Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 26 1919/2019
Susquehanna – Daniel Smith, of Lanesboro, a switchman in the Susquehanna Railroad yards, was instantly killed by passenger train No. 5, Dec. 20, 1919. He had been in the switchmen’s shanty getting warm and upon leaving to resume his work, stepped in front of No. 5 which was speeding toward Susquehanna, running a few minutes behind schedule. The accident occurred in front of the coal pockets which extend along East Main street. Fellow switchmen found the lifeless body of Smith about ten minutes after he had left the shanty. Daniel was a native of Honesdale. He was a member of the National Guard, and was one of the sentinels on the railroad bridges at Lanesboro. He went overseas with the American troops, served his country and upon his return married Marie Taylor, of Lanesboro, who had been his inspiration during the dark days of the world war.
Alford – Several people were at the County Seat in efforts to prevent the closing of the public schools at Alford, a preliminary injunction having been served on the school directors of Brooklyn Twp. Alford citizens are unanimous in their protest against closing the school, which has been in continuous operation for 60 years, serving pupils from Brooklyn, Harford, and New Milford townships. It is further contended that with Alford now a factory town, expanding as an industrial center, that it would be disastrous, as well as unjust, to close her public schools at this time. The matter will be argued before Judge Smith on December 26th.
New Milford – The State Highway Dept. has announced that a state road will be constructed the coming summer from New Milford to New York state line at Great Bend, a distance of about six miles. It will connect the Lackawanna trail with the improved roads of New York state. ALSO Operations have been resumed on the Lackawanna trail, testing for rock. A force of men are working at the Summit bridge.
Lenox – We met Philander Bell recently. He is 83 years old and he and his wife have lived together over 60 years. He told us that his father, Elisha Bell, taught a school in the barn on the John Marcy farm, 90 years ago. Philander is one of the five children born in a small, log house on the old Bell farm in Lenox township. His mother spun and wove the wool and flax for their clothing. Those were the good old days, because we don’t remember the bad ones.
Tunkhannock – Barbers have announced that with the advent of the New Year haircuts will be 40 cents and shaves 20 cents.
Montrose – Miss Amelia Pickett, of Painesdale, Mich., is spending her vacation at the home of Hon. And Mrs. H. A. Denney. Miss Pickett was formerly the Montrose librarian and is being welcomed in her home town by many friends. ALSO The Wilkes-Barre Willys Light Co. advertises for a representative for the county in today’s Republican. The secretary-treasurer of the company, Geo. E. Shepherd, and the general manager and vice-president, Harley C. Wheaton, are both known to Susquehanna county people as most reputable and progressive electricians and businessmen and will find that their statements and propositions as represented. The growth of electric lighting and power on the farms is sure to be steady, and the proposition offered should strongly appeal to some capable party.
Glenwood – The Sons of Veterans of Freeman P. Whitney’s Camp, at South Gibson, will hold their annual bean bake at their hall, New Year’s eve. A cordial invitation extended to all.
Harford – We all extend our heartfelt sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adams in the loss of their little daughter, who died Friday night, after an illness of 36 hours. Her age was one year and she was a bright, winsome little child, and will be missed by everyone. Funeral at their home in Kingsley this afternoon (Monday) and interment in Peck cemetery, at South Harford.
Uniondale – Boys are warned not to continue their work in wrecking the shanty on the O.&W. at Stillwater. There will be something doing if the mischief makers do not cease. ALSO The Suffrage club is to be entertained at the home of Mrs. Letson Rounds on Friday evening, and all members are expected to answer the roll call. The program committee plans a surprise. ALSO A former census enumerator told of an experience he had while taking the census. He called at a certain home and informed a young lady who appeared at the door that he was the census enumerator and was at their service. To his surprise the young lady went and informed her aunt that the undertaker had come. Unknown to the enumerator a death had taken place in the home, and naturally enough the mistake could be overlooked.
Transue, Auburn Twp. – Our rural carrier, Samuel Harrison, bought a turkey of Mr. Marbaker one day last week. He tied its legs together, put it in a bran sack and placed it in the back of his wagon. When he got home the turkey was not there. The next day Samuel could not get any trace of the missing turkey, but the turkey tumbled out in the hometown of Laceyville, near Clair Whipple’s residence, when its legs were untied and it was out of the bran sack so it could look around a little. It soon found its way to Samuel’s residence, after a sojourn of a couple of days.
Dundaff – The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Halford was held from the family home, Dec. 7, 1919. Services were in charge of Rev. C. A. Graves, pastor of the Baptist church, and burial was made in the family plot in the Dundaff cemetery. The deceased was the widow of the late Frederick Halford, who died while in the United States army during the Civil War. Mrs. Halford was born in New York state, 84 years ago, but had resided in Dundaff during the greater part of her life. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Hallock Warren, and one son, Frank Halford, of Dundaff.
Thompson – Lost, between the town hall and “Ready-Pay” Store, a brown serge dress and a crocheted yoke. Finder please leave at the “Ready-Pay” store. ALSO James Burns (coal dealer) has just received three more car loads of coal and assures us that we can be supplied; quite comforting when the Mercury stands 22 below zero; but we whose income remains the same, while prices are still soaring, many have to freeze just the same.
Franklin Twp. – Albert Lowe had a narrow escape from death on Tuesday morning. He was preparing to butcher a bull, which was being led to the building where the animal was to be killed, at the end of a chain, a hook being also attached at the free end. The bull suddenly bolted and the hook snapped around and caught in the chain, imprisoning Mr. Lowe’s wrist. The animal started on a run and Mr. Lowe was thrown to the ground and dragged about a hundred feet, when the bull turned to gore him. But for the prompt assistance of another man, who drove the animal off, he would have doubtless been killed. Dr. Preston was called and found he had a fractured shoulder and was badly bruised and cut about the body.
Forest City – Chief of Police Fred Wolfort says that children, in coasting on the hills of the borough, take great chances, especially when crossing Main street. He gives warning that if this practice is continued arrests will be made of all parties found coasting across Main street. ALSO Rt. Rev. M. J. Hoban, bishop of the diocese of Scranton, ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood, five young men, one from Forest City, Joseph J. Mileskay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mileskay.
Marriage Licenses: Robert Brock Susquehanna and Mary E. Sumner, New Milford; Stanley M. Williams, and E. Ruth Miller, both of Hop Bottom; Chas M. Seamon, Lanesboro and Mary Cahill, Susquehanna; Howard W. Warner and Belva Barnes, both of Gibson; Henry A. Hawley, Forest Lake and Iva M. Moon, Montrose.
Compiled By: Betty Smith