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December 24 1915/2015

Elk Lake – Warren B. Lathrop, age about 75, a well-known and highly respect resident of this place, dropped dead on Wednesday afternoon. He was at work drawing a load of hay with a horse, when the animal fell down.  Calling a neighbor, Edward Logan and Mr. Lloyd and his son, they proceeded to extricate the animal from its difficulty. The animal was no sooner on its feet, when Mr. Lathrop, stepping to its head, fell over lifeless. It is probable that exertion and excitement overtaxed his heart. Mr. Lathrop was a veteran of the Civil War and a member of Auburn Post No. 3, G. A. R.  He was a man of fine personality and an ardent worker in the Grange. His wife, who is in feeble health, alone survives. As she is in frail mental condition as well, her case is particularly sad. They had reared four children by adoption, two of whom had died, and in her old age there seems no one to make a home for her.  The funeral will be held from the house and interment in the Brooklyn cemetery.

South Montrose – Percy Ballantine gives a big banquet tonight to all of his employees and their families at Louden Hill Farm. Chefs from Hotel Casey, Scranton, serve the supper. A city band will furnish music.

Harford – The Odd Fellows, having gas lights in their meeting room, have donated their 12 lamp chandelier to the High school. ALSO George Richardson surely earned his money last week, driving the school sleigh, but he was right on time, every day, although he had all kinds of weather to contend with.

Gelatt – There is in the neighborhood of 80 cans of milk and cream buried in the snowbanks between here and Orson. Sometimes it is worth a few cents on a hundred pounds of milk to have a market nearer home.

Middletown – Our neighbor, Randall Owen, is visiting with his family. Mr. Owen is attending the Toronto Veterinary College and is to graduate the coming year. ALSO We have first-class sleighing since the snowstorm. Some of our roads were badly drifted, but the supervisors have rushed the opening of all roads. Several of our young men have recently purchased new cutters. We are sure we will hear the merry sleighbells on our streets this winter.

Laurel Lake – The recent storm made the roads in this vicinity nearly impassable but that did not stop our mail, thanks to the efforts of carrier James O’Day.

Forest City – Forty-eight applications for liquor licenses have been made in this county, the smallest number in many years. There are two applications for new wholesale liquor licenses in this place. They are Louis Gardella and Joseph Buceneli, Jr. ALSO Tuesday, Brant McLaughlin delivered to his customers, ice taken from the pond in the morning.  It was a foot thick.

Alford – Marion Slocum, of Nicholson, will soon move into town, in the house he has lately purchased of J. M. Decker.  He has a permanent job here as towerman.

Springville – Word was received here at an early hour on Monday that Oliver Squires’ barn was on fire. The report proved true, and the building, with its contents, except the livestock, which was gotten out with great difficulty, was entirely consumed. The origin of the fire is reported to be from thawing out a gasoline engine used in cutting stalks. Mr. Squires is an elderly man and was confined to his bed at the time.

Montrose – Bethel Church, an old landmark on Chenango street, which served for many years as a place of worship for the colored people, has lost its “landmark” appearance and is being converted into a building to be used for other purposes. This old church at one time had a flourishing congregation, but death and change of residence made sad havoc and but one of two of its former members are now living in Montrose. ALSO Theda Bara, who featured in “A Fool There Was,” at the C-nic theater, was born on the Sahara desert. Her father was Guiseppe Bara, an Italian sculptor and her mother a French actress.

Auburn – E. C. Parker, of this place, is a grand nephew of the late John Deans, who was an early settler and Methodist preacher in this county, his farm being below South Montrose and near the site of the Louden Hill farms. Henry Deans, one of the two remaining sons of John Deans, is a valued employee at the famous Bowery Mission in New York city.

Hopbottom – Miss Lillian Rose has returned home from Bristol, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Flower.

South Ararat – Winter has surely come. The blizzard this week struck this place quite hard. The roads in some places are drifted full. The milk teams from there didn’t reach Orson until seven o’clock in the evening.  They stayed all night, returning the next day.

Hallstead – Sunday morning, fire whistles were blown when flames were discovered coming from the large ice house just across the river bridge, on the J. Fred Carl farm. When the fire was discovered it had gained too much headway to be extinguished and the entire building and contents, which consisted of saw dust, a large quantity of hay, wagons, and farming implements, were totally destroyed, cause unknown. ALSO The river is frozen over above the bridge and the ice is 5 or 6 inches thick.

Thompson – A special train arrived here on Friday last, from Mansfield Normal school, carrying students over the Erie railroad and connecting lines to their respective homes for the Christmas vacation. Six of the students were left here: Anna Harper, Jessie Wilmarth, Helen Clark, Nora Brown, Helen Weir and Ruth Stone.  The special continued to Carbondale over the branch line.

Glenwood – Santa Claus passed through this place last week enroute to Cameron’s Corners with a piano to help break the monotony for some little girl. Santa is a dear old fellow and looks upon a piano as being a necessity instead of a luxury.

Susquehanna – The store windows here are looking very pretty, all dressed in their holiday attire. ALSO Miss Lelia Reiley, who was the pianist at the Hogan Opera House, has relinquished her position.  She is succeeded by Ruth O’Connell.

Clifford – The snow storm last week made only 7 or 8 inches on the level, but the wind played pranks with it until many of the roads were impassable. Thursday night it commenced raining and kept it up until Saturday noon, when the wind shifted to northwest and commenced snowing again. The mails have been very irregular; the one from Carbondale making only part of its route for several days but managed to get through to Clifford by private parties. The east branch of Tunkhannock creek became clogged with ice on Saturday, but Supervisor W. J. Bennett, with helpers, cleared it after an arduous struggle. Sunday brought us beautiful sunshine and we are now promised some fair weather, but the roads are very rough.

Marriage Licenses: Fred Fritz, Summersville and Mary Davis, New Milford; Ernest W. Benjamin, Kingsley and Rena M. Galloway, Hallstead; Guy L. Harris and Zelpha J. Benedict, both of Susquehanna; Tracy I. Potter and Cora E. Starbird, both of Thompson; Charles E. Allen and Nina A. Burchell, both of Thompson; Aloysius G. Doherty and Genevieve M. Condon, both of Susquehanna; Fred Magee and Grace Warner, both of Fairdale; A. W. Chamberlain and Ida May Davison, both of South Montrose; John McCarthy, Jr., Hallstead and Alice Carver, Great Bend.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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