Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 27 1918/2018
With “Our Boys in the Field:” Mrs. Margaret Welden, of Montrose, received word that her son, Francis Welden, a member of Co. A, 103d Engineers, of the 28th Division, was praised for the bravery shown by his company. According to Capt. Edward Hill, of Scranton, commander of Co. A, the company built bridges, roads and paths through the valleys and in the mountains, fought with the infantry, worked with the artillery and fought alongside the tank battalions. Nothing frightened them. One of their greatest feats was their success in building eighteen bridges over the Vesle River while under heavy fire; Lieut. Edward Little contacted his mother, the first she had heard from him since the signing of the armistice. He had been in the fighting in the Argonne Forest sector during the last days of warfare; Walter Thorne, of Ararat, received a message that his nephew, Willis Thorne, was severely wounded in France; Louis Skubic, of Forest City, sent a letter to his brother, Frank, stating that “it is a long time since I heard from [brother] Charles.” Charles died in France in September, but Louis is evidently unaware of his death; John Fernan, of New Milford, has been decorated for bravery and good work done at the front; Walter Miller, son of Attorney and Mrs. J. D. Miller, of Thompson, returned home last Sunday, having been honorably discharged from the Air Service of the United States Army; A memorial service for Pvt. James Kane, son of Michael Kane of Franklin Twp, who was killed in military service in France, was conducted at St. Mary’s Church in Montrose. James was killed instantly by an exploding shell, which came through the top of the building in which he had been sleeping. He was buried in a temporary burying ground on a ridge, about a half mile west of the little French village of Commesance, by the Chaplain of the Regiment.
Forest Lake – Word was received that Capt. M. S. Towne died at his home in Unionville, Missouri, Dec. 10th, aged 89 years, 2 months and 28 days. Myron Towne was born at Forest Lake in 1829, the son of John S. and Rachel Warner Towne. In 1875 he came to Unionville, becoming proprietor of the Empire House and took a prominent part in the development of Putnam county and the building of the city, becoming mayor in 1881. Mr. Towne enlisted in Co. H, 143rd Pennsylvania, in the famous Bucktail Brigade in 1862 and carried a musket in all the important battles from Antietam to the siege of Petersburg. He was engaged at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania and Cold Harbor. In 1864 he was transferred to the 45th U. S. Colored Troops, being placed in command of a company with the rank of first lieutenant and later promoted to captain. He was in command of the first division wagon train to be parked on the historic field of Appomattox. The train consisted of army wagons laden with picks and shovels for entrenching purposes should Lee’s army turn at bay and fight. He was the only man of his original company to be present at the surrender of Lee to Grant. Myron remained in the army until 1866 when he was discharged and came home.
Oakland – Oakland lost two of her long-time residents last week in the deaths of Mrs. Minnie Sperl and Theodore Bergstrom.
Susquehanna – George Oakley, an employee of the Erie Railroad, died in the hospital here on Dec. 18, as a result of being overcome by smoke. Fire was discovered in the engineers’ oil and tool rooms of the old Erie roundhouse. The flames spread rapidly owing to the inflammable nature of the material stored there. When employees entered the storerooms, after the fire, they discovered Oakley on the floor in an unconscious condition. When the blaze started he returned for his coat and was overcome by the smoke. He was rushed to the hospital on the Erie Hose auto truck and died in about one hour. He is survived by his wife and a son, Fred, of Pittsburgh.
Montrose – At a meeting of those interested in temperance, held in the library, it was decided not to circulate any remonstrances against the Montrose hotels, owing to the existing conditions in regard to the manufacture and sale of intoxicants.
Brooklyn – Let us hope the “flu” has flown, and gone for good. Come to church. The Universalist church will open for services next Sunday. We will have a varied program, with as much Christmas in it as we can get. Come one and all and let us be glad together at this holy Christmas festival.
Springville – The annual gentlemen’s supper will be held in the M. E. church parlors on New Year’s eve, from 6 o’clock until all are served. Be sure and be present and enjoy the repast for which the gentlemen of the town are famous. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Miles Compton celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, Dec. 24th.
Uniondale – Mr. Webster, one of our businessmen and Miss Nettie Felter, of Herrick Center, were united in marriage on Thursday, Dec. 19, 1918. They will reside on Todd Avenue. ALSO James Lowery, of Bucknell University, and Anthony Planishek, of State College, are spending the Christmas vacation here. ALSO Evan Williams attended the funeral of his brother, George, at Greenfield, Tuesday. His death followed a stroke of paralysis. He was 74 years of age and a veteran of the Civil War. Burial at the Lee cemetery at Greenfield.
West Auburn – Henry Bolles, of Missouri, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bolles, of New Jersey, were here to attend the funeral of their father, George Bolles.
Forest City – Several from here attended the Good Roads meeting and were greatly pleased at the determination of all present to seek better roads between the two largest business points in the county—Forest City and Susquehanna. We think if the powers that be would take an auto ride between the two boroughs they might be induced to grant the request of the people along the line.
Elk Lake – W. H. Tanner is running his mill day and night. He is obliged to take up the large dam in order to get the willow roots out, which are stopping the flow of water to the mill.
Thompson – The coal famine, which had every appearance of becoming a serious affair, was averted, when a car of coal was left at the coal pockets and the promise of more to come.
Silver Lake – Larry McCabe visited the Democrat’s office and while we are always glad to see “Larry,” he is especially welcome on gloomy days, when a large, genial soul is needed to turn the proverbial dark cloud inside out to reveal the silver lining. If we were to receive the terrible sentence to publish a county newspaper for one hundred more years, our one wish would be to be surrounded with those having his cheerful outlook on life.
News Briefs: American airmen in France brought down 854 German planes and 82 balloons, against American loss of 271 planes and 45 balloons. ALSO Germany has returned to Belgium $91,000,000 of gold taken early in the war.
The Montrose Gazette’s edition for December 26, 1818, is missing from our newspaper collection.
Compiled By: Betty Smith