Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 27 1895/1995
Susquehanna - And merry Christmas has come and gone once more. Wonder where we'll all be one hundred years hence? AND The Susquehanna Electric Light Company is preparing to build a dam across the river above the site of its new plant on the Oakland side. AND It appears that a "woman corn doctor" who was in Susquehanna last week, was a man. It is said that several ladies in town, who were treated by the "doctor" are keeping up quite a thinking.
Forest City- The Forest City Car Manufacturing Company will soon be in shape to commence operations. Mine cars will be manufactured and placed on the market as soon as possible. The machinery and fixtures are in position and in the course of a few days will be put in motion.
Silver Lake - All living about the lake were busy during the past week filling their ice houses. The ice is only six inches thick, but clear and pure as a crystal. It is said that the ice cut in December is of much better quality than when cut later.
Forest Lake Centre - The M.E. church was crowded Christmas Eve. The tree was loaded with beautiful presents and everything passed off pleasantly. The Aid Society presented the Sunday school with a very nice book case and presented the church with a very nice table. There were recitations by the little ones and Scripture reading and remarks by L.T. Birchard and Asa Warner.
Harford - Christmas exercises Cong. Church, were very enjoyable. A fire place of brick, stockings on the nails, with Santa Claus descending the chimney, were new features. Leon Tingley personated the patron saint. Afterwards the chimney was taken down and the bricks distributed. They were full of candy. Committee deserve much for the labor, and hours spent in preparation.
Herrick Centre - Mrs. Alice Clark, who is at Susquehanna learning the dressmaking trade, is home to spend Christmas.
South Gibson - Surely South Gibson is in the "boom" with four stores, two grist mills, a furniture store, two blacksmith shops, wagon shop and shingle mill, two millinery stores and dressmaking shops, barber and shoe shop, all in active operation. Several new houses are being built, and all we need now to complete the boom is a railroad.
Heart Lake -Sherman Griffing and DeWitt Brown, of Heart Lake, killed over ninety pheasants in their hunting recreation during five weeks. In two days they shot fifteen pheasants and eighteen rabbits.
Brooklyn - There was a little excitement in this place, caused by two boys at school being missing, (Johnny Knapp and Summer Deans). It caused Mrs. Deans much trouble, but her boy came home the next morning, and said that Knapp had gone on.
Montrose - A new style of roof has been put on the Harrington mill felt, with a coating of gravel and cement rolled together by a new process. Mess. Harrington have the agency. AND An unusual distinction was recently accorded a former Montrose lady. Mr. & Mrs. W. Woodin, former residents of Montrose, are spending the winter in Beruit, Syria. They were recent visitors to Constantinople, and were presented to the Sultan, an honor conferred on but one other American woman, Mrs. Potter Palmer, of Chicago. Mrs. Woodin was formerly Miss Anna Jessup, daughter of Hon. W. H. Jessup.
Little Meadows - The Holiday vacation brings back to us our own people who have been away attending the different schools and colleges, and we notice in our midst the following who have just returned viz. Calvin Barton from Cornell University, Waller Barton, Cazenovia, NY, S.E. Beardslee, Colgate University, Verna J. Beardslee, School of Music, Utica, NY, Anna Humphry, Mansfield Normal School, Etta Palmer, Lula Palmer, Mertie Moe and Ray Noteware, Owego Free Academy, and possibly some others, either student or visitor.
Compiled By: Betty Smith