Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 30 1910/2010
Forest City - Earle W. McHenry is here from Peeksville Military academy, Peeksville [Peekskill] NY, spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McHenry. The young man is an athlete, captain of the football team, as well as a commissioned officer in the school military organization. We judge, from his size, that he would be a tough proposition to tackle on the gridiron.
Clifford - Mrs. Hannah E. Day, one of Clifford Townships oldest residents, died on Saturday, of asthma, aged 81 years, 11 months. Deceased was a widow. She came of old New England stock. Interment was made at Herrick Center.
Hop Bottom - Fred Brown received the $100 prize offered by the D. L. & W. for the best-kept section.
Susquehanna - Stanley Birdsall, who recently purchased the ice business of Mr. Stack, of Susquehanna, went to the pond Thursday to harvest ice when the ice broke and let the team, which weighs over 2,600 pounds, into the water, which was 16 ft. deep at this place. After hard work the harness was cut off and with the assistance of several men, ropes and horses, the outfit was rescued. The horses were cut badly and had to be sewed up, but Mr. Birdsall thinks they will come out all right. ALSO The Star theatre, on Main street, formerly conducted by George J. Taylor, of Elmira, has been purchased by Leo Benson and Joseph Dolan. Both of the new proprietors are well known here, Mr. Dolan being the proprietor of the Main street restaurant, and Mr. Benson has been electrician at Hogan Opera house for some time.
Northern Susquehanna County - Thirty-three inches of snow have fallen in the northern part of the county since the first of November and sleighing has been fairly good most of the time.
Montrose - The Montrose High school basket ball team is composed of the following: center, Guy Peck; right forward, Arthur Ralston; left forward, James Stroud; right guard, Paul Sprout; left guard, Horace Birchard; manager, George Horton, Jr. This team defeated the Baracon Class team, of the Baptist Sunday School, Christmas afternoon, by a score of 13 to 12. The high school team is endeavoring to schedule two games a week for the season, and it is hoped that the patronage of these games will be liberal. ALSO Ice on Lake Mont Rose is being cut for storing, which is about 14 inches thick and of fine quality. The filling of ice houses at the lake has not yet been started.
Glenwood - The entertainment "In Santa Claus Land," held at the chapel Xmas Eve, was well attended. The characters were: The Mother, Jeanette Conrad; Cook, Marion Conrad; Mother Goose, Lucille Wilson; Santa Claus, Walter Conrad; Santa Claus' Wife, Julia Medlar; Santa Claus' baby, Geo. Conrad; Brownies, Five Boys; Fairies, Five Girls. Recitations and songs were also rendered.
East Rush - Friends of Frank Underhill presented him with a beautiful invalid wheel chair on Christmas.
Brooklyn - Justice Ely married a couple a few days ago, it is said, free of charge, it being his first attempt. The clergy are up arms, not so much that our esteemed justice should marry couples, but that he cut the rate.
Little Meadows - Early Wednesday morning, several people were startled by the ringing of the M. E. church bell. The barn belonging to the house occupied by Mrs. Bump had caught fire and soon burned to the ground. C. M. Garfield owned the barn and the loss is covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is about as mysterious as was that of J. M. Russell's barn, which burned last spring for, to Mr. Garfield's knowledge, no one had entered the barn for several days.
Harford - Miss Maud Robbins, Superintendent of Dr. Burns' hospital, has returned to Scranton after spending Christmas with her parents here.
Birchardville - The whereabouts of Mrs. Rose Maynard is a mystery. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard went to Binghamton, Tuesday, with two loads of apples. They spent the night in the city and Wednesday morning she left the boarding house saying she would be back soon. Not returning late Wednesday, a search was started by the husband and police, but she has not been found. She is described as short, slender, with brown eyes and brown hair. She is 30 years old and of German parentage. She has a scar on the palm of her left hand, and has three stiff fingers on the same hand. She wore a black skirt and light colored waist.
Bridgewater Twp. - Joseph R Beebe, one of Bridgewater's best known farmers, received notice this week that he had been appointed to clerkship in the office of Secretary of Internal Affairs Henry Houck, at Harrisburg. Mr. Beebe will move his family to Harrisburg.
Dimock - George B. Felker and son, of Montrose, caught 45 pickerel through the ice at Cope's pond, Wednesday, and it wasn't much of a day for pickerel either.
Rushboro - Mrs. Rugg, an aged lady who lives at the poor asylum, fell and broke one of her ribs recently.
Uniondale - Mrs. Burns Lyon, a prominent young woman here, died suddenly at about 3 o'clock Tuesday morning from Bright's disease. Mrs. Lyon had spent Christmas with her parents in Hallstead and returned home Monday evening, was stricken, and died a few hours later. She was a bright young lady of 30 years and for 13 years was a teacher in the county schools. Before her marriage her name was Miss Jennie Watson, of Hallstead. A husband alone survives.
News Brief - The phrase "dead as a doornail" originated in this way. In early days, when door-knockers were common, the plate upon which the knocker struck was sometimes called a nail. In the course of years it was struck so often that all life was supposed to be knocked out of it; therefore when it became necessary to refer to anything hopelessly lifeless it was merely an emphatic expression to say that it was "as dead as a doornail." ALSO Some people never repeat bad stories about their neighbors. They just start them and let 'em go.
Compiled By: Betty Smith