Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 01 1907/2007
Montrose - One of the worst fires which has visited Montrose in over a decade occurred last evening. As a result the buildings occupied by Billings & Co., furniture dealers; L. B. Hollister, pool and billiard parlors; W. L. Carey's grocery store; J. C. Harrington's feed store; Geo. H. Lyon's binders and the offices of Attorneys M. S. Allen and Selden Munger, are a mass of charred ruins, while the loss is estimated at close to $25,000, with a total $13,000 [insurance]. All the buildings which were burned were wooden structures, located on the east side of Public avenue, just above the First National Bank building, and consequently in the very heart of the business section of the town. Had it not been for the fact that the bank building was a brick structure, there is no question but what the entire east side of the avenue would have been burned, as a stiff east wind was blowing. (Uncle Avery Frink, who built the bank building, said it was fire proof.) The T. J. Davies' building on the upper side was also in imminent danger and had the building gone it would undoubtedly have also swept away the Tarbell house [County Seat Hotel] and the Searle building, occupied by McCollum & Smith, the Montrose library [old library site] and the law offices of J. S. Courtright and Searle McCollum.
Brooklyn - The subject of Rev. Drury's sermon at the Universalist church next Sunday morning will be "Eve and the Apple" or "Is the consciousness of sin a benefit to the race."
Springville - Last Friday morning the house of M. L. Scott was discovered to be on fire, and when help arrived the house and contents were beyond help and nothing was taken out but a chair and washer. The sad part, however, was the burning of the 10-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Scott, which was in bed when the alarm was given. Mr. Scott was at his barn when the fire was discovered, and although he made heroic efforts to save the child, the fire burned so rapidly that it was not done. Some of the family were turned out in their night clothes, a brother, Eugene Scott, who was sick being one of the number. As it has left the whole family without shelter or clothing they are being cared for the present by kind neighbors, and about $400 has been raised with which to help the family in their distress. There was no insurance.
Clifford - A goodly number of the Methodist congregation and their friends, took it into their heads to have a frolic. They laid some plans and Friday night called on B. F. Bennett while he was taking his evening chat at one of the stores. After all had assembled Mr. B. was sent for. The lights were turned low to allay any suspicions which might have been lurking around his hat. B. F. came stamping in when all at once the lights were turned on full head and then was revealed a house full of people. As soon as he could get his tongue from the roof of his mouth, he said, well--ask Frank what he said. At the proper time dainty and abundant refreshments were served to which all did justice. Before leaving, Ella M. Stuart presented, in behalf of the friends assembled, a splendid silk umbrella. The presentation speech was apt and well received by all.
Susquehanna - Sunday morning fire was discovered in the old telegraph office of the Erie company, but of late has been used by the carpenters for their tools and the plumbing department of the Delaware division had their shop there. The fire department responded promptly and fine work was done to save the adjoining buildings, the thermometer registered below zero and work was difficult. Several of the firemen were injured, but not seriously. The loss is $10,000, which is covered by insurance.
Ararat - "Aunt" Susan Baldwin died last Tuesday at the advanced age of 95 years. The funeral was held at the M.E. church, of which she had been a life long member, having united at the age of 9 years. AND C. G. Mumford is making extensive preparations for improving the "first run" in the coming sugar season. He has a large evaporator, new pails, and is having a convenient building erected with all the conveniences of improved sugar making; also syrup. Mr. M. is a scientific farmer and believes in doing things on a correct plan; so we shall look for an invitation to sample the "first run."
Forest City - The "Hand of Man" company [shows called off in Susquehanna and Hallstead] seems to be an enterprise similar to the show Ed Main organized a few years ago, and which lasted only a few days. It was organized at Forest City under the management of C. C. Manzer, of that place, and started on the road Jan. 18. They were billed for Olyphant, Wednesday night; Montrose, Thursday; Hallstead, Friday; and Susquehanna on Saturday, but did not meet with the best of fortune during their first week. At Olyphant, for some reason, the play was not put on and the company, missing connections, failed to get to Montrose until nearly nine o'clock on the day they were billed to appear. At Hallstead the show went to pieces.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - If this fine sleighing continues for a month or two there will be less old bachelors on the hill, if I don't miss my guess.
Uniondale - A unique conveyance passed through town Saturday morning. A Russian, living on the side of Moosic mountain, had a yoke of oxen hitched to a short sled on which was fastened a sap kettle and a couple of bags of grain, on which he sat comfortable riding, while a miss, 12 or 14 years of age, was leading the oxen with a rope hitched to their horns, in the fast falling snow, which was then above her shoe tops.
Brookdale - Mrs. Harriet Allen celebrated her 87th birthday, Jan 24. It proved a happy birthday, [even] if it was zero weather.
St. Joseph - Joseph O'Connell, engineer of the Good Shepherd Laundry, also his sister, Miss Loretta, of the Scranton Private Training School, are visiting their parents here.
Hop Bottom - Funeral services of Martin, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Beeman, age 14, were held from their home Friday, Rev. Pope officiating. Six of his schoolmates were bearers: John Palmer, Roy Case, Claude Ellsworth, Lee Bertholf, Emmet Wood, Charles Kellum. Interment in Brooklyn Cemetery.
Crystal Lake - Samuel Dixon, health commissioner of Pennsylvania, was here Monday looking after the sanitary condition of the watershed. It is no wonder the people of the towns and cities down the valley would have an epidemic of typhoid fever and other contagious diseases. The city people will come here in the summer and go in bathing and pollute the pure waters of the lake. The lake and streams are little less than drains or sewerage for horsestables, hog pens, slaughter houses, cesspools, etc. Great water supply this is.
Compiled By: Betty Smith