and evening last, gave performances for the benefit of the Library. Special pictures of an instructive character were presented, much to the delight of the large number of patrons. The musical program rendered by Miss Elizabeth Phillips evoked appreciation, also. The Library management and patrons have freely expressed their gratitude toward Mr. Caruso in having provided such a pleasing entertainment for the benefit of the fund.
Susquehanna - The Rev. Jas. F. Houlihan has been appointed to a First Lieutenancy and the Chaplaincy of the Fifth U. S. Cavalry, which at the present time is stationed at Honolulu. Chaplain Houlihan is a former member of the diocese of Scranton. He was born in Susquehanna, 34 years ago and studied for the priesthood at Dunwoodie Seminary and Niagara University. Chaplain Houlihan is a relative of Mrs. Matthew Griffin, at Forest Lake.
Lawton - There is a tendency on the part of some of our young men to send their young ladies home with their brothers and some times to bring another girl home when she is to ride home with mother. ALSO James Conboy is fast becoming known as the best buck and wing dancer in this section of the state.
Choconut Valley - Miss Anna O'Connell entertained some 40 of her friends Friday evening. Progressive pedro was played and a bountiful lunch was served and all skipped the light fantastic to the music of E. Ames' violin till the wee small hours.
East Lynn - Clyde Travis and A. D. Rogers took the job of filling the ice house at the Lynn milk station. It is reported the cakes of ice they are handling weigh over 300 lbs.
Glenwood - Earl Tourje has been in Great Bend the past week working on the telephone line.
Elk Lake - The snow storm on Saturday blocked the roads so they were impassable in a good many places, but as soon as the storm was over, the men got out with shovels and opened them up, so they are out sleigh riding again. ALSO Anyone wishing to hear good phonograph music should call on M. L. Biesecker. He knows how to handle a phonograph and has the Edson phonograph and records for sale.
Thompson - Watch out for a marriage license for one of the North Western's best hello [telephone] girls.
News Brief - At Towanda, on license day, 16 out of 78 licenses were held up for investigation by court. The judge in his instruction to the landlords, put a ban on the "village chorus" and "bar room soloists," and also will not permit music of any kind in the barrooms or the congregating of men in front of hotels.
Compiled By: Betty Smith