Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
December 27 1897/1997
Brackney - Will Lealy, a successful telegraph operator, has secured a position in Scranton. Better run a line to Brackney, Will. AND Eddie Cahill contemplates going to the Klondike in the spring. AND A big time in Brackney New Years eve.
Brooklyn - There is an old barn in Brooklyn in which Bishops Asbury and McKendee preached in the year of 1814. Only five of those who heard these famous men of Methodism preach are still living. Rev. VanWoert has had the barn photographed. He intends selling these photographs throughout the Wyoming conference and the money he raises in this way he will give to the missionary cause. Any one desiring a copy of the barn can obtain it by writing to Rev. G.F. VanWoert, Brooklyn, Pa.
Gibson - George Hurlburt, with his partners, Almon Stockbine and Alvin Sweet, is adding to his saw mill, a feed grinding arrangement. AND Alvin Sweet has his new feed mill running. He gets his power from Hurlburt and Stockbine's steam mill. We think he will do well for he is an honest and obliging man.
Birchardville - Miss Frankie Howell is confined to the house with the fashionable disease, the measles. AND Report of the Birchard-ville School, month ending, Dec. 13th. Perfect attendance: Floyd Ball, Eddie Birchard, Harvey Birchard, Frank Robinson, Charlie Strange, Mabel Powers, Walter Jagger and Mariam Jagger. Those reciving 100 per cent in spelling: Rilla Ball, Hattie Jagger, Mariam Jagger, Harvey Birchard and Walter Jagger.
Uniondale - Mr. and Mrs. Mapes entertained several friends on Xmas, among whom was L.P. Norton, of (the) Montrose Democrat. L.P. is still alive at this writing; some of those at (the) table bid him good-bye with tears, but he said it was not his fault as he loved a good meal and meant to do full justice to it.
Rush - One of G.W. Devine's barns was burned on Friday night. Five hundred bushel of oats and 100 bushel of other grain were consumed. The fire was caused by an overturned lantern. Loss $1000, insurance $500.
Montrose - A child was born in Bethlehem, Pa., on Christmas morning, coming as a gift from Heaven to its happy parents, Mr. Joseph D. Weldon and wife (nee Margaret Smith). Its grandmother, Mrs. Ed Smith, of this place, left on Monday to visit Mrs. Weldon and the little one.
Susquehanna - In Hogan Opera House on Saturday evening, "Reddy" Connolly, of Carbondale, will spar 15 rounds with Jim Hartley, of Susquehanna, before the Pastime Athletic Club. AND It is rumored that the Borough authorities will close the woodyard on account of the expense of conducting it. Tramps will be set to work cracking stones for the streets. AND There is excellent skating hereabouts and hundreds of young people daily enjoy it.
St. Josephs - On Wednesday evening, Dec. 29th, the Misses O'Rielly and Messrs John and Joe Quinn and Miss Eliza Quinn, entertained at the respective homesteads, the following persons: Miss M. McDonald of Susquehanna; Miss Winters of Binghamton; and Julia A Coyle, Katherine and Anna O'Neill, Julia Calby, E. Bessie Coyle, Mary Hand, Mame and Joey O'Neill, Messrs. George Mack, Joe Meehan, John and James O'Neill and M. Smith, who drove out from Montrose about 7 o'clock. During the evening duets were rendered by Miss O'Rielly and Miss McDonald, and instrumental solos were given by Miss Coyle, organist of the Catholic Church in Montrose, and others. Joe Quinn favored the company with two especially rich and comic solos. The pedro tables were well filled all the evening. Suffice it is to say that the bountiful suppers provided for the visitors were partaken of with the greatest relish and the manner of serving was fault-less. The company, on departing for their homes, carried with them the highest conception of the generous hospitality of their St. Joseph friends.
New Milford - The Dramatic Society will present "The Deacon" in Harford, Jan. 7th.
Oakland - After peddling milk in Susquehanna and Oakland 40 years, Charles Beebe has discontinued the business. Charley always lived near the river, but he never scooped any of it into his cans.
Great Bend - The Christmas exercises at the M.E. Church were very entertaining. The auditorium was tastefully decorated with evergreens; the children performed their parts in a commendable way; the choir sang to the delight of all; many received valuable presents and each member of the Sunday School received a sack of candy and an orange.
Compiled By: Betty Smith