Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 30 1921/2021
Jackson – Daniel D. Duren, Civil War veteran, died at his home, Dec. 22, 1921. He was a member of Co. F, 141st Regiment, with the army of the Potomac. Wounded, he was forced to return to his home, re-enlisting again in 1864. Daniel was the son of Milo and Phoebe Marks Duren, one of 13 children. He grew up on his father’s farm and was educated in the township schools. After the war ended he purchased a home and learned the carpenter’s trade and wagon making, which he followed the remainder of his life. From time to time he added new machinery and improvements until his shop became one of the finest in the county. A blue print was sent to a mechanic’s magazine, who replied that his shop was the most up-to-date of any the editor was familiar with. A foster son, before taking the Duren name, was Harry A. Doty. Harry learned the business under his father and faithfully looked after him in his old age. Daniel united with the Jackson Baptist Church, was sexton, and among his duties was to ring the toll bell at the time of the death of any citizen in the township. (Striking the bell as many times as the citizen was years old, a practice which many years ago was discontinued.) Mr. Duren was a good citizen, an honest business man, a good neighbor, and a loyal friend. He was kind, sincere, charitable and never failed to help a friend in distress.
South Montrose – The South Montrose Manufacturing Company is a thriving business. Originally, it was a planning mill, and dealing in lumber, under the management of A. S. Allen. Later it took up the manufacture of trunk slats as a side line, but was so successful that this line became its main production, bringing in lumber in many car load lots and shipping out almost unbelievable thousands of slats to trunk manufacturers in various parts of the country. Worden Allen becoming the managing director, looking after much of the buying and selling and the management of the plant. After the war there was a falling off in demand for slats and Mr. Allen’s inventive genius came into play with the demand for wooden coat hangers. In the manufacture of these there was a lot of waste in the small bits cut off the ends of lumber. Mr. Allen studied the problem and began making them into small, common mouse traps, which became a profitable line with the company.
Susquehanna – William [Wilhelm] Schmidt the well-known baker, father of Charles Schmidt, died Nov. 28, 1921 in Kissimmee, Florida, at age 87. He was the pioneer baker in this section, operating a bakery at Lanesboro and supplying the entire community with baked goods for thirty-five years. Mr. Schmidt served in the Union army as a soldier and made an enviable record. He was one of the original members of the Tremain Post, G. A. R., of Lanesboro. [Several items from Mr. Schmidt’s bakery, including a commercial egg and butter mixer, were donated to our Historical Society, in 1959, by Clair and Grace Payne, of Susquehanna.] ALSO Bishop Hoban will appoint a priest to succeed the late Very Reverend Father Broderick during the coming week. It is understood that the Rev. Andrew J. Brennan, D. D., Chancellor of the Diocese of Scranton, one of the most learned and brilliant churchmen in the diocese, will succeed Father Broderick.
Forest Lake – J. M. Birdsall fell through the trap door in the barn to the floor below, nearly breaking his leg and shaking him up pretty badly, so he is confined to the house for some time.
Alford – Glenn Richardson made a pretty fine Christmas present to his children by purchasing for them the handsome Shetland pony, “Barry,” raised by E. T. Corfield, of Montrose. The pony has been a premium winner at the County Fair when exhibited and is registered in the American Shetland Pony Club.
Montrose – “The Evergreens” the popular O’Neil boarding house on South Main Street, is having improvements made upon it, including a large porch. ALSO Don’t fail to buy a ticket for the D. A. R. movie benefit for the Near East fund. The picture is the “Last of the Mohicans,” and there will be special music by McCollum’s orchestra.
Great Bend – The N. H. Parke Leather Co. received three carloads of hides and one carload of oil, which means steady work for the employees of this company for some time to come.
Dimock – The Baptist church was crowded last Friday evening when an excellent Christmas program was given by the Sunday school and school children. There were nearly three hundred people in attendance to witness the Miracle Play.
Brooklyn – School closed Friday noon for the holiday vacation. All the children went to Bertholf’s store at three o’clock to see Santa Claus and he did not disappoint them. Each child received a box of candy and popcorn.
Hop Bottom – While Dec. 17th is remembered the country over as the birthday of the poet, Whittier, only a few friends knew that on Saturday, Dec. 17th, Mrs. D. C. Bares celebrated her 81st birthday anniversary—a woman whose long life, no less beautiful than the poet’s, has been given to years of service in many a community as the wife of the late Rev. D. C. Barnes.
Harford – The community Christmas tree was a pronounced success. Numerous bulky packages were laid at the foot of the tree. Almost $100 was given in the collection. The boxes were to be left open for additional gifts and will be forwarded to the Near East in the early part of the year. The pageants were wonderfully realistic. Instrumental and vocal music rendered Christmas airs. The invocation was made by the pastor of the Methodist church, Rev. Austin L. Prynn. Prof. Samson operated the spot light. Lew Wilmarth was stage electrician. An address was made by Rev. Fred C. Bulgin. The extremely bad weather made it difficult for some to attend.
Compiled By: Betty Smith