Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 29 1916/2016
Birchardville – George Dayton, of this place, won second prize in the dairy butter contest conducted by State College, recently. Of the 6 prizes offered, Susquehanna county buttermakers captured three—two prizes in the creamery class and one in the dairy.
Little Meadows – Mrs. Edward B. Beardslee, aged 80 years, died at her home here, Tuesday, after a long illness. She is survived by her husband, one son, Esmond Beardslee, of Montgomery, NY, one daughter, Miss Verna Beardslee, of Little Meadows, and one sister, Mrs. Margaret Vail, of Montrose.
Montrose – At the C-Nic Friday afternoon and evening, Charles Richman, in Booth Tarkington’s comedy, “The Man from Home.” New Year’s matinee, and evening, Mary Pickford in “Mistress Nell.” This is Mary in a role of days of the “Merry Monarchs” of England, Charles 11. See Charlie Chaplin at the C-Nic Saturday afternoon and evening. Admission 5 and 10 cents. ALSO The merchants report an extraordinarily large holiday trade—several the best in their history. The disagreeable storm of Friday brought business nearly to a standstill, but Saturday was a perfect day, and the sleighing was excellent, bringing a record-breaking crowd into town. John J. Ryan proprietor of the Globe Hardware store, said he never before saw so many horses on Public Avenue at one time.
Jackson – At the Law steam mill, upon the Henderson farm at North Jackson, nearly 100,000 feet of fine hemlock and hard wood lumber has been cut out to date.
Auburn Center – M. J. Dean had a barn blown down by the high wind on Friday.
Clifford – The officers for the ensuing year of Clifford Grange will be installed nest Tuesday evening by the Master of the Welsh Hill Grange, John W. Davis. Refreshments will be served and the Welsh Hill Grange is expected to be in attendance. ALSO The Baptist and Methodist churches celebrated Christmas with appropriate exercises. The former, in Finn’s Hall, Saturday evening, with music, recitations, etc., by the little folks and with three fine tableaux representing the Shepherds, the birth of Christ and the visit of the wise men.
Susquehanna – It is reported that the Erie Railway has ordered 10 Pacific-type locomotives from the American Locomotive Co. These big iron horses will have 25x25 inch cylinders, 69-inch driving wheels and will weigh, when in working order, a total of 287,000 pounds. They will be equipped with super heaters.
Scranton – Scranton has been designated by the general board of the navy as one of the 40 cities which would be free from attacks in the event of a hostile fleet moving on the United States. As a result of the announcement, Scranton will be considered as a suitable place for the establishment of the $11,000,000 armor plant to be constructed by the government.
Auburn Twp. – Evidently there are dogs abroad in the land that should be rigidly confined or, better still, shot and buried under some tree or vine that would make the most of the “remains.” Several flocks of sheep in this vicinity have recently been raided and a considerable amount of damage done. W. A. McAvoy, John Adams and A. L. Burke have lost several sheep each by their attacks.
Hop Bottom - The Boy Scout movement has revived in Foster and the boys of the town are apparently very much interested in the work.
Brooklyn - The chicken pie dinner to be held by the young men of the Methodist church will be held in the church parlors instead of the hall, as announced last week. Ways will be provided for all who wish to be conveyed to the church.
North Harford – The Christmas exercises passed off usually well. “Old Santa” was present, and amused the children with his “cute ways.” ALSO In South Harford, we are very sorry to say, we hear no more wild cats to sing us to sleep in the twilight.
Kingsley – Chesley & Deuel, the Montrose barbers, will have a barber here, Thursday nights and Fridays, until further notice.
Rushboro – V. F. Dean recently bagged four foxes—two reds and two grays in one day. Skins and bounty will net him around $28.
Uniondale – Grace and Lloyd Wademan, students at Wyoming Seminary, are spending the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wademan. Lester Todd, who is also attending Wyoming Seminary, is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Todd.
New Milford – A Farmers’ Institute will be held in the New Milford Opera house on Saturday, January 6, 1917. Questions relating to soil building and cultivation, the dairy cow and other lines of animal breeding, fruit growing, market gardening and the poultry industry, will be discussed. There will be three sessions and at the evening session, at 7:30 p.m., home sanitation, domestic science, farm and country life and advancement of the rural schools will be topics discussed. These institutes are held under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture.
News Brief: Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Astor, of New York city, had over 1,000 well-filled baskets that were distributed among the poor families on Christmas Day. The baskets were accompanied by card greetings.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, December 24 & 31, 1816.
*Ebenezer Park & Sarah Cook, Administrators of Colwell Cook, deceased vs. Ozem Cook, in the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County. The subscribers will attend at the house of Samuel Fessenden in the township of Bridgewater on Friday the 27th of Dec., inst. at 11 o’clock A.M. at which time and place there will be sold at vendue one bed, one iron shovel and a number of other articles. J. W. Raynsford. Stephen Wilson, Trustees.
*Fresh Winter Goods. The subscriber, at his store, in Montrose, has just received from New York, and is now selling, a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery & Iron & Steel, very cheap for Cash or Country Produce. N. RAYNOR. N. B. He will sell RUM by the barrel, if requested.
*NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. The subscribers have commenced business at their New Store on the Public Avenue, a few rods from the Courthouse in the village of Montrose. They have just received from New York and are now selling a general and well-chosen assortment. They have also received a fresh supply of Goods suitable for the season—Also RUM AND BRANDY of the first quality. CASH paid for GRAIN. SAYRE AND MULFORD.
*HERRICK & FORDHAM have received a fresh supply of Winter goods, from New York—among other things, Black, Blue, Snuff-colored and Gray Superfine BROADCLOTHS—Kerseymeres, Vestings, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, silk and cotton—Red, Blue & White Flannels, (very cheap,) Bombazetts of different colors, Cotton & Worsted Hose, Cotton shirting of various kinds, Muslins of different kinds, Shawls, Umbrellas & c. St. Croix & New England RUM by the barrel or smaller quantity. Brandy, Wine Tobacco, Snuff, Tea, Coffee, Raisins, Pepper, Ginger Cinnamon, Spice, & c., etc.
Compiled By: Betty Smith