Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
December 28 1911/2011
Forest Lake - Charles Boyd, who was so terribly burned in the fire at the home of H. B. Stone, last week, was taken to the Sayre Hospital on Christmas day. He will recover, but will probably lose his left hand. Charles is an orphan and is a bright, intelligent and courteous chap, and has the sympathy of all the people in the neighborhood. He was conscious throughout the awful ordeal and was very patient as well as thoughtful. His age is about eighteen years.
Dimock - Ray Jones has bought the feed and wagon shop of Lee Estus and will take possession in April. ALSO When you want a good book or paper to read, go to the Dimock Free Library, of Isa Mills, near the resident of W. L. Stilwell.
Montrose - James M. Sprout died at his home in Catasauqua, Pa., Dec. 23, 1911, aged 68. He was born in Montrose and was a brother of our townsman, Louis H. Sprout. The deceased studied medicine at Ann Arbor and practiced at one time with Dr. Halsey, but at the breaking out of the Civil War, enlisted in Co. B, 28th Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia. After his discharge he became a businessman, in which he was successful. He is survived by a wife and two sons.
Clarks Summit/Hallstead - Though it lacks official approval there is a belief in Lackawanna railroad circles that the board of directors will, with the new year, give serious consideration to building the cut-off from Clark’s Summit to Hallstead. Plans outlined call for the elimination of curvatures and grades, shortening of the road three miles. The whole, it is estimated, will cost approximately $14,000,000. What will be the biggest concrete bridge in the world is embodied in the plans. It will be near Nicholson, and will span two mountains across a valley. The Nicholson tunnel will be eliminated.
Brooklyn - Christmas tree entertainments were held in all three of the churches on Saturday evening, and in consequence many little folks were made happy. ALSO Ami Ely recently celebrated his 87th birthday. Mr. Ely has spent his entire life in Brooklyn and in his younger days was one of the staunch Democrats, and now with his mind active and mental faculty unimpaired, he is stronger in the faith. Mr. Ely enjoys the fruits of a well spent life, surrounded with his sons and grandchildren.
South Montrose - Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Titman are planning to move to South Montrose and will occupy John Struppler’s new house. Mr. Titman intends building a store on the Harper lot, near M. L. Lake’s residence, and will handle a complete line of general merchandise and also operate the Lehigh Valley coal business in that place.
Springville - Brown and Fassett have just completed modern coal pockets and will give this branch of their business special attention. These pockets are steel lined and with the latest screens, for delivering clean coal. This improvement will permit Brown & Fassett to give both better service and product with considerable saving in the way of handling.
East Ararat - J. W. Silver and son Leo are tearing down the factory of the Jefferson Chemical Company
Hallstead - The men who became dissatisfied about the change in foreman at the Herbeck-Demer’s Co. and quit work have started a factory in the Reckhow building and will manufacture cut glass ware.
Elk Lake - A party of six Scranton young ladies arrived in Montrose, Wednesday, en route to Elk Lake, where they have been spending a few days in the club house. The young women, with the exuberance of youth, thought it a fine stunt to pedestrianize from Montrose to the lake, a distance of six miles, evidently believing our muddy country roads as good as the Electric City’s pavements (owing to the absence of Trinidad asphalt). To date there are no reports of a “relief party” having been sent out. Three of the young ladies are daughters of Atty. C. S. Woodruff, formerly of Montrose.
Hopbottom - Christmas was rather an unpleasant day. Mud is plenty and it looks very much like an open winter.
Harford - Remember the concert to be given on Tuesday evening in the Methodist church by the colored jubilee singer, Prof. F. A. Morris. He is a singer, entertainer, humorist and orator. He sings the songs that were sung by the slaves.
Susquehanna - M. B. Belcher, one of Susquehanna’s most successful business men, dropped dead Sunday night. Funeral was held Tuesday afternoon with burial in Evergreen cemetery. ALSO J. Hoffman has resigned as roundhouse foreman to accept a position with the B. & O.
Fairdale - Wednesday at noon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Smith, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss May Bell, to Paul H. Kiefer, of Jessup, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Cole, of Rush. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell. Miss Helen Alger played Lohengrin’s wedding march. The bride wore a gown of dark blue and carried white carnations. After the ceremony a bountiful dinner was served to about 35 guests.
Forest City - There was a slight fall of “the beautiful,” Sunday night, just enough to give a Christmas coating. It is gone, and we are again knee deep in mud.
News Brief - A new type of station construction has been adopted by the Lehigh Valley Railroad. The Company has built a number of passenger stations entirely of terra cotta, to make them absolutely safe from fire. The terra cotta is not visible in the completed structure. It is in the form of hollow bricks, which are covered by plaster inside the building and stucco on the outside. The fireproof qualities of the material are established by severe tests. As additional advantages, due to the fact that the dead air space made the blocks non conductors of heat, is that the stations are warmer in winter and cooler in summer than if they were of wood or bricks.
Compiled By: Betty Smith