Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
February 04 1899/1999
Alford - The thermometer is said to have registered 20 degrees below zero early this morning and at Montrose, 16 degrees [below].
Elk Lake - Elk Lake is to have a new church, operations to begin in the spring. J. M. Whitman, of Lindaville [Brooklyn Twp.], has the contract. It will be like the new church at Alford, built by him, which pleased the Elk Lake people so well that they duplicate it.
South Montrose - A chicken pie supper will be held at the home of J. D. Baker on Tuesday eve., Feb. 14th, for benefit of pastors of Union church. Each person is expected to bring a photo taken in childhood or youth. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
New Milford - G. H. Edwards has sold his blacksmith business to Leroy Brundage, of Gibson, who will take possession the first of April. Mr. Edwards has not settled upon his future plans.
Thomson - The following programme was rendered by the Literary society: Recitation, "Mrs. Piper," Theresa Burns; quartette, "Don't Leave the Farm Boys;" recitation, "Guilty or Not Guilty,: Irene Barnes; solo, "Father is Drinking Again," Bessie Bloxham; select reading :Kentucky Belle," Ethel Smith; violin solo, :Tornado Galop," Charlie French; recitation, "Betty and the Bear," Rosa Garvey; quartette, "We Are Sailing;" recitation, "A Grievous Complaint," Leon Potter; select reading, "A Model Love Letter," Edith Smith; solo, "My Sweetheart of Years Ago." Hannah Latham;
"A Slight Misunderstanding," Charlie French and Ethel Smith; closing song, "Farewell," school.
Franklin Forks - G. P. Stockholm killed a Chester White hog recently that weighed 650 lbs. He deals in this kind of hog.
Rush - There has been some grand and lofty tumbling on the icy roads the past week and while some of the falls were ridiculous and made even the fallen ones to smile, others were of a more serious nature. Old Mr. John Hibbard started from his house to carry water to his horse, but fell as he left the steps and striking against the post of the stoop, his collar bone was broken. He and his aged wife could not get to the neighbors for assistance and so the doctor was not called to set the fracture until Saturday morning, when Dr. Warner went to reduce it. Also S. A. Edwards was thrown from his wagon, when it slewed around, cutting his face and head somewhat and spoiling his physiognomy. AND The bell for the Rush Baptist church was transported from the L & M depot by M.B. Perigo.
Brackney - Miss Minnie Cahill entertained the Silver Lake Pedro Club at her home last Saturday evening, Feb. 3. The following guests were present: Misses Lizzie Ward, Julia Gahagan, Mary Kelly, Mattie Kelley and Messrs. J. Gahagan, F. Ward, W. Whalley, J.O. Day, J.M. Cahill, G. H. Booth and E. Cahill.
Brooklyn - A. W. Kent will sell at his place, Feb. 18th, at 11 o'clock, quite a lot of personal property; 8 choice cows, horses, wagons, mowing machines, etc.
Forest City - The people here vote at the coming election on the question of purchasing a farm upon which to care for the poor of that district. Overseer Holmes of that place, wrote to B. Thatcher, overseer of the Montrose district to learn the result of his experience with the Montrose Poor Farm. Mr. Thatcher's reply was as follows: "Yours of the 30th received. In the summer time, before we bought the farm, we had 24 on the town at an expense of $30 per week. In the winter it cost a great deal more as we had to furnish a great many with fuel. The day I made the contract for the farm I gave them all notice to go there as we should not help any more outside of the farm. We did not have one that went to the farm until we had it 8 weeks. Then one person went. Now we have three on the farm at a cost of $6 per month.
Uniondale - The farmers have organized a branch of the Five States Milk Producers' Association.
Susquehanna - A party of Susquehanna young people enjoyed a sleighing party to New Milford on Tuesday evening. AND Keystone Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1, enjoyed a social hop and banquet on Tuesday evening at the Starrucca House.
Silver Lake - Silver Lake is deserted by all the Rose family this winter, except E. W. Rose. The death of Mrs. Main, that occurred in December at Brooklyn, NY, leaves Mr. Rose the only surviving member of Dr. Rose's family, Mrs. Main was nearly 90 years old. I think Dr. Rose gave Montrose its name; his father was from Scotland and the Doctor named our Montrose after the city of that name in Scotland, unless I have been misinformed in old letters. A relative of Dr. Rose always writes the name Mount Rose. It is to be hoped that all doubts about the year in which Montrose was settled can be removed. It matters little about who gave its name.
[There is great controversy as to the year--either 1799 or 1800 when the first person settled within the town limits]. Emily Blackman urges.."the celebration in 1899, of the settlement of at least ten of Susquehanna county's townships. Bridgewater and Montrose have a common interest, also Franklin and Liberty, Springville and Dimock, Jessup and Forest Lake, with Middletown and Lathrop and Clifford with townships settled earlier, besides Lenox the second township erected. Brooklyn, Harford and Gibson, much earlier in settlement would do well to celebrate--'Better late than never'--with the townships formed from them. As for Rush, as it originally included nearly the west half of the county, and was the objective point of settlers, at least on the Wyalusing, years before Bridgewater, it would seem fitting that it should celebrate along with Auburn and the other townships once included in it, with the exception of those settled in 1800 and later...." A. B. Smith writes that Stephen Wilson settled in 1799, about 1/2 mile below the centre of the present borough of Montrose and Bartlett Hinds came to the present site of Montrose in 1800, built his cabin and brought his family in 1801.
Compiled By: Betty Smith