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December 29 1893/1993

Montrose - Early on Christmas morning we were awakened from sound slumber by strains of music, so sweet, so clear, that to our newly aroused senses, they seemed almost heavenly; and it did not take a great stretch of imagination to conceive that the angels were again singing as of yore, for the words that came distinctly to our ears were "Wonderful, Wonderful, Savior." But a peep out of the window showed us a party of young girls singing Christmas carols for the pleasure of their friends. We congratulate these young ladies on the successful manner in which their songs were rendered and hope we may have the pleasure of hearing them again. We could not help but compare this party, with their beautiful songs of praise, with the Halloween parties bent only on mischief; and we find from conversation with others mat we were not the only ones who thus made such comparison. The citizens who were thus entertained by these maidens undoubtedly feel like extending to them a vote of thanks.

Hallstead - Mr. Douglass, of Hallstead, invited many friends to spend Christmas with him at his cheerful home, and made preparations for a most bountiful dinner for them. He intended to have a roasted pig; hence on Saturday the pig was killed and nicely dressed. It weighed 38 pounds. It was left under the shed back of his store. After dark upon going to take care of it for the night, behold the pig was not there—some one had stolen it. Mr. Douglas thinks he knows who took it. This broke up the arrangement for dinner so far as the pig was concerned.

Lynn - George Wight has built a large new barn this season, with stabling in the basement, which is so arranged that his cattle are fastened in stanchions on one side and the horse stables on the south side with an alley in front which is used as a feeding room and a place to store wagons and sleighs, making it one of the handiest and best barns in Lynn. Also, Mr. Wight has a well in his barn with a chain pump attached, so that he can water his stock indoors on stormy days.

Alford - Oiney H. Very, of Alford, who is over 90 years old, had his pension papers executed the other day. This is his first installment, being for back pay since Sept. 1892. The old gentleman is happy over this Christmas gift from Uncle Sam.

Rush - Amos Bunnell, of Rush, this county, celebrated his ninetieth birthday on the 11th instant. A correspondent says Mr. Bunnell is in good health and quite vigorous, having husked over one hundred bushels of corn, dug 25 bushels of potatoes, and does the chores of the family. He frequently walks to Forest Lake to see his old neighbors, near whom he resided for 15 years. His life with that exception has nearly all been spent in Rush. He remembers when Montrose had but one store. He also helped to break ground for the first bank in Montrose. During his life of nearly a century have been produced the greatest achievements of science—achievements which make the 19th century the greatest of them all. And Susquehanna County, which produces many of the ablest business and professional men in this great country of ours, is the grandest and best of all.

Susquehanna – J.J. Manning, of South Gibson, was in town Monday. He is making his headquarters at Susquehanna for a few days, looking after the business affairs of his brother, Richard, who "went and got married" recently, and with his bride has been spending a week in New York City.

Springville - In spite of the mud the Methodist church was filled last Monday evening with a crowd of pleasant faces. The exercises consisted of recitations, solos, good singing by the choir, and an address by Rev. J.H. Weston. The trees, which were three in number, were filled with beautiful presents. Many presents being too heavy for the tree were placed on tables. F.W. Lott, R.A. Taylor and S.O. Culver each received a chair. Lott, from his wife; Taylor, from the church in recognition of service; and Culver from the Sunday School, and he takes this opportunity to thank his many friends for the beautiful gift, and to assure them that the same is appreciated. After the services were over, it began raining, so that those who had any distance to go were water soaked upon their arrival home. And here we will say that the Junior League Tree, which stood in front of the others, was the handsomest one of the three.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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