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February 03 1900/2000

Rush - The handsome new hotel in Rush, erected by County Commissioner Isaiah Haire, upon the site of the old Snyder House, is completed and will be opened to the public on Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22. The hotel is strictly up-to-date and is furnished throughout in first-class style.

Birchardville - Rev. Wm. Tilden visited his nephew H. L. Whitney, in Binghamton, on Thursday, making the trip by horse and carriage. The horse driven on that occasion has been owned by him [Rev. Tilden] a number of years and has been driven by him 60,000 miles by actual count kept by him [Rev. Tilden] since owning the horse.

Hallstead - An accident which came near being a fatal one occurred on the Susquehanna river on Saturday. William Barnes and his little daughter, Lena, were skating on the river, the two being a short distance apart. Lena had the misfortune to strike an air hole before she was aware of it and with a piercing cry she sank into the icy water, her father turning just in time to see her go out of sight under the ice. The current quickly carried the girl down the stream, while the frantic father could but stand upon the ice above and watch his apparently drowning child. L. E. Tiffany, one of the skating party, hurried to a point below, broke a large hole through the ice and when the body of the now unconscious child reached the opening, Mr. Tiffany reached in and grasped her and brought her to the surface. The girl's face was black from strangulation, but she was alive and in a short time she was restored to consciousness and in a few hours was fully recovered. AND - A store-keeper says the Hallstead girls chewed 15,000 packages of gum last year.

Lawsville - It is quite a rare sight to see the stage and creamery teams come down Mill street and go over Cemetery street to get to the Forks. This is caused by the ice being in the road and filling it full from the Chaffee farm to the Postoffice. AND - The Lawsville Debating Club and the Lawsville Brass Band went to Hallstead Tues. evening, Jan. 30, to take part in the debate between the two debating clubs on "Agriculture vs. Manufacture." Points stood 10 to 9 in favor of Hallstead who had the agriculture side. The boys returned home declaring the Hallstead people knew how to entertain.

East Lenox - Sheriff Maxey levied on the personal property of J. L. Carr. This is the outcome of Mr. Carr's refusing to honor his note given in payment for a horse, because the horse, he states, was misrepresented to him.

Lake View - W. V. Gelatt has purchased an ice route at Susquehanna and has rented the farm of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Cobb, at Lake View.

Harford - A long-distance telephone now connects Harford and Kingsley. Quite an improvement on the other one.

Fairdale - Two of our young men have had the Wild West fever for some time and after securing blankets, guns, revolvers and scalping knives, with provisions for an overland trip to the "Rockies," we find them located in a wood lot about two miles south of Fairdale. Several visiting parties have called on the boys and report them well and happy. Rabbit, partridge, quail, potatoes, apple sauce and other delicacies are found on their table at meal time.

Susquehanna - The businessmen of Susquehanna will hold their first annual banquet at the Starrucca House, Feb. 21.

Little Meadows - By igniting a match and a part of it flying and striking a curtain, a fire was started at the residence of Mrs. S. S. Beebe early Thursday morning which nearly resulted in the loss of her house and the contents. Fortunately, aid was near by and after hard work the flames were soon under control. During the excitement a lamp that was burning on a stand was knocked off and broken, spilling the oil on [the] fire already started. The woodwork on the side of the house was burned, the bed and bedding destroyed, and some dresses and other articles were burned. The loss was fully covered by insurance through the agency of E. B. Beardslee. It was extremely fortunate for Mrs. Beebe that help was near, as she was living alone and somewhat feeble in health. She was, however, burned considerably in her effort to subdue the fire.

New Milford - A barn on the farm of C. M. Shelp was, with the contents, destroyed by fire Sunday morning. How the fire originated is a mystery but is supposed to be the work of tramps, as there was no one living on the place.

Auburn Centre - Raymond West, of Retta, gave a party to his friends on a recent evening. The young people attending from this place were - Will Stevens, Angie Stevens, Arthur Harrison, Cyrus Tyler, Maggie Shannon, Mary Shannon, Alpha Howard, Essie Harrison, Pearl Gardner, Harry Bertholf and Harry Stevens.

Brooklyn - F. T. Austin expects to move his family to New Milford about March 1st, where he will continue his business as store keeper. The people will regret to lose the family.

Montrose - On Sunday eve next, Feb. 11, Rev. Benedict, at the Methodist church, will preach a special sermon and conduct a special memorial service appropriate to Lincoln's birthday by request of Capt. Beardsley Camp, No. 168, Sons of Veterans. The Camp and Four Brothers Post, G.A.R. will attend in a body. All members and veterans and veterans' sons are requested to meet at the Methodist church transcept at 6:45 sharp. The general public is cordially invited.

News Briefs - A fad for ladies - The newest thing in ladies calling cards is the Engravers Roman Type, of which we have added a full series and can make the most correct thing for you in a few hours' notice. They are only a fad, but every woman wants them. They are cheap too.

The ground hog could have had no difficulty in seeing his shadow on Friday last, provided he looked, and we have resigned ourselves to six weeks more of winter.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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