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February 03 1905/2005

South Gibson - Hon. William E. Maxey, a former member of the Legislature from Susquehanna county, died very suddenly at his home at South Gibson, January 28, of apoplexy. Mr. Maxey, at the age of 12, worked in the mines; he later helped his father manage a farm in Gibson Twp. Meanwhile he attended the Franklin Academy at Harford and the Wyoming Seminary at Kingston. He was twice elected to the Legislature--in 1886 and again in 1889. His age was 60 years, and he is survived by his widow, Emma Harding Maxey, and two children. He was the leading merchant of the village and was universally esteemed.

Jessup Twp. - While in the woods on Monday, getting wood, Webber Hall, a well-known citizen of Jessup, met a serious accident, a tree falling on him. Dr. Wilson reports that his skull is fractured and it is also thought that he is injured internally. He remained unconscious most of the week and his recovery is much in doubt.

Auburn Twp. - We were visited by a very blizzardy storm last week, which made it impossible for the mail carrier to deliver the news for two days, making the people feel very much shut in. AND Bennie Parker met with quite a serious accident last week. He was riding a horse to water and thought to ride into the stable, but the door being low he was caught and bent double, nearly breaking his back. He is doing well at present.

Silver Lake Twp. - Our school [Laurel Lake] is progressing finely under the successful management of Miss May McGraw. AND Mr. and Mrs. Leahy held a reception at their home for their daughter, Miss Nellie, who was married last week to Daniel Sullivan, of Oriskany Falls.

Middletown Twp. - Joe Phalen reports good sleighing on [the] Friendsville road.

Clifford - Our hotel ice house was filled with nice ice the past week, Nelson Spedding doing the packing, which was nicely done. Anyone in town next summer in need of ice will be sure to find it here.

Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - The blizzard of last week in this section will long be remembered and trust it has reached the limit. The roads were blocked from all points of the compass. The stages from Brooklyn and Lindaville made their regular trips, but the hauling of milk was somewhat delayed.

Uniondale - The annual meeting of the Herrick Elgin Butter Co. was held Jan. 28th. The following officers were elected: Trustee, W.B. Churchill; Secretary, J.J.L. Jones; Treasurer, A.M. Williams; Auditors, J. Tonken and W.S. Lyon. The past year was a very successful one notwithstanding the low price of butter. The patrons seem to be well satisfied and that speaks well for the managing officers. Their butter has certainly listed with the best, and so let the good work go on.

Heart Lake - The ice cutting gang have ceased operations, the big D.L.& W. ice house, as well as that of the creamery, being filled.

Ararat - There was a wreck out of the ordinary near Ararat Summit, on the D. & H. road, Thursday of last week that endangered the lives of all the crew. A long coal train had been stalled during the night. The two pusher engines ran out of water and backed down a few miles to refill the tanks. On the return trip the forward engineer must have miscalculated where he backed away from the train, for both engines ploughed into the caboose. The caboose and two cars were demolished. In the caboose were most of the crew, who had no intimation of danger. The caboose was almost turned over, the trainmen being thrown about and squeezed, but fortunately without painful injuries. How loss of life was averted remains a mystery.

Susquehanna - The watchman at the house of William Kishpaugh, who is ill with varioloid [smallpox], has been provided by the Borough Council with a booth. AND Mrs. Reasch, of this place, convicted at court of keeping a disorderly house, has been sentenced to 90 days imprisonment in the county jail.

Springville - The ladies' aid are planning to have a supper in the basement of the church on the evening of St. Valentine's day. One of the features of the evening will be the reproduction of the Tom Thumb wedding, received with such favor a year ago.

Dimock - A.S. Bailey took a sleigh load of neighbors to the home of W.A. Felter, where they enjoyed a very pleasant evening.

Forest City - Frank O'Peaka, a miner at Vandling, was instantly killed by a fall of rock in his chamber Tuesday. The funeral took place today, Father Tomsic officiating and was a very large one. St. Joseph's Society and the Workman's Sick and Death Benefit Society, of which he was a member, attended in a body. Deceased was born in Austria. He was 35 years of age and had been a resident of this vicinity for a long time. His wife and two children survive him.

Montrose - "Joshua Simpkins" the great New England comedy, will be the attraction at the Colonial Theatre, Feb. 7th. The company is said to be a good one, and carry their own band and orchestra and the band parades the principal streets at noon when some good music may be looked for. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents.

Hopbottom - Several in this place and vicinity are ill with grip. Rev. Pope is on the sick list--unable to preach last Sunday evening. Mrs. Almira Brown and daughter, Permelia, are on the sick list.

News Brief: The Carbondale branch of the W.C.T.U. has taken a stand against swearing among women, which it fears is getting to be an alarming habit among this sex. Such expressions as "Good Heavens" and "My Lord," are cited as evidences of thoughtlessness among women. The Bible is quoted to show these expressions are improper.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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