Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 3 1891/1991
Jackson - George Pickering, Gibson, says 60 years ago snow fell in November and did not melt until spring. We remember Mrs. David Lamb said at one time snow fell in October and remained on the ground until spring.
Harford - Our worthy Justice united in the bonds of matrimony last Tuesday, Mr. Nelson Wagner and Miss Lula Titus. Twas the Squire's first experience.
Great Bend - Dr. A.F. Merrill has located at Hallstead and will promptly respond to all calls in the line of his profession.
Lawsville - Allow me to make a correction in the last Stanfordville items. Mrs. Warner paid $237 1/2 for the land, instead of $327, as stated.
Lenox - There is in this town nowadays lots of gossip, politics and law; and there has been about forty of our townsmen attending court during the whole first week of the term, and we understand that the cost amounted to about $400. The suit is the result of a political fight among the Republicans, there being two factions. One of the Republicans not voting as one of the factions wanted him to vote; he was arrested for perjury and illegal voting.
Friendsville - A man was arrested at Friendsville last week, for stealing a horse and buggy from Merrick's livery, Owego. A man must be a fool to steal a horse when they are as cheap as at present
News Briefs - Be a little careful farmers, how you feed apples to your cows, as there is danger attending such things; and we have chronicled two this season. Death being caused by choking with an apple. Mr. George Chamberlain, Highlands, lost one last week, caused by eating frozen apples. AND The following is the latest from the champion liar of the country: "A farmer raised one thousand bushels of pop corn and stored it in his barn. The barn caught on fire, and the corn began to pop and filled a ten-acre field. An old mare in a neighboring pasture who had defective eyesight, saw the corn, thought it was snow, and froze to death. AND The Scientific American gives currency to the statement that onions are a sovereign remedy for diphtheria. They are to be placed raw in a bandage and beaten into a pulp, the cloth containing onions, juice and all, being then bound about the throat and well up over the ears. Renewals should be made as often as the mass becomes dry. In the cases noticed the result was almost magical, deadly pain yielding in a short time to sleep and comfort.
Compiled By: Betty Smith