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December 30 1899/1999

Brookdale - Thursday, Dec. 28th, there was a bee at J. A. Wilber's and a dance in the evening. AND - Charles Wandall is home on account of his hand, which he had shot through the middle.

Montrose - E. D. Bronson, our new photographer, has arrived in town with his family and taken up his residence in the F. H. Cooley house on South Cherry street. Mr. Bronson comes to Montrose bearing the best of recommendations both as to personal character and worth and as to ability as an artist. He succeeds E. A. Main, in the studio over H. P. Read's store and we bespeak for him a liberal share of public patronage. AND - The death of Mrs. Ann Lyons, one of our most highly esteemed and life-long residents, occurred Dec. 28, after a long illness. She was a daughter of General D. D. Warner. Several years before the Civil war she was married to Jerome Lyons, who with his three brothers entered the war, but he died late from the effects of wounds received in battle. He led the movement and was the architect who drew the plans for the soldiers' monument which adorns the public square here.

Susquehanna - Sylvester L. French, one of Susquehanna's most respected residents, who has for years been foreman of the Erie carpenter shop, died suddenly of heart failure, at his home on W. Main Street, on Monday morning. He is survived by the widow and a son, Adelbert P. French, the druggist. He was a veteran of the late [Civil] war. Interment was in the North Jackson cemetery. Canawacta Lodge No. 360, attended in a body.

Little Meadows - Bert L. Williams and Miss Lydia Bundle were married at the bride's home, near Owego, last week.

New Milford - On Saturday last, Mrs. Mariah Rosencrants, who lived on the old Montrose road, just outside the limits of New Milford borough, was sitting before a coal fire in her home when the gas blew out and the flames ignited her clothing. She was alone in the house at the time, her son William, with whom she lived, being away from home. In her terror and agony Mrs. Rosencrants rushed frantically to the porch, crying for help. A young man and woman, who were just then driving by, saw the woman's pitiful plight and hastened to her assistance; they succeeded in extinguishing the cruel flames which enveloped her, tenderly conveyed her to her bed and Dr. D. C. Ainey was summoned. The doctor found her terribly burned and did all that medical skill could to alleviate her sufferings, but death came to her relief Sunday. The funeral was attended on Monday, Rev. Charles Smith, of the M.E. church, officiating. The deceased was an aged and respected resident, who had lived in New Milford township upwards of 30 years. She is survived by three children, Mrs. A. C. Merriman, Mrs. Sarah Lowe, and William Rosencrants, all of New Milford.

Brooklyn - On Saturday evening, Dec. 30th, a reception was given to Mr. and Mrs. D. U. Bedell, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Miller. Over 50 guests were present. About 10 o'clock ice cream and cake was served. All report a very pleasant time and congratulations were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bedell.

Uniondale - H. H. Finn will erect a planing mill and establish a lumber yard in Forest City.

Choconut - James Burke, from Bolder, Colorado, is visiting friends at his old home in Choconut. It is 25 years since he first went west and has been home but once since, about 8 years ago.

Lynn - It is said that Otis Whipple, the man who stabbed Dil Koons, near Lynn, as soon as it was found that night that Koons was badly hurt, ran to his home two or three miles. Being so uneasy over the matter and wishing to know Koons' condition he soon hurried back and, finding that Koons was dead, once more rushed back to his home where officer Harding, of Tunkhannock, found him.

Hallstead - William J. Pike, who some time since sustained a stroke of paralysis, has so far recovered as to be able to resume his duties as private secretary to Congressman Galusha A. Grow, in Washington.

Clifford - The Crystal Lake House, at Crystal Lake, was burned Monday. It was a large well-known house, and an old landmark, but had been removed into a summer hotel and had many guests summers. It was owned by S. Whitmore, of Jermyn. The loss is said to be $15,000--probably pretty high.

Forest City - The silk mill is a certainty, as the town clerk, John McDonald, was notified that Alfred J. Harvey, of Scranton, had rented the C. W. Lott house, that his furniture was shipped and the the mill would be in operation in a few weeks. The school, poor boards and the councils will exempt the mill from taxes for 15 years.

Dimock - The Post Office will soon be moved to the vacant store of O. W. Chase, with Miss Woodhouse as Post mistress.

Jackson - A. F. Yale and Elmer Brown returned from a month's sojourn in Wayne county with a fine string of fox and mink trophies secured by their skill as hunters.

Ainey - It was the pleasure of your correspondent to attend Christmas service exercises at Strickland Hill. The presents were numerous and a few were quite costly. The attendance was good and program well-rendered. The surprise of the evening was the entrance of Santa, with a large bag of peanuts for the little (and some big) folks. It will be long remembered as a most pleasant time by all.

Shew and Eagan - In reply to many inquiries by readers of the Republican we wish to say that the execution of Shew and Eagan on Tuesday next, will not be public but will be conducted privately within the yard of the county jail. No one can gain admittance and witness the execution except those who secure passes from Sheriff Maxey; these are issued in the name of the person and are not transferable.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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