Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 25 1908/2008
Rush - Lewis Rose, claiming to be a horse buyer with his home in Scranton, was arrested by Troopers Moore and Smith, of the state constabulatory, at Rush Saturday night, charged by Fremont Roberts of this place with the larceny of an overcoat. Rose had been boarding for a short time in the Roberts' boarding house and departed surreptitiously with the son of the house's overcoat. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Rose and the troopers located their man in bed and found the overcoat in his possession. They brought him back to Montrose in their sleigh, arriving here, after losing their way in the unfamiliar country, at about midnight. Justice VanScoten, on Monday morning, sentenced him to jail for 30 days after Rise defaulted in the payment of the fine of $10 and costs.
Montrose - The excellent sleighing of the past few days has certainly been enjoyed by many of our young people, but we think, surpassing all other individual incidents, was the delightful experience of two of our most esteemed young ladies who "took a sleigh ride" on Tuesday afternoon. Starting from the Court House at about 3 o'clock, possessing every confidence in their own ability to successfully manipulate the Gas Tank, Carbulator, Steering Geer and Yank Horn, of Commissioners' Clerk Foster's little white automobile "Flora," they proceeded out Grow Avenue in a most lady-like and uneventful manner, when suddenly upon reaching the railroad crossing, contrary to all reasonable expectations or good calculations, and much to the disgust of "Flora" and consternation of the young ladies they encountered the afternoon train. Eye witnesses declare that the rapidity and dignity displayed by Miss Nellie in "getting out" would be worthy of emulation by any successful lightening change artist, while Miss Lottie,, still remaining confident, bravely grasped the Steering Gear and "hung on" while Flora in her usual characteristic manner gyrated, contorted and ran (regardless of the fact that one of the young ladies was "out" a mile from home, and the snow one foot deep), to a point on Lake Avenue where the rescue occurred. The hero of the rescue being no less or other personage than our esteemed townsman, Mr. P. J. Radeker, who in his usual gallant way, reassembled the entire party and started them on their homeward way, none the worse for their experience.
Elk Lake - Mrs. Dennison Thomas died at the home of her son-in-law, Rodney Kent, Dec. 17, in her 95th year. The funeral was held on Saturday at the house, the Rev. Mr. Shaw officiating. Interment at the Springville cemetery.
Susquehanna - The Susquehanna Metal Manufacturing Company's plant is working full time and has enough orders on hand to keep it going for some time to come at the same full pressure. Last week it received two heavy orders, one from the United Indurated Fibre Co., of Lockport, N.Y., for 1,500,000 pail ears, with promise of more to follow, and another from the American Railway Co., of the Street Car Trust, for 25,000 trolley wheels. It will require about 50 tons of steel to fill these orders. Only about thirty men are at present employed in the new plant, but when their building on the Oakland side is completed, it is expected that fully 150 men will be employed constantly.
Uniondale - Chapman Leek, who left Uniondale three years ago to seek his fortune in the West, and located in Idaho, has forged ahead sufficiently to become a candidate for the Legislature at the last election. His popularity was shown by the fact that he lacked but sixteen votes of being elected. For so short a time that is goin' some.
Brooklyn - J. J. Austin is pressing hay for Wade H. Barnes. Mr. Barnes, who graduated from State College after taking a four years' course and began farming about four years ago, has had the misfortune to have his fine herd of cows condemned. Some that cost him fancy prices in New York State have had to be killed and the loss to Mr. Barnes will be nearly $2000. He has decided to quit the dairy and go into the insurance business.
West Auburn - The saw and grist mill belonging to A. F. Possinger, at Keeney's Pond, was consumed by fire last Sunday evening, also a quantity of feed. They saved about a ton of feed and a cider mill that was near by. There was no insurance, we are informed.
Hopbottom - The weather conditions have changed wonderfully. Here we are with a fine run of sleighing, with wells and springs dry, and what's more, we have had no equinoctial storm as usual. The predictions of weather prophets are not reliable any more. Farmers were out with harrows to break the crust for the benefit of the traveling public.
Flowery Valley, Franklin Twp. - Leap Year is nearly ended. You girls had better get a hustle on you.
Brackney - Some of the young ladies of Brackney are enjoying sleighrides in new cutters while the sleighing is good.
West Bridgewater - Moses Mott, who fell down stairs Wednesday morning and was hurt quite badly, has been unconscious ever since and is not expected to live. He has driven the Friendsville stage two or three summers. He is living at Mrs. Sarah Lindsey's, three miles from Montrose. He is attended by Dr. Decker. His brother died in Rush a few months ago. He has a sister, married, living in Jackson, but we do not know her name.
Thompson - Lura Pickering, from the conservatory of music, Ithaca, Wallace Latham from Syracuse University, John Gillett from Bucknell University, and Bruce B. Williams from Wyoming Seminary, are enjoying their Christmas vacation with their parents.
Harford - The gristmill of T. M. Maynard, burned to the ground, Feb. 15. Many men would have been stunned at $5000 and more going up in smoke, but he has utilized his water power in producing lumber, built a feed store, and is ready to serve his old customers as in days gone by. Grinding will be resumed in the spring. The old mill property was built by Freeman Peck in the 1840's.
Forest City - The Citizens band, an organization that came into existence quite a number of years ago but which later ceased to exist as a body, was reorganized last fall, the membership including the players of the older band who are yet residents of the town, with the addition of other others, who have come here since. The band now has a membership of 23 and is keeping diligently at work. The town band is an institution of considerable importance in most American communities and is always worthy of encouragement and support.
Compiled By: Betty Smith