Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 25 1903/2003
The Night Before Christmas--1903 Version: T'was the night before Christmas In each little house The Children were waiting, As still as a mouse, To hear the puff, puff, And the pish, chug and squeal Of good old St. Nicholas' Automobile!
Springville - Some hauling is going on lively from some of the quarries just now. Lott Bros.' especially, doing a land-office business. AND The milk station ice pond was cut over last week and the product stored. AND H. B. Lathrop received a nice Portland cutter [sleigh] as a Christmas present from his wife.
Franklin Forks - The election of officers of G.A.R. resulted as follows -- G. P. Stockholm, commander; J. W. Palmer, senior vice; Israel Monroe, junior vice; A. E. Stockholm, chaplain; Simeon Stilwell, officer of the day; J. Devine, guard; A. M. Snow, quartermaster.
New Milford - Hugh McDuffee, the old veteran who has been ill for several months, died last week at the residence of Mrs. R. B. Ainey, who was employed to care for him. The deceased has resided here for about 30 years, coming from Massachusetts when the present tannery was erected and became an employee of that institution, where he remained until within the past three years when illness compelled the abandonment of continuous hard labor. He served through the [Civil] war and had a creditable record. He leaves one daughter Ethel who resides here and one daughter in Massachusetts.
Fairdale - There are now living in this town two boys, neighbors, both direct descendants of the land of steady habits, both living in the home where they were born, neither have ever had any other residence--David Olmstead, born June 9, 1829 and Edgar Bolles, July 13, 1833. AND Henry Daly recently purchased the Montrose Steam Laundry.
Forest Lake - J. W. Hoag had a severe attack of nosebleed recently. AND Elder W. C. Tilden had the misfortune to lose his horse. His friends made him a Christmas present of another one.
Hallstead - Hallstead's opera house will be opened January 3, 1904, Hi Henry's minstrels being the attraction. Three new sets of scenery are being painted for use in the remodeled house. AND A boycott of the Lackawanna railroad by hotel men of Hallstead seems to be in existence at the present time, says the Binghamton Herald. Two hotelkeepers are known to have refused to accept goods sent over the Lackawanna railroad. The cause for this boycott is said to have originated in an order which is claimed was issued by the Lackawanna railroad forbidding its employees to frequent hotels. A couple of employees of the Lackawanna are said to have been discovered in a Hallstead hotel by an agent of the road and severely disciplined for it. Two hotel men have notified the liquor dealers and other merchants in Binghamton with whom they deal, that if their goods are sent by the Lackawanna, that they will not accept them.
Crystal Lake - Mrs. A. Russell, who resided near Crystal Lake, was forced by the burning of her home to walk nearly three miles barefooted, thinly clad and with her two children in her arms to the home of her nearest neighbor, Mrs. J. Hawke. The route she traversed was across fields, through deep snow drifts and, burdened with her children, she was completely exhausted and sank in a faint when safety was reached. The fire originated from an overheated stove, which had been allowed to burn fiercely owing to the bitter cold night, that of last Saturday, and when discovered it was beyond control. It was impossible to secure any suitable clothing for herself and children as they were aroused from their sleep and made their escape with difficulty, the children, however, being wrapped in her husband's overcoat and that of a neighbor, who endeavored to save some of the furniture, but with little success.
Richmondale, Lackawanna Co. - Because Mrs. John Dilleo lost her much prized diamond ring and suspected that a chicken had swallowed it, she proceeded to kill off the whole flock of chickens one day last week. She had chopped off the heads of twelve of the chickens and was about to execute the thirteenth when the flash of the valuable shiner caught her eye a few feet from her execution block. There was a gathering at the Dilleo home on Monday night and chicken was served in every style.
Montrose - The menu for the Christmas dinner at the Montrose House is printed below. The price per plate will be only 35 cents: Menu-Blue Points on Half Shell, Consomme with Tapioca, Lobster a la Newburg, Olives, Celery, Radishes, Green Onions, Prime Ribs Beef Au Jus, Roast Turkey, Giblet Sauce, Cranberries, Roast Pig, Mashed Potatoes, Apple Sauce, Fried Egg Plant, Asparagus Tips on Toast, Browned Sweet Potatoes, Creamed Turnips, Chicken Salad, Mince Pie, Plum Pudding, Orange Ice, Boston Cream Pie, Wine Sauce, Fruit Cake, Nuts, Raisins, Wafers, Cheese, Tea, Coffee, Chocolate.
Hopbottom - A dancing party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bailey, Monday evening.
Lenoxville - If you wish to see a good display of Christmas goods, call on our merchants, Stephens and Ross. AND Soap club No. 1 met with Mrs. Emma Hallstead, Dec. 19.
Forest City - Forest City never was a "prudish" town but there should be a limit. When there is a prize fight at the Opera house it matters not that most of the "sports" are from Carbondale, Jermyn and Archbald. The moral effect is felt only by the one town--our town. The curse for a lot of unseemly things has in the past years been attached to Forest City. Pretty soon somebody will arise and speak out in meeting. (Forest City News)
Brooklyn - Mrs. T. E. Penny, of the township, has a sauce plate bearing the date 1664.
Auburn - Mr. Hardic is now sawing logs, making shingles, planing and grinding, but not making butter. AND Our school, taught by Miss Lena Bushnell, is in a very prosperous condition. Miss Ethel Young took a vacation this week and did not teach.
News Briefs - Keuka College, Keuka Park, NY, finds among her best debaters Susquehanna County students. This year Carl Churchill, until recently of Springville, belongs to the College debating team and last year G. B. Hubbard, of Thompson, was on the team that won a good victory from Alfred University. Susquehanna county students have distinguished themselves in mathematics in that institution. Charles Moxley, of Hallstead, gives a gold medal in mathematics every year. Two years ago, Chas. Finn, of Montrose, won it and last year Churchill received first mention.
Compiled By: Betty Smith